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Krylon on Duplicolor?

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I was just wondering if it would work to spray Krylon paint over Duplicolor paint? Tried it on an old paint can and it didnt seem to bother it much, but when i sprayed duplicolor over krylon it made it kinda wrinkle up like it ate it a little... Any expertise with this would be greatly appreciated. :lol:

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HI..........im not 100 percent sure but it kind of sounds like the problem that is caused by painting lacquer type paint over an enamel paint, really makes a mess and sometimes gives the plastic the appearance of a vinyl top or like alligator skin.... some paints out there say they are enamel but in fact there a lacquer based paint like krylon, odds and ends,ect. usually you can tell a lacquer paint by its smell very strong or will say fast drying .....ive never really had much luck with lacquers but will eventually have to switch with paints going to lacquers....it is hard to say for sure what happen here without knowing exactly what was used with what paints and im not an expert by any means.....its just an idea.....hope it helps. mark

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My suspicion is that Krylon is enamel, which would cause the problems you're describing.

However, I do know of people who've used Krylon primer under Dupli-Color and haven't had any issues.

I also know of people who use inexpensive and store-brand primers and have good results with Dupli-Color and Plasti-Kote paints, as well as other automotive paints.

As always, try a little on some scrap before any big projects.

Charlie Larkin

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Krylon is an acrylic enamel which might explain its problem with being overcoated with Duplicolor. Duplicolor is a "hotter" paint (synthetic lacquer?), so I wouldn't trust it much over an acrylic enamel.

I guess one could spray very light coats if they wanted and get away with it, but I'm a big believer in using the same type paints throughout the whole process. The same brand names among colors and types makes it all the better. ;)

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Krylon has recently been drastically changed. I've used it for years almost interchangeably with Duplicolor. The only potential problem was that sometimes there was a tendency for masking tape to lift one off of the other when removed and even that could be avoided by very careful removal. At that time Krylon was a lacquer - now it's an enamel and even some Krylon clearcoats are not compatible with the Krylon colors. They've messed up what was a really good paint system. This news has been all over other types of modeling forums but seems to have bypassed automotive modelers somehow. Here's a link to a rocketry site. You can find lots more about this on other forums.


I understand that the old formula is still available as Krylon Industrial but I'm sure it will be a lot harder to find. Fortunately, I still have some of my favorite old Krylon colors socked away.

Edited by mr moto
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This may be off topic a bit, so sorry. Im a diehard Tamiya paint user until recently my brother in law asked me to paint a 72 firebird for him. When he handed me a can of duplicolor i looked at him like "you want me to use this?". I told him i wasnt sure about the paint but i would experement with it first. I tried it and it was one of the best paint jobs i ever did. Im sold on it now. All these years and i didnt know.

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easy rule...

enamel over anything...

lacquer over lacquer, ONLY!!!

'course, then there's the time i painted a model with Krylon Pumpkin gloss, and like the old fart i am, a couple days later, as i'm into the 2nd coat of clear, to my suprise, it was Tamiya!!! and didn't give me ANY probs!! so, as the Zman said, Krylon is a hot paint and can tolerate a 'cooler' lacquer overcoat...

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