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1977 Olds Cutlass from 3D print from Too Many Projects


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2 hours ago, MeatMan said:

I just saw this post and love the work!

What did you use to cut the hood out? I have his 56 Mark II and would like to put one of my Y-blocks in it. Thanks.

I use a NEW blade in an X-Acto knife, dragging it backwards over the panel line. Going slow, using masking tape on the ends to keep from scratching the body past the line.  Cutting the dash area took the longest because of space. I had to run the knife through the interior and scrap about 1/3rd of the dash part at a time. That took some time. But, afterwards, you can sand down the backside of the hood as much as needed for it to mount flush.

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On 8/27/2022 at 1:06 PM, carl63_99 said:

I use a NEW blade in an X-Acto knife, dragging it backwards over the panel line. Going slow, using masking tape on the ends to keep from scratching the body past the line.  Cutting the dash area took the longest because of space. I had to run the knife through the interior and scrap about 1/3rd of the dash part at a time. That took some time. But, afterwards, you can sand down the backside of the hood as much as needed for it to mount flush.

Thanks. I use that process as well, just didn't think it would work on these. I'll give it a go.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Been doing interior work.  Themes: for the Hurst/Olds (current black interior), as it was a pre 1976 proposal from Hurst, I want to keep the 1974-1975 look of the interior, while showing performance upgrades. Thus, 1969 dash for the added gauges, it will have a Hurst shifter for the 4 speed. Color will be light tans and browns. For the 1977 Supreme (current tan interior), I've changed the seats, added better arm rests, and changed the vents to more closely match the 1:1 scale '77. I know it seems odd to do the tan interior black and black interior tan, but the parts mix and other factors just made it work that way.

Olds Interiors.jpg

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  • 2 weeks later...

October 1st is the Austin Scale Model Show, and I've been making out my shopping list. I've been sorting out fine details, i.e. firewall area and interior. I need a few kits and some supplies to finish things up.

In the meantime, I've gone and foiled the badges on the '74 body. I'm going to cut them off and sand them down from the back side to install on the stock '77 Cutlass, on the right in pic 2.

Engines are ready for repaint, 350 with turbo 350 for the stock and 455/4 speed on the Hurst Olds. I'm considering sending the bumpers out for chrome, but may go Alclad chrome over gloss black which yields the same results.

See yall at the show!

Badge trim.jpg

Sept 23 view1.jpg

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Every time I say I'm going to set this project aside, I find something that I just have to do on it. I found my railroad screen, which is one of my favorite materials to work with, and worked on cutting down the grills and shaping the screen over them to determine how it will look. Not exactly what the 1:1 scale had, but it's my model and I like it!




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Made it to the Austin Scale Model show on Saturday and found 1 (like the only one in the entire show) '83 Hurst Olds, and no '69 Hurst Olds. Otherwise, it was a great show. Lots of stuff in the vendor area, and the models in the contest area looked pretty damn good.

On to my Hurst Olds. As you see, I cut the headlight buckets from the '83 kit and installed them. I'll paint them gloss black then Alclad chrome to make them nice and reflective.



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After some time away from the project, and having re-evaluated, I redid the grill. I cut a whole pile of new slats from 0.020 Evergreen and got them as even as I could. I used an aluminum square tube as my guide to get them lined up. same Evergreen between them to create the spacing and super-glued it down.  Now I have a spot on the hood to grind down so it sits flush again. 2.5 hours bent over my bench, my neck hurts.


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Painting is always the best part. I did a flat black base coat followed by a few coats of 2k clear. I'll let it dry for a while (BTW, WARNING this plastic gets SOFT in the food dehydrator) sand it and see if I need more clear coats.   This 3D printed body is super smooth and straight.


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Started the next step, paint.  First up, the Hurst Olds, which I decided needed the vinyl roof. You can see the dual exhaust on the chassis and the engine will be gold. The Cutlass Supreme got a little wet sandiHO_wip_partial_Paint.jpg.d80c7b394279aa4348a3943a0a3f5218.jpgng on the roof, will be working on that for the next few days. That chassis has single exhaust and the 350 will be in blue.

Cutlass WIP some paint.jpg

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I have the dashboards 90% done. Need a little touchup and for the white glue to dry in the gauges. That usually takes a few days. Also did the chrome. Testers gloss black with Aclad II Chrome over the top. They look better than these pics, and I haven't decided about the rub strip or not.


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As we all know, black is the most challenging color for a painters skills. For my Cutlass, I went flat black base with 2K clear, 4 coats. I've let it sit for a week and started wet sanding with 600 grit. The goal of the sanding is to get the surface as flat and smooth as possible without burning through. I stand over the sink with a trickle of water as I turn and flip and maneuver the model to get to every possible part. large flat areas like the hood are easy. Tight spaces like the nose area take a long time. After this, wash and polish.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So this build is unofficially Salt and Pepper. I've been busy with other things, but did shoot the white on the Hurst Olds this weekend. It's going to need to dry for a few days to a week before I can do anything. But, it does look nice next to the black Cutlass aka Pepper.



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Been slow going, busy with other things. But, got myself a Sharpie oil-based 1mm paint pen and did the black stripes around the gold. Using Tamiya masking tape, I ran it down the stripe over the white, then just went down it with the paint pen. Boom! Done! This leaves me highly encouraged to do the gold on the sides and the red on the black Cutlass.  Compare this to the previous pics.

black pinstripes.jpg

Edited by carl63_99
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  • 1 month later...

The holiday season is a hard time for me to work on models. Too much family, fun and food.  Also had to deal with an burst waterpipe in a rental that took out dining room ceiling and one wall. Monday is the final paint on that maintenance issue. Just very little time for modeling when other stuff is going on.

I had been wanting to try airbrushing Molotow paint and was going to order some refill. Then I though, not a big fan of the 4mm pen, why not drain it? So, I did. A short time later I have the following results. Enjoy!


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