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Auto quiz 399 - Finshed

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This time it was tougher than some of you thought. I was looking for a 1948 -1950 Rovin D3. The differences between the D3 and it successor the D4 can be over seen when you see the car. And the internet isn't a help in that case. The car that I was asking for is also mentioned as a D4 but it isn't. I had taken the pictures at the 2018 Techno Classic in Essen/Germany and it was marked as a D3. But somer people say that this was a D4 although  the description on this car said D3. So what are the differences.? Take a look at the pictures and you could see the second chrome strip ad the lower edge of the body. The grill is bigger than on a D3 and the D3 has sucide door. The engine of the D4 is also bigger (462 cc and 13hp)


Auto quiz 399.jpg



Edited by carsntrucks4you
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