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Rough Moebius '54 Hudson bodies

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Anybody figure out the reason for the rough finish on the Moebius '54 Hudson bodies?The '52 and '53 kits weren't like this.Did their Chinese supplier forget to polish the mold?Something else? I wonder/hope if this issue will be corrected in a future run.

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Only the hobby "insiders" can see the highly polished finish it actually has. :lol: You can bet that whatever excuse is given, it will have the distinct odor of B.S. I hadn't heard the "so the paint will stick better" excuse. But, I have heard that it isn't an issue unless don't plan on painting it. :rolleyes: Maybe it comes pre textured for the weathering enthusiast?

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Here we go again. It is a non factor. Priming it covers it.

It's been covered in the other 54 Hudson thread and in EVERY Ford truck thread.

NO BS......body molds are not polished to the same degree as say a Revell snap kits mirror finish.

I have no investment or interest in Moebius.......this is just my experience.

Like ALL models I prep the body removing flash and gates, mold lines if any.

Spray it with Dupli-color #1699 sealer, allow to dry, wet sand and it's ready. Same work to prep as any Revell or AMT kit....maybe a bit less.

Lee has it right......not an issue for anyone that has BUILT a kit.

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If this graininess won't be a factor,fine.I've already started sanding my kit's body.I'm just wondering about why the change from the previously released Moebius Hudson and Chrysler kits.

Edited by ZTony8
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If this graininess won't be a factor,fine.I'm just wondering about why the change from the previously released Moebius Hudson and Chrysler kits.

Different tool maker it seems........parts layout is a little different too. FANTASTIC kits and subject matter that 15 years ago were unthinkable ......

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Much ado about nothing...unless one plans on NOT PAINTING the body. This is being ignored by all the apologists here who keep tripping over themselves to say how great the kit is. and rather missing the forest for the trees.


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Much ado about nothing...unless one plans on NOT PAINTING the body. This is being ignored by all the apologists here who keep tripping over themselves to say how great the kit is. and rather missing the forest for the trees.


How many of us here DO NOT PAINT GRAY BODIES??

After I paint my first issue of my AMT Avanti kit by dipping it in a can of enamel Dad had left open......Never not painted a model but for a 'ghost' contest build were you were not allowed to paint.

A $28 Hudson kit is not aimed at kids......no apology needed.....don't like it???? DON'T BUY IT!!!! Vote with your wallet.

I hear the new Revell snap Mustang is nice.

Agreed....much ado......

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I just heard about this "unusual" finish on the body from a fellow club member at the last club meeting. So I went on searching for what is being said about this online.

I am very amused by all the excuses. I have not not bought that kit yet but I will probably pass on it (and any other models with similar finish). Why?

I try to keep the paint layer as thin as possible. Whenever I can I skip the primer. I see way too many models out there where the polished out is so thick it actually hides some of the more subtle body curves!

Because of my painting technique I never have to (or want to) polish out the paint job. It is smooth and glossy enough to make me happy and results in many award-winning models.. I take it back, I had to polish out couple of body panels on few models but I never done a complete body polish.

My point is that with a textured surface of the plastic and very thin layer of paint the texture will most likely be visible under the paint. so much for my glossy paint jobs without polishing.

I also like to foil unpainted moldings on the body. Will the texture show through BMF? If yes then this is another point against this new textured body.

I had a good chuckle how we are spoiled by the highly polished snap-kits from Revell. Seriously?! I don't need highly polished surface, just the same surface seen on model kit bodies since the infancy of plastic model kits. All the model car kits produced in the past had a decent smooth bodies. Not mirror-like finish but still smooth enough for my painting technique to give good results. I hope that Moebius goes back to the "standard" type of body finish on their future models. All the other kit companies still produce bodies in polished molds. Tamiya, Fujimi, Hasegawa, Aoshima, Revell, Round 3, just to name a few.

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at one time, some wise scribe scribbled:

>Do you even have one?

No, I don't. thanks for asking. I don't generally build grandpa models of big ugly sleds.

>Do you even build models?

Ah the question of the week. Yes as a matter of fact I do build models. do you ever look at this site, perhaps the workbench or under glass section? Evidently you do not. Perhaps you should.

Do you even build models?

And in my opinion, Peteski has it completely right. There is nothing special about the smooth finish to other models, that's the standard. This is an unnecessary deviation from the standard caused by cost cutting I would guess. It causes problems for, as Peteski indicates, foiling bare areas not to mention making paint buildup necessary where it would probably not be otherwise. and I am guessing (because I admit the unpardonable sin of not going out and buying everything released just "to support" the makers) that other parts in the kit than the body have this same finish. Does that mean I need to prime and sand every piece of the kit? Muy no bueno.

I am constantly amused by the lengths some go to in their attempt to paint the world with a rosy brush while avoiding the real, obvious questions.



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