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I was just wondering how many of you modelers out there are in the military currently or were in the military? If you were please give branch and rank. Also let us know if you built any while you served. Personally I did not pick up this hobby until I was done with my last bad hobby. I still can't look at a table, a ping pong ball, or a solo cup with out screaming.

Thank you for your response and more importantly for serving this great country.

Cpl. Justin Tisdale

USMC 2001-2006

Posted (edited)

Aw c'mon Justin. I just played Tequila pong the other night with my Marine and 3 of his Marine buddies and GF's! Of course when we were done, my Bulldog Mongo looked real good in that grass skirt...


Edited by MkowaPhD


I served 8 years in the S.C. Air National Guard as an Air Traffic Controller (made it to Staff Sgt...testing for Tech when I got my pilot slot) and crossed over to Officer to fly jets for 8 years in the Air Force Reserves...made it to Captain before I got out over Anthrax. The only thing that has been consistent in my life for 34 years has been model building and I built everywhere except UPT (undergraduate pilot training) because the training was so intense you didn't have time to build. I do remember spraying a camo paint job on a model of a c-141 with my airbrush in the officer barracks at Altus while I was in 141 school. The maid was NOT happy with me...to say the least. Still have that model after 17 years! One of the FEW (4) airplane models I built. Airplane builders are a weird bunch....I was scared I would become one of them, so I stopped and did the right thing...I stayed with cars!!!


ps. Thanks for your service. I know freedom is not free....I've been to 3rd world countries....and they suck!


Not in the US Justin, but I was a member of the Royal Australian Navy for 20 Years. Joined in July 1970 and discharged in November 1990. I was a Electronics Technician working on radio communications equipment. I discharged as a Petty Officer (your NCO). Since then I haven't broken ties with the Navy, as such. I have been working for a couple of companies in ship building here in Melbourne.

I built a couple of models whilst serving. Quiet time on the ship and all. Used to cop it a bit from other crew members, but converted on or two. I still take a project away with me when I go on business within Australia for an extended time.

Cheers mate, Tom.


I was a Submarine Sonar Technician (STS1/SS, paygrade E-6) in the US Navy from 1976-1992. I took a break from building during a couple of the early years, but otherwise I've been building since around 1970. I hope my skills improve soon.... We couldn't build models on the boats due to a lack of space and the fact that most of the paints/adhesives were atmosphere contaminants, but I did when ashore at home or in the barracks.


Served with the 1st Battalion/13th Marines in Vietnam 1969-70. We didn't have access to plastic models.

On my way this morning to Tampa VA Hospital to have a 4th of July picnic for the hospitalized troops and their families.



Like many here, I believe, I'm a Vietnam Era veteran, though I was a Pershing Missile Erector/Launcher Operator in Germany in 67-69. The Pershing was the Army's largest weapon ever with around a 100 kilo ton nuclear warhead. The best part were the aluminum bodied, Chrysler powered, converted APC's that carried all the missile equipment. Unloaded and out on the Oklahoma prairie, they really flew! :D

Posted (edited)

Aircraft Mechanic (Structures) First Class Petty Officer John E. Bowers, Jr. reporting as ordered sir!

I have been building model cars since I was a young'un. Joined the Navy in 1988 and was given a medical discarge in 2001 when the flight surgeon decided that I was all used up. I got back into the hobby when we were stationed in Spain and after wandering into a little shop I stumbled onto a Revell of Germany 1/6 scale Harley Fat Boy kit. Built it very carefully and after we got back to the U.S. I entered it into the Y-City contest in Ohio and won second in class. I have been building ever since.

Edited by John E. Bowers Jr.

US Army 1996-2000 in Germany. I built airplanes in garrison and when I got deployed to Macedonia. Texas National Guard 2000-2008. Deployed twice and built models on both deployments. I find it relaxing and it may have been the only reason I didn't lose my mind in Afghanistan. I got out because of burnout.

Army Sp4 1st Signal Btn K-Town Germany '72

Ed Erbeck Jr.

For those who haven't been to Germany, K-Town is Kaiserslautern ;)


Thank you ALL for your service! Tried to join the Marines when I was 20 (failed phys due to a bad back) as I really felt that I needed my @$$ straightened out. What might have been, I'll never know.....



U.S. Army 1967-1970. Spent 31 months on Okinawa from Nov 67-Jun 70. I made it to SP/5. I built three models while there, a 65 GTO, 37 Chevy and a 68 Camaro. In 1973 I joined the National guard and got out in 1974 as first a SSG then changed to SP/6. I've been building ever since the early 60's. I build mostly cars and trucks. I have built some airplanes. Thanks to all who served and espicially to those who gave all. GOD Bless America. Dan Popeko

U.S. Army 1967-1970. Spent 31 months on Okinawa from Nov 67-Jun 70. I made it to SP/5. I built three models while there, a 65 GTO, 37 Chevy and a 68 Camaro. In 1973 I joined the National guard and got out in 1974 as first a SSG then changed to SP/6. I've been building ever since the early 60's. I build mostly cars and trucks. I have built some airplanes. Thanks to all who served and espicially to those who gave all. GOD Bless America. Dan Popeko

I spent a lot of time on that island too. I can guarantee that nothing has change not even the smell. That was by far my favorite duty stations. I only wished that I spent a fraction of the money I did on booze on models my collection would be the greatest.

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