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64 Shelby Cobra CSX 2001 Experimental maybe?

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I say maybe because several modifications need to be made and I am not sure I can pull it off but Hey , it’s only plastic . I am trying to follow in part the way JC here was doing this project . Started with the Sunny Cobra body instead of the AMT because it is closer to being correct . I have plugged some of the holes that needed to be filled but now waiting for a new tube of putty . Started the mods on the custom roof from the AMT kit . Still rough . Won’t be perfect but I hope to get it close . The actual roof was more flat than I created . 





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Ray, I have followed your "Cobra" builds for a long time. This is one of the ugliest Cobras I've ever seen. My hats off to you. I could never do that to any Cobra. LOL. Good luck and I can't wait for you to finish this. Lots of fit, and cut, and fit........                                    


P.S. I see you found something to do with the "custom" top from AMT.

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Hey Ray, I didn't even know of that Cobra........interesting as it reminds me of the "breadvan Ferrari"..........this will be a challenge for sure.  What color will you paint it btw?   cheers, tim

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Thanks Tim ! I do not have any color photos of this car but read that it was red. I am not happy with the kit top I modified so took another kit top and I am doing more mods in hope of coming up with something that will at least be closer to what the top looks like. Just sheet plastic, Xacto knife, putty and sandpaper so I don't expect much. 😄

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In one of the books on Shelby, there are a couple of color shots and they were red. Wish I could remember which one. I'll keep trying to find it and let you know. I believe this may have been a test of the "cam back" effect for the Daytona Coupe'.


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Hey Ray,

I'm looking at that exact car in 1:1 right now (looks different than it did in the early '60's, thank goodness...). I have several images in our archives of the car in that period when it had the roof, so let me know if you need some from different angles.

Best regards,


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4 hours ago, vr1000 said:

Hey Ray,

I'm looking at that exact car in 1:1 right now (looks different than it did in the early '60's, thank goodness...). I have several images in our archives of the car in that period when it had the roof, so let me know if you need some from different angles.

Best regards,


Thanks Tom . A full side pic could help or any pics with a different top if you can . 

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3 hours ago, 250 Testa Rossa said:

How did you make the top? I need to do the same thing for a Jaguar E-Type. 

The top was made by modifying the custom roof that comes in most of the AMT Shelby Cobra kits . Removed the rear section and then sheet plastic to build up the sides and roof .  I have started making a new one that I hope will more closely match the one on the car . I used just the roof section of another roof but built the entire sides with sheet plastic and again made the roof a little longer . Needs to be puttied up and sanded still . 

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Hi Ray,

Here are some more angles and a higher res version of your image above...hope these help!

BTW, part of the reason that the top is shaped like that is because of the "mushroom" roll bars that Ed Hugus installed in those early Pittsburgh built Cobras...





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