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The other '32 Sedans #2 and #3 - Update 6/21


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Here are the other 2 '32 Sedans for the SABA/LAMA Inner Club Challenge. Some trivial thing about needing sleep got in the way of these 2 getting completed.

#2 of 3

The second of the builds is a "32 Sedan Delivery. Pretty much the body and chassis are straight from the box with the side windows replaced with pieces of .030 Evergreen styrene. The first attempt at a Sedan Delivery was done using the kit supplied side windows. The kit clear plastic and Dupli-color black primer don't play well with each other, so that body will become a tub or something else at a later date in time. The paint in Dupi-color black primer followed by Dupli-color Black Lacquer then topped wit 4 coats of PPG Catalyzed Urethane Clear. Wheels and tires are from the Revell '29 Pickup with Parts by Parks Baby Moon caps and trim rings. Under the hood if the kit supplied Flathead but with a twist the intake id from the AMT '41 Woodie which gives the flatty a totally different look.




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Good Lord willing this will be completed over the weekend or at least early next week.

#3 of 3

The third of the trio is the most involved of the bunch. The frame has been ed the depth of the frame in the front and around 12" in the rear. The top was lowered a scale 4" with the body being channeled the depth of the frame. The kit supplied rear axle has been split on either side of the pumpkin with a piece of brass wire to widen the rear tire track. The engine for this build is from an AMT Buick Rivera so it can have a Nailhead between the frame rails. I wanted a way out of the ordinary intake on this engine as it sits higher and is more prominent place in the overall build. After much searching I found the 8 carb log manifold from the AMT '53 Ford Pickup. However, the way it sits on the Hemi from the '53 wouldn't work for the Nailhead. So, the center runners were removed and what was the right outside now was the left inside.

The interior is going to require some major rework with the new location of the engine/transmission. A new tranny hump and drive shaft covers will have to be made. Chances are the seats will need ot be either reworked or replaced with bomber seats. At this point the tires and wheels are from the Ala Kart, that may change the project moves forward. Paint plans are either Chrysler Poppy Red or a bright red fingernail polish called Thimbleberry.



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SABA the club that several of the members here and I belong to is hosting the Billetproof Washington Model Contest on June 27th. I'm hoping to have this completed for that show as I think it would fit in the the overall theme of Billetproof. I'll keep you posted on the progress of these '32 Sedans.

As always you comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Edited by Fletch
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Wow, Fletch. Those are looking great. I liked #1 and thought that it couldn't get better. WRONG!

I like the subtleness of the black SD. The red pinstripe really adds to the look. I like the work you have done on #3 too. Nice top chop and Z'ing of the frame. Can't wait to see it finished. So, did you buy like a case of these 32's? Cause I didn't manage to get a one. Keep us posted and let us know how they do in the Billetproof contest.


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Two completely different approaches to the same model, but both extremely cool in their own way!!

It just goes to show what an awesome platform this model provides for us to start from!!

Keep us posted on your progress,

Edited by Raul_Perez
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Thank you guys for all your compliments, I pray that all the builds that come from my bench look as good as the Sedan Delivery. Believe me there are a lot more false starts then top notch finished projects. If I'd had a clue the SD was going to look as good as it does it would have been the first of the trio completed.

Raul, you are so right the only limitation there is to this kit is your imagination. I am seriously considering combining the Revell '32 Sedan and the AMT '34 5 Window Coupe stock pieces to see how good it could look in stock trim.

Way to much racing on TV today to get the Sedan Delivery completed this afternoon/evening so it will be by early in the week.

Again guys, thank you for your kind words and encouragement, it is greatly appreciated and helps drive the builds.



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Hey Dave, that Sedan Delivery is looking awesome! The pinstripe really sets it off. About the only thing I'd change is the whitewalls simply because I don't care for them.

So, in addition to making the filler panels for the rear windows you also had to scribe the rear door line as well as add hinge detail and the drip rail. You did a killer job of it that's for sure! I'd swear you just used a resin body.

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Fletch, tha Bruck mota wit da Stomburgs is um Fabulus ! The Mota . more so than the car. I would havewondered what the Sedan Delivery might have looked like with the combination . As much of a fan of the Ford Flat heads as I am , ( I OWN ONE ) the intake dosen't do much for me , too new ! Still some real nice work there folks !!!!!!!!! Ed Shaver

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So, in addition to making the filler panels for the rear windows you also had to scribe the rear door line as well as add hinge detail and the drip rail. You did a killer job of it that's for sure! I'd swear you just used a resin body.

Dennis, that's the fun of this hobby you can take a great platform and go wild. The side window fillers were no real problem as I used a masking tape master on the .030 Evergreen to cut/file to size. The rear door was a bit more of a challenge, I used a rear door from a Revell '31 Sedan Delivery to get the width and height and free-handed the corners. The drip rail was a matter of warming some Evergreen .020 square and shaping around the curvature of the upper door. The hinges were a matter of cutting Evergreen .060X.125 to length and adding to the body, the center hinge needed to have a curve in it's base so it would fit around the belt rail. Once the cement had cured they were filed to shape. Somewhere around 4-5 hours for the conversion.

Managed to get all the sparkly stuff added today, the engine still needs to be wired. The engine is taking a bit longer then I expected as I want to add as much of the EFI wiring as possible, most likely it will get a wire to each injector and perhaps some linkage to the throttle bodies.

Here is how it looks after today's thrash:





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More to come as the engine progresses.

Edited by Fletch
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Dennis, that's the fun of this hobby you can take a great platform and go wild. The side window fillers were no real problem as I used a masking tape master on the .030 Evergreen to cut/file to size. The rear door was a bit more of a challenge, I used a rear door from a Revell '31 Sedan Delivery to get the width and height and free-handed the corners. The drip rail was a matter of warming some Evergreen .020 square and shaping around the curvature of the upper door. The hinges were a matter of cutting Evergreen .060X.125 to length and adding to the body, the center hinge needed to have a curve in it's base so it would fit around the belt rail. Once the cement had cured they were filed to shape. Somewhere around 4-5 hours for the conversion.

Managed to get all the sparkly stuff added today, the engine still needs to be wired. The engine is taking a bit longer then I expected as I want to add as much of the EFI wiring as possible, most likely it will get a wire to each injector and perhaps some linkage to the throttle bodies.

Here is how it looks after today's thrash:





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More to come as the engine progresses.

You guy's have no idea how good this model really is B) .

I saw it this week-end in person at the challange, and it was the car my eye's went to first - BEAUTIFUL.

I hope maybe we'll see it done at the club meeting this Sunday - dave :P

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The further I get into the build of the 3rd of the '32 Sedans the more I am looking at possible styling changes. So, I have a couple of questions for you guys.

Would you leave the roof solid, like it had been filled or would you open it up like the insert were removed?

On the front axle would you leave it be using the stock '32 crossmember or hang it out the front using a suicide mount?

What do you think on both questions as I'm somewhat torn on both so I'm seeking your input.

Here's some update shots of the chopped/channeled Sedan:





Here's what the chassis looks like sans the body. The rear end has been widened to allow the tires to sit outside the body and will be mounted on a 4 link suspension. The rear of the chassis is set so if need be I can "C" notch it to drop the back end down even further.

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Looking forward to your input.

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Hey Dave, thanks for the detailed info on the SD conversion. The proportions just looks spot-on, I can't get over it!

Are you actually adding fuel injectors to that set-up? I have one of those '41 Woody kits with that engine and it just looks funny with the fuel rail hanging in the breeze. I'd think it would be real easy to whip out some Bosch-style injectors out of a couple diameters of tubing.

As for Sedan #3:

It's my opinion that it would look cool with the roof insert opened up but only if you could add the wood bows, maybe even some chicken wire...

I would not move the axle in front of the grill on a suicide perch. I think the extra wheelbase would look too cartoon-ish (rat rod junk). If you want to get a little more concieved length out of it chop the top another scale inch. Will make it look lower and longer.

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Thank you all for your input. There was several responses that wanted the roof opened up and only a couple calling for a suicide front end. After a short bout with the circular saw blade in the Dremel here is what it now looks like:




The front frame horns have been thinned in preparation for "unboxing" them. The next step is to reduce the height by .010 on the top and bottom which will allow the upper and lower frame rail to be added using .010X.156 Evergreen.



Dennis, you mentioned that you had a problem with the EFI system that I had proposed to use in the Sedan Delivery. That the fuel runners were hanging in mid air with no connection to the manifold. Your statement validated how I was beginning to feel about the EFI from the '41 Woodie. This evening the EFI got popped off the flathead and hopefully the scratch building effort over the next few days will result in something that looks like this.

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Thanks guys for your input. What do you think of the roof on the chopped/channeled version now that it's opened up?

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Now this build is hitting its stride! The color, the open roof revealing the cool chassis work and freeing you of any pretence that's it's anything other than what it is - a radical ride. - says it's time to go for it. I'm guessing the rest should just flow from here on out.... :)

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I hadn't really noticed until I posted these photos this evening how prominent the cowl vent is on this build, it's no different then any other '32 Sedan just for some reason seems to stand out here more then I've ever noticed before. It would seem like a good candidate to get opened up, after all the top did. This may turn into one of those builds where after a period of time you finally say "Enough" and announce that it's finished.

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The last of the 3 Sedans is moving forward slowly, yesterday when I was doing some research for a future '32 3 Window Coupe project, I discovered that the 1:1 that the last Sedan is being loosely modeled from actually has a 390 Ford FE engine with 6 carbs. I did a quick inventory and found nothing in the garage or parts box the was a "390". However, a 427 is the same block with a different bore and stroke, and there just happened to be a Thunderbolt that gave up a lot of it's other parts for misc builds. So, we're gooing to change horses in mid stream so to speak and get a little closer to the 1:1 even thought it is a '30 Sedan.




This is where the real fun could begin, it would sure through a lot of people off that's for certain, that is except you Aussies.

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A tire and wheel change may still be in order, we shall see. All this change and it needs to be ready for a show on the 27th.

Nothing like a bit of pressure to get the blood pumping!

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You keep asking for OUR input, Fletch... but it seems like YOU have a pretty good idea of what needs to be done on your own!

Chuck I'm not 100% sure that's totally right, if I'd had all the good ideas to start with this build wouldn't keep changing. At least it's moving forward and hopefully with all the changes the quality of the finished build will be worth the effort.

The motor mounts need to be moved forward about an 1/8", they will get moved tonight along with the addition of the upper and lower pieces to unbox the frame horns. Also, need to add a couple of .040X.060 pieces to the frame to allow the 4-link to be hung.

More fun yet to come, stay tuned.

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