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Well, thanks to the combo of not having a heater in my garage yet, and a typical Canadian winter, all of my current builds are on hold at the "needs paint" stage.

So it's time to start a new project. Two actually.

Building Revell's VW Rabbit and Revell of Germany's VW Golf Cabriolet. 

Definite similarities between the kits, in terms of details and parts. As you might guess.

Both are going to be modified, but final details aren't worked out yet. I have a bunch of pieces from Jeremy at Clearly Scale which look fantastic. Not sure abotu colours yet, but my daughter says I need to paint one of them turquoise. I'll probably get my boy to pick the other colour.

Not many pics yet, as I literally just started this last night. 





When I was still in the motor trade, I worked for a tuning shop. We had a customer with a Rabbit that we modified with a 2L 16 valve turbo motor. Man that car was wicked fast. When we were doing our final tweaking and tuning we raced a Porsche 911 on one of the main streets near the shop and made it look like it was just idling along. Good luck with your builds.


I've built two of the ROG Mk1 GTIs - they're nice kits.

Watch for mold lines at the bottom of the windscreen pillars and the top of the hatch.  There is also a horizontal line on the front fenders (just below the hood) that shouldn't be there.  When inserting the interior don't follow the instructions - attach the engine and interior to the chassis and insert both together like you would do normally for a car kit.  Also, scrape some of the paint off the hood hinges and open up the  holes a little bit in the body for the hinges.

Mine have been built to European specifications so I can't help you too much with some of the differences the North American version had but any general questions you have about the car or the kit I should be able to answer.  Here are the two that I have built as U.K. cars:

I've got the cabriolet kit as well but haven't built it yet so don't have any tips for building one at the moment.

I'll be watching how you get on with yours - I've definitely got a soft spot for the Mk1 Golf/Rabbit.


Thanks for the tips Jim! I noticed when test fitting the hood, it seemed a little tight, def need to trim around the hinges to loosen it up.


I spent from around 1991 until 2005 working for a VW/Porsche dealer. Those have been my automotive passions since long before that, so you're going to see a number of VW and Porsche builds from me.

Got started on engines last night. The white engine is the stock engine from the Rabbit kit, the green-ish one is a 16V from Clearly Scale. It'll be going in the Rabbit. And I'll probably order up another for the Golf Cabrio. The detail and quality of the Clearly Scale engine is fantastic. The engine are just partially assembled in the pic. A little filling and sanding on the white one, but nowhere near ready for paint yet.

The Cabrio is going to end up Turquoise, as per little princess. Not sure what interior colour will be, probably a light grey of some kind. In talking with the boy, the Rabbit will end up a dark metallic blue of some kind; Porsche Midnight Blue maybe. With a tan interior. The boy wants white racing stripes on the car. I don't think I'm going there. 



That engine does look good, I haven't heard of Clearly Scale before - I will have to look them up.

If you get the hinges on the hood just right you'll be able to get it to open and close and stay open without a prop.

If you knock the dashboard assembly out of place when installing the interior it is possible to re-install it through a side window (that's what happened to me).

Don't worry too much about the horizontal seam on the engine - it doesn't show on the completed model. The exhaust header tends to come off the engine when you're assembling the exhaust so changing the attachment slightly might help.

I like the sound of more VW and Porsche builds!


Got a bit of rough paint work done on two of the engines. Still haven't started the Cabrio engine yet. Will have that going this weekend. Should also be able to get some interior work done. Hopefully.

I've picked a couple of House of Kolor colours for these cars. Will pick that up and have it ready for when the cold weather finally goes away and I can start airbrushing and spraying again. As before, Turquoise with grey interior for the Cabrio, Dark blue with tan interior for the Rabbit. I actually googled racing stripes on Rabbits, and have found a couple of options that weren't bad. I may put stripes on it as my boy suggested. Maybe.




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