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The "Electra-Charger"


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So,,I was goin thru some shelf organizing today and ran across this,,A kitbashed Charger Daytona Flat top FC.  The "Electra- Charger" Built this a few years ago,,kindof an experiment/bash  kit.  Used a  rooftop from a  PU truck kit for the cover over the interior.  I think I used testors MF Lime gold for the can spray,hardware store green for the chassis,,and scratch built the front frame work,,and used  a modified FC chassis for the back section.  Tires+ rims from stash parts box.  I always was amazed at the guys who drove these things back when,,no windshield,,must have been wild at 200MPH !   









Edited by skymnky721
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Thanks guys,,I wasnt sure I could pull it off When I 1st started it,,I may do another Flatop FC soon,,Id really like to find the Beach City Vette stingray FT  FC from back when,,I have it on some vintage drag racing vids,,not sure if it was ever released as a kit though,Thanks for looking

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