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Time Machine Resin

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I ordered a base 69' Camaro hood back in the summer of 2011..I still have yet to see the part....I look at it as an Oh Well thing...$8 lost ....But it's to bad though...because I have a 70 Bonneville that I wanted to get the hardtop body for...And also wanted the 73 charger SE Kit...hopefully they get things back in order....As they do have a few things I'd love to have.

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Well, I have to say this. The parts that I ordered 15 months ago that never arrived, all the e-mails I sent that were ignored, all that changed yesterday. I received a box in the mail that had all the parts I ordered ! :D Don't know what changed, and can't say I have confidence in the guy, but I am obligated to inform you guys that I got my stuff. Good luck to you, hope you get what you paid for too !

Edited by Dave D
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The parts I ordered 17 months ago have never arrived either....nor have my emails received replies. If they are out of business, why is their website still up and able to take orders? Why not respond to email questions about existing orders? I don't get it. They just don't seem to comprehend 'customer service'. It's not the money--I'm only out $20 or so, but the parts I ordered aren't available AFAIK from other casters (uptops for the Revell '69 Camaro convertible).

Edited by Rob Hall
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But y'all should go to the "Model Pigs" and post this stuff.


This might be a good time for those who never got what they paid for to e-mail a reminder, as it sounds like Time Machine is getting back on track and catching up.

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This might be a good time for those who never got what they paid for to e-mail a reminder, as it sounds like Time Machine is getting back on track and catching up.

Yeah, so many people willing to jump in and complain! Stuff happens to people in their lives and when it does, the part time resin business is at the bottom of the list. The post said the caster made good, so give him a chance to catch up. Casting supplies aren't cheap so it may be a matter of filling some past orders and some new orders to pay for the materials.

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Yeah, so many people willing to jump in and complain!

I think in this case people who paid and never received anything have every right to be upset, to voice their displeasure, and let others know what their experience was.

Stuff happens to people in their lives and when it does, the part time resin business is at the bottom of the list.

Yes, even if it's a full-time business, things do happen in life which are more important than the business. That said, if people pay for products and the orders cannot be filled, the money should be returned, period.

The post said the caster made good, so give him a chance to catch up.

I agree, but I've also seen many posts where the caster no longer had any record of the original order, so sending a "I paid for a Muntz Jet trans kit in February 2011 via PayPal" might trigger the caster's memory or allow him/her to find the order details, now that he/she is getting caught up.

Casting supplies aren't cheap so it may be a matter of filling some past orders and some new orders to pay for the materials.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul is never a good thing.

I don't know what Time Machine Resin's story is, but it's good to hear they are attempting to make right on past orders which were paid for but never filled. -_-

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Yeah, so many people willing to jump in and complain! Stuff happens to people in their lives and when it does, the part time resin business is at the bottom of the list. The post said the caster made good, so give him a chance to catch up. Casting supplies aren't cheap so it may be a matter of filling some past orders and some new orders to pay for the materials.

Tom, I've been waiting for a $100 order for almost 14 months. I've received nothing but excuses. I am a very patient person, and I understand that the resin business can be very slow. Its all about setting expectations. If your website tells me you ship in 4-6 weeks, then I expect to receive my product sometime during the 7th week. I have requested twice that he either refund my money or send me what I ordered. He agreed, and then followed that with more excuses.

I understand that life catches up with people, but if he can't keep up he should shut down the payment options on the website to prevent new orders until he can get caught up. He should also refund when requested to any customer whose product he cannot ship. Anything else is dishonest, and not a good way to treat customers.

Paypal will not help - they are only good for a short time. I can file in small claims court, but that would be expensive for me as I live out of state. My last option at this point is to file wire fraud (similar to mail fraud, but Internet related) charges against him. I've been reasonable for 14th months with no results. Time to start being unreasonable and see if that changes anything.


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Thank you all for these postings. I was very close to ordering a '68 Chevelle SS396. that would have been about $35 down the ratter.


I ordered Jeff's 68 Chevelle. It's here and it's really nice quality work. It just took about 6 months and many emails to get it. A couple of things in Jeff's behalf; I know he's had some hospital time and family matters to deal with, and, he didn't short-sheet me by sending inferior parts just to get me off his back.

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  • 1 month later...

Has anyone had any issues receiving items they have purchased from Jeff @ Time Machine Resin?

I was told it would take 6-8 weeks to get the resin body I purchased and as of yesterday it has been 15 weeks.

I sent him an email today. He has responded to all of my emails so far, but I am getting a little concerned.

I payed the $31.00 I owed him immediately and I understand the process as I have purchased plenty of resin.

Patience is starting to run low as I was burned once before by another resin caster.

Edited by Wheels
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Why is so hard for these guys to put up a formal annnoucement like...Hey I will no longer be taking orders....Or Im closing up shop...your money will be refunded.....or Hey Im back logged..... your gonna have to wait 10 months....Be it personal or business related...just quick notice to let customers know whats going on.

In this day and age of online shopping...we customers rely on e-mail response..updates..annoucement..etc

We can't just drive up to your "store" and ask for a refund!

Or see that your out of business...or order blindly because you haven't got pictures of products.

Facebook is the quickest and easiest way to update customers..show new products..whats discontinued...etc

If I wanted to sell my product...I certainly wouldnt want to make my customers struggle just to get information.

I see people constantly asking about a product..who makes it?...how do get a hold of the guy?...does he have pictures of his stuff? Is he still making these?

It shouldn't be this hard to do business and get on with our lives..

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I had a very LONG talk with Jeff in North Carolina back in 2008 about this VERY SAME subject . At that time , he personally PROMISED me , that he was an above board character and that deliveries were to be timely. He wanted me to do a couple of masters for him , but I told him then, I was too busy to do what he wanted done . I mean, hey, I can deliver , so what is the deal ? When I'm on the hook for parts , I get on the dang phone an let a customer know whats going down, how hard is that ?

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Has anyone contacted the Tennessee State Attorney General's Office regarding Time Machine Resin's business practices?

I think I will call them today. Here's a link: http://www.tn.gov/attorneygeneral/cpro/protectingconsumer.html

If enough of us do that then maybe we can see something happen.

I can only speak for my dealings with Jeff over the last 15 weeks. It's not my place to judge him, because there is no one who is perfect.

Jeff has answered all of my 9 emails to him. He emailed me yesterday to tell me he would be working on the Chevelle bodies this week and that it would be in the mail this weekend. I didn't have a good feeling about his response. So I sent him another email to and asked for him to be honest with me.

I told him if he couldn't fulfill my order, to please give me a refund. I told him I would not have any hard feelings about it.

I posted the above link to the Tennessee State Attorney General's Office (I don't know if that had any effect)

I received an email today stating that I had received a refund for $31.50 to my Pay Pal account!! :)

I'm happy that I didn't have to kiss my money goodbye as others suggested.

For me, I will take a good hard look at how I decide who I will purchase resin from in the future.

I'm going to check out who I am considering buying from before I purchase and I may limit myself to purchasing from casters at the shows.

I will not bad mouth resin casters as many are doing this on a part-time basis and I know how hard it is to work two jobs!

Just my opinion.

i hope others will have the same success that I had this time around.

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