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US ARMY M911 C-HET & M747 trailer Finished !!

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The M747 trailer is ready for primer !! I broke a few small parts trying to remove from sprue..ridiculous attachment points at weak areas...oh well it looks good when assembled. 

The combo will eventually have a Type 69 II"war trophy "  being  pulled onto the deck. I like the spinach green /Iraqi sand combo w the US Sand used during the war. Enough gab...





The trailer airtanks had individual lines fitting into the trailer frame..



I chose the stowed landing leg option,  a few brass brackets secured w Future..


More to come ! 



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Another view 



Now it's time for the 8v92 TA build.. I did remove the lower side panels from hood to show this off 20180717_180618.thumb.jpg.0b588cf8f65deba152e8743594898023.jpg


20180720_133232.thumb.jpg.5552d3b8973e9e0ad0625159b8587460.jpg20180720_133308.thumb.jpg.fed3b2fb64a5ae6c4459a7163baeed79.jpg20180720_133240.thumb.jpg.badc7137fc090b8194ff9065a41dce97.jpg20180720_133247.thumb.jpg.f737ae89dcc1097896db2f01ef31cb91.jpg20180720_134202.thumb.jpg.64ea323ee440d230140e2629e72ef6d0.jpg20180720_134224.thumb.jpg.f0ad4c44431b965d59c8bb2a4be3c186.jpg20180720_134810.thumb.jpg.38fa2fc655a5b868ce30f627d4973c7e.jpg20180720_134832.thumb.jpg.265f6d70cc418754d8bc8dc96a11c02c.jpgas you can see they engineered the kit parts to fit directly onto the resin engine. Even the radiator holes line up with the hoses...but...what's up with that bare firewall...I'll deal w that next . 

Only problem I've dealt with so far is the tires..terrible fit and keep popping off which I'll replace w resin replacements once available. Vinyl is okay for house siding..lol

Any questions or feedback welcome!!




Edited by gotnitro?
Extra pics keep showing up
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Looking good, Jeff. Re the tire fit, take some tissue, soak it in diluted white glue and stuff inside the tires. When that dries, the tire sidewalls will be stiffer and prevent them from popping off the wheels. I did that with the kit supplied Michelins in the M1070. It improved the fit and was good enough until I got a set of resin tires and wheels.

Edited by SfanGoch
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Looks good. The kit seems to fit together nicely. I’ve ordered the HobbyBoss version. Only cost me $100 Australian including postage. Will most likely get an engine next pay. I’ve started gathering info and pics from the net. I’m not sure if I’m going to build mine in desert sand or post military life bright civilian colours.


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After seeing this, I decided to get the HobbyBoss version. I was not happy when it got here!! The sorry POS in China literally wrapped the kit box with cardboard to ship it.......from China! There was not a speck of padding between the kit and the outer box! I told the seller I wanted a new kit sent properly with a postage paid label to send this kit back! He offered a refund of $30.00 so I took it. Nothing was broken in the kit, just bent, mainly the trailer gooseneck. Nothing I can’t fix. What I am still not happy with is the box! I like to have decent kit boxes! I can barely even open and close this one! So I ended up paying a total of $50.00.






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1 hour ago, Ben said:

After seeing this, I decided to get the HobbyBoss version. I was not happy when it got here!! The sorry POS in China literally wrapped the kit box with cardboard to ship it.......from China! There was not a speck of padding between the kit and the outer box! I told the seller I wanted a new kit sent properly with a postage paid label to send this kit back! He offered a refund of $30.00 so I took it. Nothing was broken in the kit, just bent, mainly the trailer gooseneck. Nothing I can’t fix. What I am still not happy with is the box! I like to have decent kit boxes! I can barely even open and close this one! So I ended up paying a total of $50.00.






I just paid $100 Australian the other day for one from China. Hopefully mine arrives better than yours did.


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  • 2 weeks later...

If you are still concerned about tires check out Shapeways.  There are several tire options there.  I have actually had some designed for specific projects and got them printed.  I buy a couple, one for use as a master and the other as a backup.  Then I make a mold and cast up as many as I need.  Less expensive that way.

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Ben - sounds good !  I used tamiya buff/ deck tan 50-50 for this w a NATO green base for shadows. I read these trucks..and everything deployed to Saudi Arabia were repainted before going into theater w local paints which faded and peeled off quickly. I figured a hastily painted truck , weathered mildly was appropriate.  

I did find out..meng sprues needed a good cleaning before paint..unusual for this brand. I hit areas of mold release i thought were  clean.


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Thanks Charles !  I'll definitely check shapeways.  Heard rumor resin tires were available around fall.! 

Just a small update tonite..the tractor is painted except a few cab parts !  I added a few bits on firewall to fill the empty space...after setting the hood on..it was all in vain. Oh well we know they're under it lol.


The engine will get oiled up and exhaust rusted before closing up



I'll seal the paint w future, then add oil leaks, fuel spills  and wear n tear . Course our environmentally friendly military wouldn't spill any fuels lol

I started the dash details, more to come. Those tiny red spots are circuit breakers !!


The M747 has its base green applied, next will be sand along the sides and bottom. I'm trying something to show the worn paint on the deck . I sprayed alclad steel ( it looks more black than steel ) where I figured the most wear would be. Next a coat of hairspray then green. I'll chip that away, seal w clear..and repeat w the sand..eventually I hope for a scuffed metal peeking thru under the other layers 


More to come ! 

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Thanks everyone I really appreciate you following along ! 

I started creating the worn paint on the M747 today, after giving it a light coat of dirt cheap hairspray.  First up was a coat of NATO green over the HS , letting it dry about 20 minutes. 


Tools I use for the next step..warm tap water , fine sanding stick, and a couple old brushes w the ends cut very close to the ferrule. 20180804_100215.thumb.jpg.0b54022fb574f7f182092f520baccea8.jpg


Anything works, this parts fun..use your imagination how tracks would move across the metal..and chip away. 

Working a small section,  dabbing water first then scuffing,  scraping, and chipping away . Te water dissolves the HS removing the coat above it !!! If ya mess up..spray another color coat and try again !! 



Keeping it random makes it more interesting imo. A few bare spots broke thru , but I'll fix that during the next cycle. After it dries, I'll seal w future, then add the next color and repeat! I stayed away from edges intentionally,  I'll use the sponge chipping for that..more controlled. 

More to come  ! 


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The options for a load were numerous,  anything the US military used from mid 80s to early 90s would fit...the  Abrams would be great option,  this truck had just enough capability to haul one..just.

My duty station on Ft Hood had a fantastic museum of captured Iraqi equipment brought back after Desert storm.  I had chose an Iraqi Auf 1 SPG which France sold them years before. The huge turret and 155mm barrel looks cool..I had started years ago..ironically it was from Meng also ! Here's the load 



I'll spray this Iraqi sand..much lighter than the US used..should make an interesting contrast. The one issue I caused by loading trailer, I'll either need to replace the winch cables to reach this tank to appear as it's being loaded..or add chain binders to strap it down 

Thanks for following any comments welcome

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