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Any solutions for "cloudy" windows?

Matt Bacon

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I bought this Leo diecast for not much on eBay, because I really wanted a Montreal on my shelf, and I figured I could do some detailing on it and have a nice model. And it is indeed a very nice model. The only problem (and I knew it when I bought it, hence the low price and no issue there) is that the windows have gone cloudy and white. Obviously, in photos I couldn't see how it had happened, so I had high hopes to before it arrived of being able to polish them like you would a cloudy headlight cover on a real car. But now it's here, it looks as though the clear plastic itself has gone somewhat white throughout. Anyone had any experience of this phenomenon? And more importantly, anyone have any ideas on a cure? My fallback position is to use the existing windows to crash/plunge mould some new windows, but if, say, gentle application of heat to the original windows will bring them back to clear, then I'd rather try that first...

All thoughts very much welcomed!





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If the cloudiness is just on the surface and not all the way through, you can polish it out with Wright's Silver Cream silver polish.

If it's internal as you suspect, I don't think there's any way to undo that.

Those windows look fairly "flat" (simple curves, not complex), so you should be able to replace them with plain clear plastic of some kind without even having to vac-form, if you have to.

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A modeling acquiantance used to make hoods by heating sheet plastic and draping it over the existing part.  No vac forming.  This is a fairly simple shape and that method may work?  If just using sheet plastic as snake recommended.

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