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My 2017 Catalogue

David G.

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Hello Everybody!

2017 was the most productive model building year I've experienced so far.  Not only did complete a record number of projects, but I was very pleased with the way they all turned out. Sure, none of them are perfect and there'll always be something that I'll wish I could have done better, but I see the improvement in my skills. I see improvement from when I started back into the hobby in 2009 and just over the course of this year. Certainly, much of that improvement comes from practice. But that practice has its foundation in the knowledge and support I gained from the many talented members of this community.

Thank you MCM Forum members for a great 2017 and I wish you all the best in 2018!


I completed AMT's 41 Plymouth Coupe on January 10th, it took me about 63 hours. The biggest challenge with this kit was blending the front panel into the rest of the body.



I completed the 58 Chevy Proton on January 29th, it took an estimated 171 hours. This was the project that, in 2009 inspired my return to building model cars. The amount of kit-bashing and fabrication that was required to achieve my vision exceeded my skills at the time. As my skills improved over the years, I was able to return and periodically and apply what I had learned, ultimately completing it this year.



I completed The Polar Lights DeLorean Time Machine on February 2nd with about 48 hours invested. I added a bit of extra detail to the interior, but other than that, it's a very good snap together kit that captures the feel of the movie car quite nicely.



AMT's 32 Ford Victoria is a nostalgia build. I had one of these kits when I was 12 or 13 years old. I don't recall that I finished building it but I do remember that I enjoyed working on it. I completed this one on May 11th with about 48 hours invested. 



AMT's 52 Studebaker is another nostalgia build from my childhood. I completed this one on September 4th with about 50 hour's worth of work.



The Moebius 1971 Ford Ranger is my last entry for 2017, completed on November 21st with 67 hours invested. All-in-all, a nice kit with a few minor issues.


As always, thanks for taking the time to look and please feel free to comment.

David G.

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