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Tamiya 1970s Tiger I...40 years in the making

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This is one of those models where the real accomplishment is just in finishing it, especially true in this case since I started it more than 40 years ago. I bought this kit at a hobby shop out west when I was in college. I had no car, no TV, and just an 8-track player and headphones for entertainment, so building a model seemed like a good stress reliever. I had barely started this when school got in the way and back in the box it went. When it was time to head for home after graduation, I had to cut the box in half to get it in a suitcase. Then it sat in an attic for 15 years or so and finally made a cross country move with me…until…I finally finished it. Talk about delayed gratification. I scratch built some of the parts that been lost or broken, drilled out the grenade launchers, and made a simple base from an old picture frame, which I stained. I added a few accessory items to add a little more interest. The tracks are the kit’s rubber band ones and someday I’ll get around to fixing the sag…say in 40 years or so.


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On 6/3/2021 at 8:19 AM, Snake45 said:

Very nice, very clean! I WISH I could work up the energy to paint the tires on all the road wheels on armor models. Well done and model on! B)

Thanks! I believe Shep Paine once said a modeler only has so many road wheels in him, so I guess I've yet to reach my quota! 

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Very nice!  Congrats on finishing!

I'm impressed you moved it so many times without wrecking it.  I'm sure there are aftermarket individual track link parts, to drive yourself nuts with.  I have a couple of Dragon PZ1 kits, each tiny link, no way!

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On 6/4/2021 at 12:09 PM, 89AKurt said:

Very nice!  Congrats on finishing!

I'm impressed you moved it so many times without wrecking it.  I'm sure there are aftermarket individual track link parts, to drive yourself nuts with.  I have a couple of Dragon PZ1 kits, each tiny link, no way!

Thanks! The moves weren't easy and the airlines didn't help much. ("I'm sorry, your luggage appears to have made an improper connection, but I'm sure it will enjoy its stay in Bangkok." I exaggerate, but only a wee little bit.) The truly amazing part is all of those years up in the attic -  it's a wonder it didn't just melt into an amorphous glob of styrene. I'll be happy with the rubber band tracks after I fix the sag issue. The folks that design those 1,000 part individual link tracks must be sadists. Granted, they look great, but come on...

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