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Tamiya Mazda RX-7 FB (circa 1985) Rescue


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I acquired this little gem as a built-up from eBay some years ago and it’s been patiently waiting for some attention.  This is the Tamiya 1/24 RX-7 from the early 80’s.   I am going to attempt to strip, repair, and repaint this sucker.  If all goes well, it will be wearing the Japan-only “rotor” wheels that were a feature of this kit when new.  

Step one – cleaning, disassembly, and repair of body damage caused by over zealous application of tube glue.



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Some more primer, followed by some more sanding, and this is where things stand. There was some ghosting form the previous paint job, so I had to deal with that, too.


My intention is to paint the car silver once I get to that point.

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Thought I'd have a go at the interior for a bit.  The previous owner must've used an entire tube of good ol' Testor's tube cement to fasten the seats and dash to the interior.  I put the parts in the freezer, hoping the cold would cause the cement to become more brittle and therefore easier to break apart. Alas, the glue has done what it is designed to do, and fused the parts together rather nicely.   I was able to remove the rear seat insert; but the front seats and dash are firmly attached.  I was thinking of trying to work a photo-etched saw blade under the seats, or maybe trying string.  I'm not sure.  I would like to at least remove the seats so that I can more easily fill the backs with sheet plastic, and perhaps create some semblance of a floorboard for future flocking.  If I'm successful in separating these parts, my plan is a dark red interior to complement the proposed silver exterior.



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  • 2 weeks later...

With the holidays upon us, the car hobby has taken a back seat.  I did the trim around the windows this afternoon, and the side trim last night.  I now see that I have some touch up work to do.  I still need to paint the grill area, door handles, and locks black.  I'm still debating on the spoiler - leave it sliver, or paint it black?  It has quite the gap around it, so I don't know if painting it black will help hide that gap or not.  Here's where we are so far:



I very nearly screwed it all up last night.  I was getting tired, and tried to do the side trim using a black Sharpie.  Big mistake.  I was able to polish the bulk of that off before masking and then painting the trim.  That area around the gas filler door needs work, but it's coming along.

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  • 1 month later...

Super, Duper, Teeny, Tiny small update!  I got a coat of paint on the interior.  It's looking more "rust" than "dark red"; but I think I'm going to run with it.  At least, I'll try a little wash and drybrushing and see where it ends up.  Worst case - purple pond. :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Getting there ...

I had to recreate the front glass, due to the original being damaged.  I used the original as a pattern and cut the new piece from clear plastic.  Decent, I suppose.  The gear shift, I now realize, is hugely oversized.  I lifted it from some junker that was in the spares box. It'll have to do.  

I need to (still) clean up the trim around the gas cap and the front of the car.  I think a wash around the panel lines would be a good idea.  

Remaining tasks - clean up the wheels; paint and install the rear hatch and quarter windows, paint the door handles and locks.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Slow and steady.  Made a little more progress.  The front suspension was firmly attached by the previous builder, so I'm leaving the ride height as-is.  Still need to add the cover to the front wheels and paint the door handles. I also need to add the mirrors to the fenders, paint the rear hatch, and add some wipers.

I found a tinted sunroof, so I think I'm going to use that.  I fabricated the rearview mirror from a piece of wire and the remains of a mirror from somewhere.  Over all, though, not too shabby.  I guess. :)


And what is that lurking in the background, but another rebuilder? Check out the 1st Generation wheel created by Vitan Kasnakov around 2014 for me. Sorry to just be putting it to use, Vitan!


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  • 2 months later...

Been busy, but not on this. :)

Nearing completion.  I still need to paint the door handles, attach the rear hatch, and find or work up some plates.  The mirrors need to be touched up, and now that I took a couple of pictures, I see a massive gap along the top of the windshield.  *sigh*







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Nice job... Build threads like these really help me out since im relatively new to modeling on a serious level. I'm always learning from simple to the point and documented threads like these. SO THANK YOU!  

I'm gonna check out your other topics now btw lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jon, seeing your beautiful restoration here made me realize I need to build a replica of the 1:1 1981 RX-7 I had.  I had picked up the Tamiya kit on eBay and Vitan is going to make me some wheels when time permits.  Thanks for the inspiration and congrats on your excellent work!

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