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Breaking down glue

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Ed..Debonder is #1, i keep it handy u never know when u may need it..now if the chassis is painted soak it in some Awesome from the dollar general for a few days and that should take the paint off and break down the glue also..its worked for me on older models that i restored..also if u play around on ebay u can get the debonder real cheap..

Edited by yh70
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Where can this Super Solvent be purchased, hobby shop, Home depot? TIA

Nick look up their is a link...but hobby shop's sell debonder no saying that brand but it's all the same ..or u can go to ebay and do a search and find it cheap..http://www.ebay.com/itm/CA-Glue-DEBONDER-2oz-Bottle-un-glue-your-fingers-Works-with-all-kinds-of-CA-/351605299392?hash=item51dd4f18c0:m:mjlnYjl9PXT8KQYk4evxFwA

Edited by yh70
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...but hobby shop's sell debonder no saying that brand but it's all the same ..or u can go to ebay and do a search and find it cheap..

Well, no, it isn't all the same.

The reason I recommended THIS specific brand is because, unlike MOST debonders, it's NOT mostly acetone. Acetone will craze the plastic surrounding the bond you're trying to undo, making more work to restore a model.

You can get it from Amazon.   http://www.amazon.com/Satellite-City-US-1-Super-Solvent-Ounces/dp/B003L0XBCK

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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There isn't much that can be done with solvent-type glue joints. Why? Because the solvent melts the plastic surfaces and truly welds the parts together into pretty much a single piece of plastic.


Before now I never seen any CA debonders which would not also attack styrene. I'll have to try the one mentioned here.  If it really works, that will be wicked cool! :)

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For solvent glues dunk the model in water and put it into a plastic bag and put it in the freezer. It will help to loosen the bonds. In most cases it will work depending on how well the part was glued.

A little more explanation...If the model was built with tube glue and the parts really didn't fit together all that well, and if the glue wasn't just slathered on, the freezer trick often works well. Unsupported tube-glue in joints has little strength and gets nicely brittle when it's frozen, so it may come apart quite easily.

On the other hand, if a model was built with a LOT of tube glue, and if it's rally eaten into the plastic, OR, if a model was built by a competent modeler using liquid glue...where the parts fit well and the solvent bonds are close and tight...then NOTHING short of cutting will separate the parts.B)

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