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Hey David, how are you? Happy new year mate! Hope your holidays - if you took any - were relaxing?

Bro, I have absolutely no idea how many hours I have spent on this mammoth project. Over the past 5.5 years this has been going on, taking into consideration the stop-start progress and working on an average of 4-5 hours (sometimes more) a day over 3 days a week, maybe around 900 hours in total. Possibly/probably more. I honestly don't know. If I were to include all the casting and cure times as well into that period, you could stack on at least another 60-70 hours.

Regardless, my wife thinks its too much time. I say I could always spend more. We all know how this goes

In hindsight, I should've recorded a time log as I am now also interested to know exactly how much time I have invested into this. Actually, scratch that - I don't want to l know. It'll just make me cry.  I never started off with the intention of detailing it this much. What started off as adding some pipes to the rear of the ship exploded into pure OTT madness. Then I had to do a proper display base for it. And here we are! :D

I'm surprised but glad that this still holds interest to some of you. Thanks to you guys who have stuck around! :) It helps to keep me going, knowing that there are people watching and waiting. Otherwise I doubt I would have gotten to here

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On 1/30/2024 at 11:37 PM, Madhatter said:

Hey David, how are you? Happy new year mate! Hope your holidays - if you took any - were relaxing?

Bro, I have absolutely no idea how many hours I have spent on this mammoth project. Over the past 5.5 years this has been going on, taking into consideration the stop-start progress and working on an average of 4-5 hours (sometimes more) a day over 3 days a week, maybe around 900 hours in total. Possibly/probably more. I honestly don't know. If I were to include all the casting and cure times as well into that period, you could stack on at least another 60-70 hours.

Regardless, my wife thinks its too much time. I say I could always spend more. We all know how this goes

In hindsight, I should've recorded a time log as I am now also interested to know exactly how much time I have invested into this. Actually, scratch that - I don't want to l know. It'll just make me cry.  I never started off with the intention of detailing it this much. What started off as adding some pipes to the rear of the ship exploded into pure OTT madness. Then I had to do a proper display base for it. And here we are! :D

I'm surprised but glad that this still holds interest to some of you. Thanks to you guys who have stuck around! :) It helps to keep me going, knowing that there are people watching and waiting. Otherwise I doubt I would have gotten to here

I'm well enough Si, thanks for asking. And a happy New Year to you too.

I was just curious about the time you've invested as I'm sure it's quite a lot.

Some years ago I set up a spread sheet in Excel to keep track of my build projects and the time I spend on them. This was back when I had many more commitments than I do now and I needed help managing my time. I've always been fascinated with charts, graphs, tables and other means of information management so I've kept up with the data tracking even though I probably no longer need to.

I've learned that most of my builds take between forty to sixty hours from start to finish, I usually try to commit to three or four hours per week to building. The build with the longest time into it is my Chevy Proton with 171 hours total spread over an eight year period. Here's a link to the build thread if you're interested.

I agree. Being a member of this community does provide a certain inspiration to keep on with a build. It almost gives one a sense of responsibility or duty to the group, rather like having an audience to play to. In any case, I'm certainly glad that you've kept at with this one. It certainly has to be one of the most, if not the most detailed Star Destroyer built.

I would suggest trying to contact George Lucas to let him know if it when it's done but he no longer seems to care about Star Wars. ? After nearly half a century who could blame him?


David G.

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi again

Time for another update to this on-going saga. Almost finished the right side mid level - just some more detail to add and then it's onto the final detailing stage of the top plate.

The left side is pretty much done as I want it to be. Maybe a couple more detail bits but not much

So, starting with the left side:



20240204_181547 20240204_181533



Now the right side



20240210_175944 20240210_175952

There are a couple more photos but something weird is going on with Flickr right now which is causing images not to post properly. I have advanced a fair bit in the time  since these photos were taken, but the next update will be the finished levels (not painted)

If you have any constructive feedback, by all means, please let me know - I won't get any better without it.

As always, thanks for stopping in and having a look

Till next time


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Thanks Mate - I appreciate the kind post :)


Thought I'd post a quick update of where I'm up to. Since Friday last week, I have been working on the top plate. I was asked elsewhere if I could elaborate a bit more on the process of detailing. I thought the top plate edging would be a good subject to show how I do things.

Quick disclaimer -  I am not a professional modeller and my work is pretty average in terms of tidiness but I try. I have seen some seriously amazing scratch builders here and on other sites, with some actual skills they could teach which is why I feel like a little bit of a fraud doing this as what I do pales in comparison. But I said I would, so here goes.


First, I had to measure out how much over hang I wanted and then conform the back edge to the edge of the existing base plate:




Then I drew out a basic outline of the edges:


Resulting in:


Using the waste material from the base layer cut, I then made a second layer. This was then flipped over and every edge lined with 0.20x0.20 strip plastic. I have run out of strip already - I used an entire pack on just 3 sides with the rear ones still to go. I'll be in the city on Friday so I'll pick some more up then








So that's 2 evenings worth of work. Now I have started to detail the lower ledges. Once they've been done, I'll permanently attach them and then blend in the upper surface to the plates. Then the detailing will be done and I can move onto painting and lighting it all.




As you can see, I've found a good use for all those left over PE radar bits I have lying around. They make for some great details :) 

I hope I haven't insulted anyone's skill levels with my very basic and rudimentary attempts at scratch building, but I'm hopeful it will help someone out with some ideas..

As always, thanks for stopping in and having a look


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

well, here we are again with a tri-monthly update. Yes, I have finally sat my rear end back down to try get this base finished - or as close to as I can before I find something else to do. However, I do want to make a fair effort to get as much done as possible and I have set myself a deadline which I won't publish because I probably will exceed it!

In order for me to blend the lips in with the top as much as possible, I had to glue the edge to the top so I could get everything to fit. Whilst that sounds like nothing unusual the size of this top plate is not almost as long as my whole work space which makes handling it a delicate operation.

Anyways, here's a few pics of where I am up to. I have almost finished the front right edge and am now making my way round the sides. All to be repeated with the left sides. I won't go as crazy on the rear as I have up front because no one will likely look at that part

20240527_234900 20240527_235007











I am sorry for the slightly blurry photos - my hands have been more shaky than a wet dog of late - its cold here (at least that's what I'm telling myself). I should use a proper DSLR and a tripod to take the photos - but I was being lazy and using my phone. You get the idea anyways :)
Righteo then - see you again in a couple of months


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Hello again Simon!

Dear goodness, for me this is the utmost detailed project I've ever seen. This ton of detail, no, tons of detail you've put into it is absolutely amazing and it's starting to make me dizzy. I'm sitting in front of the screen open-mouthed and desperately trying to take in all the little castings you've put together. This must be hundreds of small parts you've had to cast, right? I'm also amazed about the amount of patience you show to finish this monster of a Star Destroyer. David G. might be right that there is a kind of responsibility or duty to the fellow model builders you might be feeling. To be honest, I also wish to see this crazy thing finished. Hope you're not running short of any material and glue you certainly need to go on.

Take care my friend, I'm with you to the finish line ?

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  • 1 month later...

hey all

Yes, this is still on going but it's really moving now towards finishing the SD itself. I have to install the lower hull fibers yet, but I am going to be making a start on that this week. Then it's the top half and that has a LOT of holes to fill. Damn my over enthusiastic drilling!






Well, that's it. Next update will see the lower half finished and wired in. Thanks for sticking around. I hope the extreme length of this project hasn't dulled the interest.

See you soon-ish



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LOL, thanks guys. David, it can be a little daunting to start, but with practice, the easier it becomes. I've lost track of how many kits I've lit up now. Too many :D

Progress! The lower hull is now finished and I am happy to report that it all works as it should. I'm pretty stoked with how well it came out.

So, from disorganized chaos:


To some form of organization:


And of course - a lighting test. Now, I am very sorry for the blurry photos here - my phone just wouldn't compensate for my shaky hands. How the heck I get any detail work done is still a mystery...





I'll try to get some better shots later using my DSLR and a tripod, but we'll see how I go for time. The lights are not too bright and have way less glare in person than what the photos show. I'm super stoked about how they've come out - of course, I forgot to pull some strands out to turn them orange, but I shall try to remedy that another time. Maybe a small drop of clear orange will fix it :)

Anyways, that'll be it for a couple of months while I begin the humongous task of doing the top half. Not looking forward to that I can tell you.

As always, thanks for stopping by and having a look and for your continued viewing. At least now we're getting somewhere!


Edited by Madhatter
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Thank you for your continued viewing guys - I know this one is getting a bit tedious now

Changing direction ever so slightly, I was dry fitting the engine block when I realised I hadn't given this thing a wash yet., So, last night, out came the Star Ship Filth oil paint and some thinners and this was the result







I still need to remove some more oil from parts here and there but as an overall effect, it's come out great. I also realised that I still have some roof panels to wash as well as the neck section to bring it tonally more inline with the rest of the ship

I am almost finished wiring up the front half of the top half of the hull as well, so it's getting closer to the end

See you again soon


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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks David :)

Small update - and I do mean small (2 pics - that's your lot sorry).

Threading fibers is not an easy task and it is incredibly time consuming. What you see below is 2.5 weeks of work and I am only half way through the right rear side. Luckily, I only have the left to do and then I can finish the top half of the superstructure.




Even though this'll sound like an advert for Egyptian Cotton sheets, the thread count is up to 384 so far, or, if you like, 2.6 meters - I know this as I am collecting the sheaths the fiber comes wrapped in for posterity and because I will no doubt be asked how much is in there when I'm done :)

All being well, I reckon I should have her all threaded in another 3 weeks or so. Then I have to finish and light the base... :frantic:
The next update should be when it is all threaded and ready to begin the final wiring (which will be fun - but not as much as trying to join the 2 halves together!)

Thanks for your continued patience!


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