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2011 LeMans winning C6R GT2

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After a lot of relentless butchering, I was able to get the Revell C6R Interior tub to play nice with the C6R GT2 chassis.
The roll bar is not fixed yet. this is only a mockup. Also notice the molded window net disappeared. It was the wrong size, wrong shape, wrong thickness etc. It just did not work. The correct one is planned.




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Looks like lotsa work to get that Revell interior to fit.  As good as the Ford GT kit is makes the C6R that much more a disappointment.  Did you look at the Burago diecast for parts?  Some of the detail pieces are pretty good and you can get them somewhat cheap.

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The Revell's C6R is 1/25 and the GT2 body is 1/24. I did not like how the roll cage looked at the front. It was too far from the A pillars.  So after careful examination it was modified to widen the bottom so it will be closer to the A pillar. Made strategic cuts so the tubing would "bend" where I wanted. Bracing was replaced. The dash will be modified accordingly.




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  • 2 months later...


The chassis of this project had a major issue: For the correct stance I want, the bottom of the chassis was hitting the floor.
So over the course of many weeks I sanded and sanded and then sanded some more trying to make it work but the end,  surgery was needed. 




Fooling around with the idea of removable air jacks



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  Focusing a bit on the interior.  Dash is been reworked

Machined a drinking water jug to replace the kit's molded in part.

Also machined the fire suppression tank

And started painting them both


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  • 3 weeks later...


   Updating the interior is more involved than originally thought. And I couldn't just let it be box stock inaccurate.    The C6R kit is based on the early show car which is close to the original GT1 car.  But as these cars evolved over the years, things changed, especially from the GT1 to GT2 transition in mid 2009.
   For 2011 they introduced paddle shifters, replacing the sequential shift lever in the center console.  The steering  wheel changed from a rather simpler round steering wheel with a button or two  to a complex command center.  Center console got simpler as many buttons were relocated to the steering wheel.  The dash now featured the production vent grille on top, missing on the GT1 car.  The tablet-like rear view camera screen was now located behind the steering wheel and the dash instruments were replaced by a data display right in front of the driver.  This data display had a visor like shade to protect from glare.   The driver's side net is also different among many other changes.

Here is a look at the interior from a helmet cam during a practice session.


For some of these changes, I am relying on photo reduction techniques.  I printed the display screens, center console,  top grille and steering wheel center. 3D details will be added like switches and buttons.  I scratchbuilt the little visor that goes over the display.
Also modified the steering wheel and added the paddle shifters as per reference.





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  • 1 month later...


    I always say I treat each sub-assembly as a model in itself.  In that line of thought, I finished...  the dash  
Converting the kit's GT1 generic dash into a proper 2011 specific GT2 as raced in LeMans was a bit more involved that I originally anticipated. But it's done.
Hard to see in these pics but there is data displayed in the screen in front of the driver.  The rearview camera I think is showing the straight of Laguna Seca but I'll say it is entering  Tertre Rouge in LeMans 
The instrument backdrop is a carbon fiber decal still in its backing (for strenght) mounted from behind.
The grille and the dash decal are thicker than I would have liked, but those will be hard to see anyways, especially from this angle.
Buttons are little drops of white glue and switches are little pieces of wire.
Redid the paddle shifters. 





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  Spent like 3 days scratchbuilding my own racing harness.  Pictures don't do it justice. All you see here is tape, wire, styrene from a disposable plate, white glue and I printed the logos.




This is one of those things that will barely be seen but I really like how it turned out.


So these cars have safety nets on both sides of the driver.  Here is the kit's center net.
That will not cut it. It looks more like prison bars. So I modified it as per the 1:1, plus scratchbuilt the left side (window) net.  This will barely be seen.  Making it functional is a waste as it will never be reached...

Please play the video.  This was done a while ago.


The white hose is the drinking water line that connects to the helmet.






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