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Revell 1/8 ford 32 street rod


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Hi all well thanks to the generosity of michu (from another forum I am on) I have this kit to build. I will be doing it oob to try and regain some confidence. It is a massive kit (which again I thank him so very much for) my intention (assuming I don't ruin another kit) is when finished to take it apart and add more detail (given the size of this kit that should be more than possible) provided of course I don't ruin it. 
So wish me luck mates.

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Oh well I wish I'd done a bit of research before I painted the engine it's a 61 series pontiac v8 and revells call out for engine colour is yellow(which as we all know is one of the weakest pigments) so after struggling to get a solid colour, I've discovered it should be light blue, now I have to strip it and re do it light blue (not too upset as I didn't like the yellow anyway.

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Hi all tonight's bit, according to the instructions the engine is finished and there are no missing gaps in the spures, and the list of parts dosent list it but I'm sure there should be a fan blade ? I no nothing about these big American engines but every other car engine I've seen has one, also I've chosen the chrome exhausts, I wonder do they go blue like bike exhausts. 

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Hi all I've decided, as I used to customise bikes in my youth I would do a custom paint job on this I've started the background sky, I'm intending to do dragons and stuff on it, I've done it matt so I can draw and paint on it then in the end I will gloss it.

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It's artists acrylics thinned to try and remove brush marks, after a few coats of gloss and some sanding, hopefully the brush strokes won't show, I have to say in my bike customising days I sprayed cellulose paint in the cap and used that with a brush, that was soo much easier than acrylics, or maybe I've forgotten the techniques over the years since 

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Hi all another update, my customising days are obviously behind me, I used to be good at this, still the advantage is I can always respray with another job, and I'm already thinking of something

 Involving black and gold.

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Hi all here is the next update, I really am enjoying this (I know the paint job ain't the greatest but I've not ruined the kit, the way I've painted it, it's easily over sprayed and none of it will show) this is a great kit, I was going to build this oob but I'm sorely tempted to add lots of detail, I'm just worried if I do i may end up ruining another one, I seem to be in a catch 22 at the moment, I want to do more but I'm worried if I do i will ruin it.

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These vinyl tires large scale kits tend to have sagging/flattening issues after being on the shelf for a while.

Have you put anything "inside" the tires to reduce this problem?

There is also the problem of the vinyl tire material attacking/melting the wheel plastic unless a "non-styrene barrier is added.

That's cool if you are not concerned with any of these issues.  :)

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Really like where you are going with this one.  That artwork is beautiful, I can't draw a straight line with a ruler.  To answer a couple of your earlier questions about the engine: 1. yes there should be a fan on this engine, 2. If you ever crank the engine, those chrome headers will discolor.  I had one of these but decided I had no place to display it and was also intimidated by the thought of how much detail it could take, so I sold it  for quite a good profit.  Keep those updates coming.

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