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Nissan Gloria 280E "Gulf"

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Hi guys.. Here is one of my many projects to show up for you.. Its Aoshima model kit of Nissan Gloria 4 door HT 280E Brougham.. So far i have done it almost out of box, i just added side exhaust pipes, pack of Lucky Strikes on interior and some decals here and there.. all other besides those are out of box, just with little "custom" painting with rusty touch. There is no pictures of chassis, since there is nothing to look, just battery sort of chassis plate painted in black ;)

I used closest paints i found from my paint collection to give that Gulf livery look for this fine and elegant Nissan.. Then i started to add some rust, with oil colors, and Tamiya weathering stuff and some Vallejo washes.. oh for painting i used also some hairspray and salt method for chipping that paint.. blah, but since my english is not that good to tell everything i have done, i will let pictures speak.. :D









Realistic or not, i have had a lot of fun with doing this one.. Its my first time doing this type of weathering job :rolleyes:

Edited by Janne Herajärvi
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On 19.5.2018 at 4:19 PM, NOBLNG said:

That weathering job is awesome...but the interior still has that new car smell.:o

Thank you, i wanted to capture kind of custom patinalook for body and interior would be made from finest corinthian leather.. :lol:

Updat guys! Gloria is finished on its all glory! Pictures will be posted in "under glass" section in just a moment.. B)

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18 hours ago, toyotawave said:

How you'd make the Lucky Strike box?
Also, the exterior is excellent!

Thank you.. Luckies came in sort of stuff sheet i bought from eBay, they are actually just printed on paper, and then you cut them off and bend on shape then glue it together.. Simple,but still bit tricky becouse size of cigarette box is pretty small.. I dont remember seller but if you make search with diorama accessories you might find them, lots of goodies around there. Mostly i do my self all printed stuff, with better skills to edit pictures and also havin better printer i would make decals myself too.. :)

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