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Jared Roach

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SWEET BABY JESUS! That is just killer Ken... thanks for giving me an idea for one of my snap petes (had 4 and built two but didnt know what to do with the other two!


OH my yes we need a complete WIP here for sure.... or at least finish thread from where you are at now, this thing is totally mind blowing.........

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Oops, it's Sunday. Been working on my rat rig. Trying to scrape up all the odds and ends parts for it. a lot of scratch here. Revell 41 Chevy pick up cab. Revell Kenworth W900 Cat engine and drive train. I've been working on the front suspension today. Going with coil springs. Just made the perches.




the more i look at the model the more i see, this is totally crazy building. love it and cant wait to see it finished.

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I just made a photo booth. It's just normal box and I sealed it with white paper. Needs to do some cleaning, the seam between those papers is just there, where it shouldn't be. :rolleyes: And the second picture shows, that I need better light for that. I'm working on that Funny Car right now, it is completed soon, I hope...



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I'm extremely organised this week... Check out how clean the hobby desk is... Upside down is my 11yo sons 68 R/T Charger (his first ever build that he wants me to post for him once he's finished), & on the cutting board is the start of my latest project.... See the reference picture of the blue plough in the background?.... I'm scratch building one in 1/25 scale recents013.jpgrecents011.jpg

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hey Glenn! i bet you would win the contest "cleanest work bench award" since i have never saw one that clean since i started building when i was about 12 years old! and please tell me about your plow project? :lol:

Edited by bandit1
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I just wonder how you guys keep things so neat and straight- my work area looks like a hobby shop exploded half the time.

Chuck, you haven't seen my workbench... It's like two hobby shops exploded at the same time in same place. . . . . . :lol:

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My workbench looks like a bomb went off on it tonight. Definitely have to do some tiding up. Been working on the rat rig engine.




That engine is sweet, very nice build!!!!!!! If your workbench looks like a bomb went off then mine must have went thru a hurricane, I really need to get all this organized soon, however now that its getting cold ill be moving my model building inside because my insulated garage isnt so insulated its colder in the garage in the winter than it is outside...................


Edited by Darren B
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My workbench looks like a bomb went off on it tonight. Definitely have to do some tiding up. Been working on the rat rig engine.




hey ken what paint did you use on the kitty motor? was it a brush on or spray? and if its a brush on then where would you go and get it?

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I asked around and some truckers told me that tractor supply sells caterpillar yellow. So I went there. They don't have caterpillar yellow, They have equipment yellow, traffic yellow and cub cadet yellow. This is cub cadet, I'm assuming they sell it to touch up the cadet lawn mowers they sell. The equipment yellow wasn't very bright, looked a little grayish if I remember right. The traffic yellow was what you would use for painting lines in the parking lot, very bright. The cub cadet yellow kind of had that caterpillar look. I decanted some of it through a straw into a jar and airbrushed straight as it was, no thinning. The paint brand is valspar. Dries very slow. I cooked it in the dehydrator over night, about 12 hrs and it still had a very heavy paint odor. Put it back for another 12 or so. It's fine now. A very convincing cat yellow. I'm happy with it. I have a build log for this truck in "on the workbench" listed as rat rig. Should be posting an update to it in a day or so. Ken

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I asked around and some truckers told me that tractor supply sells caterpillar yellow. So I went there. They don't have caterpillar yellow, They have equipment yellow, traffic yellow and cub cadet yellow. This is cub cadet, I'm assuming they sell it to touch up the cadet lawn mowers they sell. The equipment yellow wasn't very bright, looked a little grayish if I remember right. The traffic yellow was what you would use for painting lines in the parking lot, very bright. The cub cadet yellow kind of had that caterpillar look. I decanted some of it through a straw into a jar and airbrushed straight as it was, no thinning. The paint brand is valspar. Dries very slow. I cooked it in the dehydrator over night, about 12 hrs and it still had a very heavy paint odor. Put it back for another 12 or so. It's fine now. A very convincing cat yellow. I'm happy with it. I have a build log for this truck in "on the workbench" listed as rat rig. Should be posting an update to it in a day or so. Ken

I asked around and some truckers told me that tractor supply sells caterpillar yellow. So I went there. They don't have caterpillar yellow, They have equipment yellow, traffic yellow and cub cadet yellow. This is cub cadet, I'm assuming they sell it to touch up the cadet lawn mowers they sell. The equipment yellow wasn't very bright, looked a little grayish if I remember right. The traffic yellow was what you would use for painting lines in the parking lot, very bright. The cub cadet yellow kind of had that caterpillar look. I decanted some of it through a straw into a jar and airbrushed straight as it was, no thinning. The paint brand is valspar. Dries very slow. I cooked it in the dehydrator over night, about 12 hrs and it still had a very heavy paint odor. Put it back for another 12 or so. It's fine now. A very convincing cat yellow. I'm happy with it. I have a build log for this truck in "on the workbench" listed as rat rig. Should be posting an update to it in a day or so. Ken

cool ill hit my local tractor supply up here and see if they have cat yellow! i know they "USE'D " TO!?

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I have to feel sorry for cleanliness addicts who must spent hours keeping everything neat on their workbench, sweeping debris up and putting everything back in the slot engineered just for that tool! I was born with a "piles" mentality. There's a pile of tools ... knives, files, tweezers, etc. ... to the right of the cutting mat. Also a pile of sandpaper bits, a pile of cut pieces of rod and styrene bits, a pile of parts that are drying, a pile of parts that are glued and clamped, a pile of parts that are waiting to be installed, a pile of parts that need cleanup and sanding, piles and piles and piles. Thing is, I know whats in each piles.

This was how I sorted everything on my desk at work, some piles of paper being a foot high! But ... I knew where everything is. Same goes for my computer desk here and the bench out in the garage.

Just ask me for something, anything ... it will only take 5 seconds! :)

Edited by Foxer
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hey Glenn! i bet you would win the contest "cleanest work bench award" since i have never saw one that clean since i started building when i was about 12 years old! and please tell me about your plow project? :lol:

The bench was considerably messier than this but I cleaned all the garbage off it on Fri nite. As for the plow, well I've been inspired by a thread from Chuck Most on his crawler tractor & decided to do something myself out of an old panzer tank... http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=37403&hl=tractor&fromsearch=1...... What good's a tractor without something to pull behind it?...That's where the plow comes in. I had a pair of wheels in the parts box & the rest has just come together from scrap & strip styrene, although I fear the plow may outshine the tractor pulling it............recents051.jpgrecents052.jpgrecents058.jpgrecents066.jpg....The last pic is the quadrant gear that raises the plow out of the ground & there's about 10 hours of work just in that one little piece....Sheesh

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