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Dang shame, it is a nice build and a few pinheads just can't keep their internet tough guy crud out of it.


That is great!
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Well here's my $0.02 before this gets locked too. Nice build of an iconic car. Certainly some are offended by what the stars & bars represents however individuals have the right to display it as they choose on their personal property. If it offends you, move on & don't try to silence others free speech. I will say the only flag that should fly over a govt. institution is the red white & blue period. As a little gear head I wasn't a fan of the Dukes only because being a new yorker I didn't relate to the theme of the show. Banning the stars & bars from personal use doesn't stop people from relating to it. Let's move on. Thanks for listening.

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Just a minor quibble. The Stars and Bars make up the design of the first national CSA flag, as shown in Haigwood's avatar. The battle flag is the Southern Cross, taken from the second CSA national flag, and the General Lee flag is the wider Navy Jack version. This has been discussed countless times here.

So there. And isn't it time for this subject to go to bed?

Edited by sjordan2
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It's disgusting and disheartening to see what passes for rational thought anymore. Somehow we've gotten to the point where, in the minds of some, a particular kit's decals either equate the manufacturer and/or the builder with advocacy for the policies of a certain government or represent an insurmountable burden of offense that can only be eradicated by a literary and pictorial "cleansing".

In the case of the DoH Charger, is anyone really convinced that MPC designed it to show solidarity with the antebellum South? Or that building King Tiger and T-34 tank kits indicates support for the Nazi German and Communist Russian regimes? If you still want to play the "offended" card, the USSR's Red Star might be considered the most "offensive" symbol ever, given the millions who were invaded and subjugated under it during the decades of the Cold War. Yet, to the best of my knowledge, no one's calling for it to be taken out of any kits

As regards the DoH Charger, it's interesting that variations of this flag flew over the entire slave-owning US for decades, implying at least tacit approval for slavery


while variants of this flag only flew over the "slave states" for roughly 4 years,


yet current "thinking" says the Confederate flag and its variants must be eradicated at all costs. I'm sure it won't be long before the cultural Marxists notice this and go after the Stars and Stripes too.

There's precedence for all this: does anyone else remember drag racing cars kits that eliminated beer or tobacco contingency decals? Or decals for WWII German planes etc that eliminated the swastika?

The point of models is to represent the 1:1 item as realistically as possible, including significant emblems, yet a world-wide epidemic of "hypersensitive butt-hurt" has subordinated rational thought to the PC "groupthink" that Orwell warned us about.

How 'bout this: Let the model companies make accurate kits, including relevant decals, and let the interested builders decide if they want to buy them or not.

James, that's an incredible build, and I'm sorry you can't just post something like that and have your fellow builders appreciate it for what it is.

LOVE this post Monty! Can we be friends? B)

James - your model build is incredible. Wish I could post my grats on the actual thread!

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Check the rear vertical stabilizer.

Those crosses on the wings and mid-fuselage are Balkenkreuz; "Beam Cross", which the Germany military still use (known as an "Iron Cross" now) . It is not a swastika. Swastikas can cause you issues if displayed in Germany; historical accuracy or not.

Military and aircraft modelers can be just as immature as many car modelers are being with this whole Dukes of Hazard thing now. Though I've yet to see anyone "threaten" legal action in millitary modelling (see the original, locked DoH thread).

Personally I'm tired of seeing all this DoH garbage, for or against the show, the General Lee, or other merchandise. I didn't grow up in the early and mid eighties so I'm not nostalgic but can see how others might be.

One thing I have noticed, that EVERONE seems to have failed to notice is that prior to June 17th there was little mention of the show, the Confederate battle flag or The General Lee (on this site or in scale modelling). But now that anything associated with it has become faux pas many are taking a high stance and trying to defend anything DoH in a way a parent would defend their child. Tooth and nail.

However, the truth seems to be that mom and dad are taken away a toy that you've LONG stopped playing with and now your having a fit.

EDIT: Something I had forgotten to write; we are talking about a defunct flag from a country that hasn't existed for one-hundred and fifty years, aren't we?

Edited by Relic_Models
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The real problem is you guys need to learn to stop feeding the trolls around here. They thrive on attention and creating trouble. You can't reason with them. The only way to get rid of trolls is ignore them. We have an ignore feature and I suggest using it. If you ignore them they will eventually get bored and go away.

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I don't give a damm if someone flies the stars and bars on their car, model or not. I think it shows a certain lack of sophistication but that's no reason to not do it, certainly not against the law in amerikaner land. no problem.



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One thing I have noticed, that EVERONE seems to have failed to notice is that prior to June 17th there was little mention of the show, the Confederate battle flag or The General Lee (on this site or in scale modelling). But now that anything associated with it has become faux pas many are taking a high stance and trying to defend anything DoH in a way a parent would defend their child. Tooth and nail.

However, the truth seems to be that mom and dad are taken away a toy that you've LONG stopped playing with and now your having a fit.

EDIT: Something I had forgotten to write; we are talking about a defunct flag from a country that hasn't existed for one-hundred and fifty years, aren't we?

What YOU seem to have missed is that this is a subject that has been simmering for over 150 years, and it didn't begin on June 17th. That was just a tipping point. We seem to have a number of uneducated members here who want to chime in on a subject about which they know nothing, and the carousel just keeps turning around and around.

There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Edited by sjordan2
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I have been silent on this matter. First and foremost, I am a Black Man, living in America, with relatives born and raised in South Carolina, they and I have seen more than our fair share of racism. I read topics on this board that relate to modeling, and I try to steer clear of the subject of race. Most of my modeling buddies are White, and I have a deep friendship with some of them.

Personally, I have no problem looking at a Model of the General Lee Charger, especially of a well built one like the subject of the thread in question. I watched the show on TV since it was first aired, and I enjoyed watching. I have several '69 Chargers in my collection (MPC and Revell), and at the time, the only way one could get a model of a '69 Charger was a Dukes of Hazard kit, I bought one, and built it as a regular '69 Charger. I bought a couple of the Monogram "Pro Modeler" Chargers,which had several those flags on the decal sheet. Was I offended? No. I could not have cared less, as I would not use them. Would I build one as the General Lee? No. I feel that all of this hoopla going on concerning the display of that certain flag had been simmering for several years, and came to a head after a particular gruesome current event.

The Confederacy is an important part of American history, and there is a proper place for its symbols. There are some who hold on to those symbols as the proud sign of their heritage, and that is perfectly fine. And there are some people who display them as a dig to people of different ethnicities, and you know who you are.

I have no problem with "Dukes" models displayed on the board, and I hope that the builders can still have the opportunity to display them.

When I see the flag here on the board, other than on a model, my blood boils. It brings back bad memories, and I could care less about "Political Correctness". There are those who display those symbols otherwise to let us know where they are coming from.

And that is my $.02.

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this is insane in my opinion, can you imagine if you are an airplane or military modeler? I used to build and still want to german aircraft and tanks but no one says anything about them with the swastikas on them and what not, its called being political correct which not getting political is killing this country its just insane.

Edited by Darren B
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One thing I have noticed, that EVERONE seems to have failed to notice is that prior to June 17th there was little mention of the show, the Confederate battle flag or The General Lee (on this site or in scale modelling). But now that anything associated with it has become faux pas many are taking a high stance and trying to defend anything DoH in a way a parent would defend their child. Tooth and nail.

... ...

EDIT: Something I had forgotten to write; we are talking about a defunct flag from a country that hasn't existed for one-hundred and fifty years, aren't we?

It's not new. This same old DoH/Rebel flag debate surfaces every now and then, has since the shows inception. Poor taste to use the flag on the car, but what can you do, it got enough ratings to be syndicated, though how that happened I don't know. It's a terrible show. The flag on the charger is like the Swastika in the roof of the old H.H.H. Metrodome in Minneapolis. Been there since the beginning, every few years some troll "journalist" rehashes a story about its unintentional and unfortunate design just to stir up noise and get their name in lights for a few minutes.

You are correct. We are talking about a flag flown over a nation that hasn't existed for 150 years. A nation that came as close as any since the Revolution to destroying the United States of America. A piece of history that ought naught be forgotten or taken lightly. Consider also that since that time, and particularly since the 1960's, that flag has been adopted by various groups as a symbol to oppress and intimidate a wide range of people, African American and otherwise. It is not "just a Confederate flag" and hasn't been since the Confederacy collapsed, and that's a point that many defenders ignore.

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Those who display the stars and bars in a deliberate display of racism deserve all the negative feedback in the world. Same with the Nazi swastika. I also build Military models of German subjects. It doesn't mean I'm racist. I just think the Germans built some pretty cool stuff. I'm still glad they lost the war though. To display ANY of these things to African Americans or people of the Jewish faith is to be completely Politically tone deaf. But to get bent out of shape over a decal on a model??? Really???

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