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Scary things about this hobby.

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I realize that we all fear X-Actodectomies, where you drop that nice sharp #11 somewhere you'd rather not, or sharply slice yourself as you apply force in a way you didn't intend.

However, there are other fears that aren't as common and one just happened to me.

I've quit doing the sun worship thing and I try to keep an eye on any unusual moles that may show up. Just tonight I found a large unevenly shaped black mole on my stomach. I remembered I had a mole there before but it was much smaller. I'm looking at this thing and thinking, uhoh, better go talk to the doctor when I decide to test scrape it with a finger nail.

It was Testors Flat Black paint! Apparently when I was painting this afternoon I had my t-shirt partially rolled up, dropped some paint, then the shirt covered it until it dried... :rolleyes:

Well, it was scary to me..... :lol:

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I realize that we all fear X-Actodectomies, where you drop that nice sharp #11 somewhere you'd rather not, or sharply slice yourself as you apply force in a way you didn't intend.

However, there are other fears that aren't as common and one just happened to me.

I've quit doing the sun worship thing and I try to keep an eye on any unusual moles that may show up. Just tonight I found a large unevenly shaped black mole on my stomach. I remembered I had a mole there before but it was much smaller. I'm looking at this thing and thinking, uhoh, better go talk to the doctor when I decide to test scrape it with a finger nail.

It was Testors Flat Black paint! Apparently when I was painting this afternoon I had my t-shirt partially rolled up, dropped some paint, then the shirt covered it until it dried... :lol:

Well, it was scary to me..... :lol:

Sounds like you been in the hobby shop work WAY too long. :blink::lol::blink: Maybe it's time for a break?

Next you be finding some kind of tumor that turns out to be only putty. :rolleyes:

Ya might stay away from red paint for a while, too. :lol:

Edited by CAL
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Good thing you checked out before going to the Doc cause that would of been one expensive Dr bill when they start doing all those tests! :rolleyes:

In all seriousness, I know the feeling you experienced and with so much of the things we use, eat or whatever being not good for you these days, every single little problem or in this case, a speck tends to cause the alarm bells to go off.

I keep a tube of super glue handy just for cuts! Amazing stuff when that knife blade decides to teach you a lesson for using it the wrong way! :lol::lol:

~ Jeff

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Guest zebm1

Hey Jello, you sound like an eggspert on Super Glue.....so can we infer that you accidently sat ona bottle of Super Glue once? Glued tha cheeks shut and bonded with a chair? :):blink::D

Edited by zebm1
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Thats just too funny!!!! My biggest whoops was when I was younger and I had itch on my nose and I forgot to put the knife down before I scratched it!!!! Talk about a DUMBA$$ MISTAKE!!!! I never did that TWICE! I have caught my self once or twice though.

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Jello I do that too :huh: Last year I was drilling into a diecast and the drill slipped, and gouged my finger. I didn't draw blood but it was taking a LONG time to heal-right across my left pointer finger fingerprint so I thought to myself, what the heck, and took the superglue to it. It was healed within a week! No scar, either.

I've actually heard that Super Glue was invented in WWII specifically to do such a job. Not sure if that's true, however.

It's funny-I've actually hurt myself more on plastic sprues then all the various knives, saws and other assorted sharp, pointy things combines. I've also gotten a paper cut from decals before as well-paper cuts are always painfull too.

Phil, the worst is dropping the exacto straight down into your lap :blink: That's an instance where you hold your breath and hope for the best-luckily I've only done that once and luckily I avoided injury.

I've also had my exacto roll off the table and land blade first on my foot. Luckily I had my sneakers on as I wss in the painting process and it just bounced right off.

I'm always afraid that when I'm working in the basement the stacks of models will collapse and crush me. LOL. I have them stacked to the ceiling which is only 7 feet-but it's still about a foot and a third above my head. :huh:

Edited by Billy Kingsley
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My doctors have actually told me to use "Crazy (Super) Glue" to close open wounds brought on by few of my disabilities. When he told me that 4 years ago, I thought he was joking. He wasn't. Due to other medications I must use on my skin, adhesives bandages are not option as they won't adhere. It works on normal cuts and abrasions as well. If it were not for this glue, I most likely would have lost a dangerous amount of blood in a few scary situations. Highly recommended by a person that must use it frequently. It also works good on resin, LOL! . :huh: Fury3

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I've actually heard that Super Glue was invented in WWII specifically to do such a job. Not sure if that's true, however.

It's not.

In 1942 it was originally developed to make clear plastic gun sights, but as they also discovered it stuck to everything and was rejected.

It resurfaced in 1955 as Flash Glue and later patented by Eastman Kodak, but it wasn't until 1966 as it was used as liquid stitches in Vietnam.

However, it wasn't until 1998 2-octyl cyanoacrylate the medical version was approved by the FDA.

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Superglue is ###### fun stuff. It help you lose parts in the most fun ways. Last night I lost a part while glueing it (big fingers) and could not find it anywhere. Searched for an hour, finally gave up and threw the kit in the box and went to bed pissed off. I found the part this morning as I dressed for work, glued to the top of my shoe.

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Thanks Zeb! I have had my fair share of accidents using super glue but I'll leave that out! ;) I gots plenty of super glue stories!

Theres a medical super glue ( more water proof) they use for surgery work but I'am told thats some mean stuff you wouldn't want on your fingers or any 'sensitive" areas! I wish they have not of said that cause now I want to try some.... :D

I have sliced my right thumb so much cause of the way I use a model knife, I always move the blade towards me..not away when scratchbuilding or cutting and use my thumb as a stop bump, I got some weird thumb prints! Super glue closes it up right good. Water actually makes it soft and it will come off if you use plenty of water & soak the glue.

Would of thought the older I get and more experience would mean less cuts but its not so I'am afraid to say and they dam sure don't make knife blades like they use to either! 20 years ago one blade would last 2-3 days and now its 2-3 hours. Maybe its the bad plastic... :lol: OR the dumb*** builder! :lol:

I have to say, Super glue rates right there in one of the best 'tools' ever for model kit builders!

~ Jeff

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I have sliced my right thumb so much cause of the way I use a model knife, I always move the blade towards me..not away when scratchbuilding or cutting and use my thumb as a stop bump.

I have the same problem and a 50 cent sewing thimble works wonders.

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I love the one about finding it glued to your shoe the next morning... ha I was drilling a die cast once and it rolled as I was drilling. The drill went through my middle finger, the last joint, glanced off the bone and almost went out the other side but not quite. It took me about 2 1/2 years to get all the feeling back into the finger... It's a fun hobby, but please, everyone, be careful.

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Well, I've drilled through a tie rod and into my finger with a #62 bit (ouch), laid my fingertips open more than once (owwww), had a trace of CA on my loup (kinda burned when I put it in place on my eye) and myriad other hobby- related injuries. Last summer, I fumbled my X-Acto (with a fresh #11 blade, no less) off the table and into the top of my right foot. I wonder if they give out purple hearts for this stuff.

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I have had scare after scare with the hobby knife rolling off the desk and into my lap.

That happen so much to me and doing the 'dance' while it was in the process of rolling off & hoping you made the right moves! Its not a problem anymore since I use those rubber-like slip covers found on pens these days.

The part I hated so much was little parts fallin down and me closing my legs trying to catch them before it reaches the floor...dang, my b***s hurt so much! :D:blink:

~ Jeff

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The flat black mole is hysterical!!

Talking about the Xacto's reminds me of my days back in college. The art department at UT had the most injuries of any school, even more than the athletic department. I too took off the end of my thumb cutting thick matt board... 25 years ago. It hasn't happened since, knock on wood.


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The flat black mole is hysterical!!

Talking about the Xacto's reminds me of my days back in college. The art department at UT had the most injuries of any school, even more than the athletic department. I too took off the end of my thumb cutting thick matt board... 25 years ago. It hasn't happened since, knock on wood.


You know, I've carried a box cutter of one type or another since graduating from High School and have only cut myself once with it and that was a slight jab in the finger. Now since highschool I've jabbed myself, sliced myself, sawed myself, and slit myself! Been spooked a few times by the drop in the lap and floor, but what scares me is losing the extra sharp, pointy, and hefty body reamer for my RC's! Dropped that a month or so ago and just missed my foot :lol:

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Being 14 and sometimes stupid lets see what i have done

Drill in my finger with a 1mm bit Only one

Sawed in my finger 2 times on acident didtn know my finger was there

Cut in my finger with an exato blade about 3 times. Never used super glue to close it just an alcahol disinfectant wipe. Man that stuff burns in a cut.

Yes there are scary things in this hobby but its better than what my friends do. They are scateboarders nd one broke his right arm 5 times in one schoolyear and now has to have surgery in one year on it. My other friend riped his leg open by landing on a kerb. :lol::lol::lol:

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