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Testors metallic silver spray paint

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I just use thinned and brushed on craft paint. And generally follow up with an oil wash anyway so it doesn't much matter. I have a little bit of MM Aluminum Plate Buffing left, maybe half a bottle that I'm saving for something more important than a muffler.

Edit: I wanted to add that first, with craft paint the parts need primed and I use black just fwiw ( don't ask on the black it's just how I do it but you do need primer to make a good bond). And secondly I have sprayed the craft paint with the Paasche H but I just choose to brush.  I know the thread is about spray cans so discard info if not interested but someone might be.

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I have been using Harley-Davidson silver rattle can paint on exhaust system parts.  I had some left over from a project and tried it, and have stuck with it.  It's lacquer like touch-up sprays, so you do have to prime everything first.  But the lacquer stands up to a lot of handling, unlike Testors silver.  Not cheap (about $11 per can as I recall), but the tall can lasts forever.  I can't remember when I bought the can I have, but at the time the dealership was within walking distance from my house.  They consolidated with their main location about three years ago, so next time I'll have to drive out there.  I should see what other colors they have, the paint is really high quality even for the money.

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