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Winter Weather


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I just knew someone would bring up this topic soon. With my getting older and my asthma, snow removal is getting harder and harder for me. I may have to hire someone, we'll see?

I was waiting for it too, but this has been traditionally Harry's thing. So I hope no one minds that I took it upon myself to start it for this season.

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We have a weather man on TV that works himself into a tizzy every time he thinks it may snow. Last week he had me checking the tire pressure on the snow blower and making sure that it had a full tank of fresh gas. What we got was hardly enough to call it a "dusting". Not complaining, we only get a couple of storms every winter and 2" to 3" at a time. That's just fine by me.  

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I would say move to Phoenix, but the pollution is so bad it makes me long for the days of snow shoveling. Asthma, COPD, etc. Yuck.


I wouldn't like living there in the summer as the temps are a bit too high for me. I know that it's a "dry-heat" but not for me. I was just out there again this past June and may(?) be out there again this comin' March.

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I wouldn't like living there in the summer as the temps are a bit too high for me. I know that it's a "dry-heat" but not for me. I was just out there again this past June and may(?) be out there again this comin' March.

I feel ya Nick. My wife has COPD and is constantly on 3 liters of oxygen. Take care of Yourself out there!

Right now what Ray is feeling is probably a "DRY COLD" spell :lol:

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I don't wanna see anymore snow after what we had to deal with not quite a year ago! :angry:


It snowed thirty inches here this past January 16th (Central PA), and frankly if it didn't snow like this for another 30-40 years, that would be fine by me!

Oh My!!

I don't feel so bad right now. Good luck

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just started snowing again.....:wacko:

this morning, thinking closer to three feet, got some big drifts around the house taller than me....bummer...


four board fence down to two...


Dan, here in the Chicagoland area we sometimes get what's refered to as lake effect snow, is that something You might have to deal with in your area? Cool dog, BTW.

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no, were actually about a 100 miles from the ocean, we live at the end of the Fraser valley where the Cascade mountain range starts. It's like a big, tapering funnel right to where we live, then the moisture piles into the Cascades & dumps on us, big time...we get a lot of rain because the Japanese current keeps it warm, then it hits the cold Cascades. The "x" is approx where i live. Ever see the tv show Highway Thru Hell?, 15 minutes down the road from me..;)


and yup, dawg has always liked the snow, "face sliding" at 6000ft on a 45 degree slope when we climbed Mt Cheam last yr :D




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A blanket of fresh snow is beautiful. May think it's easy for me to say sitting in Arizona but my first 27 years were in Chicago and Chicago area so I do know the hardships that can go along with snowfall.

I'd probably miss the snow a little if I moved away. Don't mind it, as long as i don't have anywhere to go :)

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