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hey so this is my first build a Mpc jeep . i choose to not just build it box stock. and went for a more challenging build. where i had to actually think and do some fabrication that was not on paper. i ended up using .metal mesh . Lego tires . broom-hair . q-tips. F40 seats ,a pen ,wire , diffent pieces of plastic , a rubber Eraser , and a key chainstrap. 

all this together with the mpc kit ended with this lifted jeep i call the Mud Toy.  for a first build i am happy with it had such fun building it


thank you for checking it out . and feel free to leave a comment or just have a nice day..

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Fun is the operative word there Johnny !!

DingDingDing give this man a medal

Fun is very important . if you aint  enjoying it then dont do it (speaking from a hobby perspective )

aye, aye! That should color up your shelf.

"aye aye" welcome aboard captain ha ha . but yes it will look nice up there . now if i can just get the shelf Built   

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Nice! Hope it has big power to drive those wheels?

actually i wish i had a V8 or atleast a Turbo . but as its my first build i dont have a parts box yet . so for now its just running the little 60hp 4 cylinder . but im telling people its geared real low . maybe someday it will have a tune up

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actually i wish i had a V8 or atleast a Turbo . but as its my first build i dont have a parts box yet . so for now its just running the little 60hp 4 cylinder . but im telling people its geared real low . maybe someday it will have a tune up


Perhaps one day! LOL

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hey so this is my first build a Mpc jeep . i choose to not just build it box stock. and went for a more challenging build. where i had to actually think and do some fabrication that was not on paper. i ended up using .metal mesh . Lego tires . broom-hair . q-tips. F40 seats ,a pen ,wire , diffent pieces of plastic , a rubber Eraser , and a key chainstrap. 

all this together with the mpc kit ended with this lifted jeep i call the Mud Toy.  for a first build i am happy with it had such fun building it









thank you for checking it out . and feel free to leave a comment or just have a nice day..

great mud jeep,these wheels are lego made?


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