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Cherry 2000 Mustang


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I finished this up tonight. The is the car from the classic B sci-fi movie Cherry 2000 starring Melonie Griffith. There are a ton of of scratch details and modifications. I used four kits, six cans of spray paint, six bottles of craft paint and lots of tube and sheet styrene. I learned a LOT during this build. The movie car was powered by a turbine engine, and I have faithfully recreated that fictional engine, but I cunningly disquised it as a 351C. I hope you like it.






And here's a some images from the movie.


More pics here. http://s53.photobucket.com/albums/g73/Jantrix/Cherry%202000/

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I think my favorite part of the build is the wiped windshield. Now as for the "b" movies, your next assignment if you so chose too, is the mustang from "Nightrider 2010". Think 1994 or 95, late night on USA. Extra credit for a dio with the cherry cobra sitting next to it in the desert. But really, very nice job on this one, movie builds are one of my favorites to see. Most people never see a complete car so there is so much left to the imaginaton of the builder to finish them, alot of artistic licence and who is to say its not right when its done. Again nice job.

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  • 4 years later...

I have re-popped this thread to ask for some advice.

I'm having difficulty with this model at shows. If there is a miscellaneous class, it does pretty well, two 1st place trophies so far. Without one, when I have to put it in a street machine class the judges hardly glance at it. I set a pic from the movie down next to it so they know it's a replica, but no dice.

What can I do to make this model stand out against the shiny ones. I'm not a fan of the mirrored bases, but I might have to resort to that.

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I have re-popped this thread to ask for some advice.

I'm having difficulty with this model at shows. If there is a miscellaneous class, it does pretty well, two 1st place trophies so far. Without one, when I have to put it in a street machine class the judges hardly glance at it. I set a pic from the movie down next to it so they know it's a replica, but no dice.

What can I do to make this model stand out against the shiny ones. I'm not a fan of the mirrored bases, but I might have to resort to that.

I don't think a mirrored base will alter the bias inherent in judging at contests.

I think the model is well done and there is a lot that will more than likely get (or has been) overlooked by a judge or spectator. How many times does somebody really read that whole sheet explaining all the modifications on a model?

It's been said before, build for yourself...so, I guess that's my advice :)

Very nice model, though.

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Erik, you right , and I do build for myself, but I do enjoy competing. But when I go to a contest with just six or seven catagories, my post-apoc or deathracer type builds get sort of ignored because there isn't a miscellaneous catagory. Or if there is one, there is so much in there because of the very few catagories available, the misc. catagory gets flooded. Oh well, I'm going to have all new stuff for the shows this coming fall, so I guess it doesn't matter too much.

Ira, Luna and the rest, thanks very much for the ata-boys. This was a lot of fun to build. I've alwasy wanted to do a movie car, but it had to be something off the wall that no one had done yet. I caught Cherry 2000 on the late movie one night and I just HAD to try it. I was making a list of donor kits before the movie was even over. I bought the film so I could see it from every angle (including underneath) frame by frame.

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