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Keith Marks decals,need to be coated?

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They come ready to use, but be careful as they are very thin and must be handled gently being more prone to tearing than kit decals.  They look fantastic when applied, though.  You probably already know that like other aftermarket decals they have to be trimmed closely to the artwork because the carrier film covers the whole sheet.

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2 hours ago, Curt said:

They come ready to use, but be careful as they are very thin and must be handled gently being more prone to tearing than kit decals.  They look fantastic when applied, though.  You probably already know that like other aftermarket decals they have to be trimmed closely to the artwork because the carrier film covers the whole sheet.

Thank you so much Curt for the reply. I’ve used other aftermarket brands before but never Keith’s. I just ordered some and wanted to make sure I handled them properly. Have a merry Christmas 

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I think those are printed on Alps printer.I
If that is the case, Alps used a waxy ink (sort of similar to wax crayons).  It will rub off the decal paper fairly easily, so it should be clear coated.  I'm surprised that Keith does not include any sort of instructions or hints with the decals. When I sell my Alps-printed decals I include a set of instructions on how to deal with them.

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