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ACME Southern Nationals Model Show Photos

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WOW! What an awesome show.

This year was by far my most favorite Southern Nationals NNL yet.

Many big names and new faces showed up this year, and it was truly a pleasure catching up with old friends, and meeting new ones. There was so much talent in the show room, and it was surely visible by what was sitting on the tables. I'm still in awe of some of the fine works of art I looked at.

Gregg and Jarius, It was a pleasure meeting you guys.

I managed to shoot over 500 photos. I know that I didn't shoot all of the cars on the table, but I tried. The link to the album is below, and it should have some interesting eyecandy in it for everyone, no matter what subject matter you enjoy.

Please have fun browsing the photos, and PLEASE add comments to them if you built the model or have any remarks. It's always great to see feedback or additional info about the photos.

Here are some samples of the fantastic cars you will see inside the album.










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Thanks for sharing, I can see I missed an awesome show. I had to be in Florida on business through Saturday morning and struggled to decide if I should try to make it or not. I see now that I should have made plans to come through Atlanta and at least checked out some of it.

Next year, I will be there!

Thanks again.

Mike Scheve

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Thanks Matt for all the great pics! We had a blast at the NNL itself and also both Friday and Saturday nights in the hospitality room (Gregg's going to post some seriously funny, sometimes disturbing pics soon :shock: :P ) and from our lunchtime field trip on Friday.

We had 611 models entered and 657 on display, and Randy Derr won Best in Show and Best Pony Car w/his USAC Foyt Camaro that is in the most recent issue of Model Cars Magazine.

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another EXCELLENT show Bob....

nice talking with both you and Matt...

talked to a bunch of people, Brian, my buddy Henry [...i put 'um back!!!], Fred, chopper...at al...

and, uhh, yeah, just WHEN is the Oscar Meyer pic gonna surface???

nice to finally meet Jarius [harus???] and talk to Gregg again, i'm trying to convince him to come to the Cincy show in April....

Deja Vu....



see ya next year!! dw 8)

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The show was great. I met some great people like Randy Derr, David Morton, Steve Hinson, Jairus, and Gregg. Gregg is a blast to hang out with. He went to dinner with us and we were cracking jokes the entire time.


(Gregg's going to post some seriously funny, sometimes disturbing pics soon :shock: :P )

It was a blast. I look forward to next years show.

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What a great album Matt! They were all great but the class that really blew my mind away was the closed wheel racing. Impossible to pick just one favorite!


You're welcome. :lol:

Closed wheel competition class had many entrys this year, and was one of my favorite classes to browse. The dragsters were off the chain this year as well, all top notch builds.

There was a surprisingly large number of Motorcycles too. There were more of them entered than I've ever seen at a model show. I think Revells new chopper series is a big hit.

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Great pics Matt! It was a Super Show! Got meet a lot of super guys,Gregg, Jairus,Randy Derr. Met Matt, Eric, Paul, Henry(What A TRIP!) and renewed my friendship with Al. Had a great turnout of Short Track models. By the way, since I now know you like them Dirty Gregg I`ll dip all my models in a MudHole before the next show :D


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