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Da da da da dah, BATMAN !

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Here's the new one which we'll see in both the upcoming Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice and the Suicide Squad, which will follow. It looks like they merged the Tumbler idea with the Batman and Burton Batmobile (which is my personal fav).


This thing may unfold like a Transformer, & have hidden weapons built in, the Wayne Foundation spends lotsa bucks to develop these vehicles.

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In all honesty, this is still one of my favorite Batmobiles B)1992-batmobile.jpg

Same here, Joe.

One problem I have with the recent Batmobiles, they are just too big. How does Batman drive through the narrow streets of Gotham with something like that? As much as I like the looks of some of what the films present, I'd kind of like to see a film where Batman drives a car that is small, fast and nimble. The Bat-Pod sort of fits that bill, but it doesn't really have a "Batman" kind of look to it.

I also don't get how Batman, who never uses guns, always drives vehicles that are festooned with high caliber weaponry?

The '66 Batmobile has some nice lines to it, but I just can't accept all of the bright colors stuck to it. I'd like to build the Polar Lights kit, but I'd have to do it dark, as befits the Dark Knight.

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