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Hi again everyone

So, time for a small update. Things are progressing slower than I had hoped as I had to fix my screw up with the hangar bay installation. I've got one side sorted and I just need to finish the other side later on. I forgot to grind down the existing surface detail before slotting in the hangar bay, but it's fixable.  You can see the gap that mistake left in the first pic if you look where it goes in. Then on the pic below it, you can see my fix for it which is working well.




It looks very busy up here but the paint will bring that down a few notches. I'm also going to space out the detail more and not add as much the further back I go. I have to be careful not to over do it (although I dare say there are some of you who already think I'm well past that) as I fear I will loose the grandness of the ship.





Well, that's all I have for now, but once I have done something worth taking pics of, I will of course update again.

Feel free to critique, make a suggestion, comment or just do nothing at all but as always, thank you for stopping by and having a look

Till next time


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  • 3 weeks later...

hey guys

Well, the cursed COVID continues and so does this build. Over 2 years now and lots more to do. I've slowed down a bit lately due to other things on the go but there is some progress - probably not as much as you'd like. but there is some

I spent a few hours on the dome thing on the bottom and I am pretty happy with how it's come out (one 1 side anyway - haven't done the other yet). I've added stuff to the man hull plates and now I'm concentrating on the raise edges along the center of the ship. I'm going to do concentrated pockets of details here and there but lessen it as I work outward

You can see the difference in the 2 sides one of the overall shots. It's pretty bare on the right and not so much on the left. As I say frequently, I need to be careful not to loose the sheer size of it with too much detail. From afar, and under paint, it'll look a lot less busy but up close is where the time spent on this will come through.

Anyway, enough words, you came to see pics, so here's my latest update




Looks like I need to fix a couple of sprue pipe too:






Anyways, that's all I have sorry. Sorry for the yellowish photos but I couldn't be bothered getting the light tent set up tonight, but next time, I'll hopefully have better quality photos

As always, thanks for stopping by and having a look!

Stay safe and I'll catch you round the boards


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Thanks for the update Si.

Looking at the one photo from the bow along the ventral center-line of the craft I noticed that you've added the little detail bits to half of the ship and have yet to add them to the other half. I just wonder how symmetrical you plan to be with the application of detail bits between the two sides.

The photos look great btw.

David G. 

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cheers David! . I will do some symmetrical but not all as I think a ship of that size would not likely have all panels the same on both sides.

I've taken a break from the ship itself to start on the base tonight. So far so good but we'll wait and see how the casting goes ;)

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Here are a couple of pics of the start of my base. Doesn't look much now but these are just detail tiles which will form a much bigger area later on



Yes, there will be a trench for X-Wings to run down to

This base idea is nothing new, but I have always wanted to have a go at building something like this and this is the perfect time. If it fails, then I'll just stick to a pole and mirror (with something built along the sides or similar. I have a back up plan!)

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On 9/7/2020 at 6:57 AM, Madhatter said:

cheers David! . I will do some symmetrical but not all as I think a ship of that size would not likely have all panels the same on both sides.

I've taken a break from the ship itself to start on the base tonight. So far so good but we'll wait and see how the casting goes ;)

Hello Si, That's kind of the direction I thought you would take. It's the way I would approach it too- create a "sense of symmetry" rather than a mirror image, thus making for a much more organic machine and helping to save one's sanity in the process. :) 

I'm intrigued by your most recent photos and am looking forward to seeing more.


David G.

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thanks guys

I am now waiting on a replacement grid sheet as I accidentally warped the one I was using for the base last night, effectively rendering it useless, which is a massive PITA because I spent ages on it marking it out ready to start constructing the various levels as well as scribing out panel lines.

I will keep on making detail tile tonight whilst I wait for the replacement grid sheet to arrive

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone

Well, my replacement grid sheets finally arrived last week and I have now finished my master which I will make a cast of tomorrow and hopefully, will be able to produce enough copies to cover a large area.

Started off with this:



Ended up with this:




Yeah its not perfect but I'm still happy with it

Will post the results of the casting even if it fails

Thanks for looking


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Sadly the casting didn't work due to the resin being too old. I've had to buy more resin today so am now waiting for that to arrive.  However, I'm also going to cheat and am scrapping the original base and have ordered a 3D printed tile in 1/2256 scale which I will take a mold of and cast numerous copies. This will give me a much more detailed base than I can make by hand.

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I think you may have a special appreciation for this one Si.

A short time ago I was working to correct an issue with one of the models I was working on, a phrase popped into my mind.

"Model builders, we're problem solvers who create our own problems to solve! "

I think I may add it to my signature line.

David G.

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While I wait for my new 3D printed tile to arrive, I have been quietly working away on the ship and have finally finished one side. Now I just need to start the other side....

Trying to get a shuffle on this one as I want it done for Expo next year (providing its on of course)




















Well, that's it for now, but as always, thanks for looking!



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I was lucky to get some free time this afternoon, so I took some pictures of where I am currently up to

I have been working on this as well as the Batmobile and have actually got quite a bit done. I have cemented my base plans and I'll show you a picture later on of what I have in mind. So, I have been casting multiple copies of my very expensive 3D printed DS tile ready to layout on the sheet and that has consumed a fair amount of time so far, but TBH, it's not hard to mix up a batch of resin  and make a copy while waiting for the spuds to cook or what have you.

The surface detailing is coming along nicely. The main concentrations have been finished and now its just time to fill it out and then crack on with the side walls (what I have also started but not got very far with)





And this is rough layout of how the base is going to go:


Well, that's it for this update, but the next one will likely be the completion of the lower hull and more work on the base

As always, thanks for continually coming in here and having a look


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