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Revell '32 Ford Sedan


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Is started this one in 2010, but quickly lost interest and put it back in the box. A year or so later I brought it back to the bench and painted everything and started putting it together. It was 90% finished when I decided it didn't look right, so it went back in the box! I started the 5 window variation of this kit shortly after and had it mostly finished when I messed up the paint during the polishing stage. The chassis was good, so I went back to the stalled sedan project and grabbed the body and interior and mashed the two projects together and ended up with what you see here now. The paint is Testors lacquer. The headers are from the SW&C Willys and the slicks are from the Tony Nancy double kit. It represents a street/strip hot rod circa 1965.



The model was recently used as the cover art for my band's album. I hope this doesn't break any forum rules, I'm not trying to advertise/sell my stuff here, just thought it would be a cool thing to share.




Edited by Aaron_F
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Nice '32. And it makes great album cover. I don't know if your breaking any rules by showing the album cover with your model on it. I'd still only buy it if I liked the music. And since I've never heard your music, I'm not rushing out to buy it because of your model. After all, I can see your model here for free. I do wish you success with your music, and do hope your model attracts attention to your bands music and album. 

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