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77- 78 Thunderbird in 1/25th scale. first copy

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2 hours ago, Dale Gribble said:

You’re wrong . I sell tons on eBay , but I don’t purchase anything unless it’s a buy it now . I don’t play the “what’s the price gonna be in 2 days” game . And as much as you say you can set a max price and walk away , always tossing that extra 5$ on “because maybe” happens more than anyone wants to admit . I just refuse to play that game . I have kits in my collection I have parted with hundreds of dollars for , so I don’t mind spending . But I just flat out don’t gamble .... in the casino or on eBay 

Can't get over how well you summed it all up, Dale. I guess others must not only enjoy watching but playing 'The Price is Right' !!! They can have all that fun all by themselves,  as I have more important things to do with my time and money. And like you I have kits I have parted hundreds of dollars with for also. Point is, it was my choice, not someone else's bid driving it higher and higher, or the item owner tweaking it daily.

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I don’t think anyone is trying to “bring him down” as you put it, so why you would say that mystifies me . Maybe just bring him down to earth and realize he IS in fact missing sales from people who won’t play bidding wars ....and spare me the whole “he will sell every one he lists on eBay” as there is still missed opportunity ...  it’s a great cast , and I’d love to buy one or two, IF it had a set in stone price ... 

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48 minutes ago, Dale Gribble said:

I don’t think anyone is trying to “bring him down” as you put it, so why you would say that mystifies me . Maybe just bring him down to earth and realize he IS in fact missing sales from people who won’t play bidding wars ....and spare me the whole “he will sell every one he lists on eBay” as there is still missed opportunity ...  it’s a great cast , and I’d love to buy one or two, IF it had a set in stone price ... 

Well put. Simple as that.  But trying to convince this crowd of that is like banging your head against a wall.. This could be his incentive while the auctions are running, and then whoever the winner is can play the second one

1978 Thunderbird commercial.mp3

The Price is Right Extended Theme.mp3

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My final comments on the matter.

Paul has invested over 200 hours in creating a master for this product.

His goal is not to sell hundreds or thousands of copies. He has paid a resin caster to produce the molds(molds with a limited life to produce copies) in addition he has a cost per unit for manufacturer.  His goal is to recover that investment and a modest profit. The limited life of the mold means that cost for the molds has to be paid again when their usefulness is over.

Which means selling more units is not to his advantage.

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Be it 1copy or 1000 copies of, it is his call, but a lot are not interested in playing 'The Price is Right'. Which is a point that several others posting and myself are trying to make, but not making much progress. What he does with them is his choice entirely. Looks terrific, lots of work and effort surely, but not for everyone. For those who do want to, enjoy. But remember, 'This Make a Little Thunder of Your Own Showcase, Can be Yours if The Price is Right'. Been there, done that. Not ever going down the golden bidding road for anything again......and that is my final thought on this. Am done with this thread.

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39 minutes ago, American 185 Heavy said:

 it is his call,

That's the point we have been trying to make.

5 hours ago, American 185 Heavy said:

 But trying to convince this crowd of that is like banging your head against a wall.





I wouldn't worry so much guys.

Paul has been doing it "his way" for a long time, and to this point, he's been doing just fine.

And he will continue to, with or without you. B)






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3 hours ago, StevenGuthmiller said:

That's the point we have been trying to make.





I wouldn't worry so much guys.

Paul has been doing it "his way" for a long time, and to this point, he's been doing just fine.

And he will continue to, with or without you. B)






Sadly this site hasn't changed in the two years I was off of it. There are still the same 20 or so self appointed 'experts' whose opinion is the only one that matters. No one else can have one unless in agreement with. Sad. Like a remake of 'Grumpy Old Men'. Not worth having an opinion, easier just to stay away. There are plenty of other sites like this that actually allow a variety of opinions. A lot of you should try it as well. Not a question of having to be right, a question of accepting another opinion. Something most on here have a problem doing.

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2 minutes ago, American 185 Heavy said:

 There are still the same 20 or so self appointed 'experts' whose opinion is the only one that matters.

Everyone who has contributed to this thread has voiced his opinion.

Opinions are what a forum is based on.

Yours is no more valid or less valid than anybody else's, just like mine, and I don't claim to be an expert on anything.

I just don't get all bunged up when opinions don't match mine.

I just offer my argument and you can take it or leave it.

I value everyone's opinions Bruce, including yours.

I just don't feel the need to denigrate people who's opinions differ from mine by calling them "self appointed experts" and acting as if I am somehow an innocent bystander.


It's becoming obvious now that this discussion is starting to become personal, and while I love a spirited discussion, I don't want to get involved in the nastiness.

I'm certain that if you go back through this thread you will find that while I do have a strong opinion, every post I have submitted was courteous and respectful.

I never once told anybody that they were "wrong", or insinuated that they were a "self appointed expert" or "grumpy old men".

So I will leave it to you guys.


You were right, and I was wrong. ;)





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