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I hope we're done now!!

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We're getting a nice snowfall in Atlanta right now and looks like it will snow well into the evening. This is a "french toast alert" day here...where the stores are raided by people hoarding milk, bread, and eggs :D. Because snowpocalypse 2010 may have the roads messy for a day or two :lol:

I hope you have your emergency survival plan in place... :lol:

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We had a snowstorm here back in 1967 that was probably even worse. The city literally shut down for days.


The cars and buses in this photo are all abandoned. People simply left their cars and walked away... there was no way to drive. This is what the streets in Chicago looked like for about a week.


My dad got stuck on the way home from work... he made it home three days later! He slept in his car the first night, in a police station the next.

Now that was a snowstorm! And the best part was that school was closed. Woo Hoo!!!

Harry, Now THAT'S a SnowStorm!!! If it snowed like that in the south it would KILL people! I remember those kinda storms that would shut down the schools for a coupla days! Haven't had one like THAT in QUITE a LOOOOONG time! I really miss them! Bein retired, I DON'T need ta go nowhere an I get a kick outta hearin how the snows jus doin it's thing jus messin up folks heads!laugh.gif

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I hope you have your emergency survival plan in place... :lol:

Yep. Went out this AM to post office & the Evil Empire (aka Wal Mart). No traffic, no freakouts, no hoarding of the french toast ingredients. Of course that has changed now that there is 2" of snow on the ground and sticking a bit to the streets, and it's going to snow for quite a few more hours. It's so nice & quiet.

I don't have to leave for days if necessary. Let the fools deal with the fools on the roads that have no clue how to drive in this stuff. Our local traffic website crashed due to the load, and it showed traffic to be an absolute mess beforehand.

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We easily got close to 3 feet in total.

This was Tuesday night, it wasn't too bad, don't mind driving in this, even with my car :D but on the highway guys were being stupid and getting stuck and spinning out, I saw a 350Z spun and a Quattro that decided to go fast and pass the single line we were forming and I got to see him veer off and plow some snow.



And this was Thursday after it was all finally done, this was in the morning


I am sick of it also, enough is enough. My car has withstand enough damage :D The lip got ripped off and the snow pushed my one flare off

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We easily got close to 3 feet in total.

This was Tuesday night, it wasn't too bad, don't mind driving in this, even with my car :D but on the highway guys were being stupid and getting stuck and spinning out, I saw a 350Z spun and a Quattro that decided to go fast and pass the single line we were forming and I got to see him veer off and plow some snow.



And this was Thursday after it was all finally done, this was in the morning


I am sick of it also, enough is enough. My car has withstand enough damage :D The lip got ripped off and the snow pushed my one flare off

I just can't get over this winter. I'm in Central Vermont, 10 miles from Killington, and my lawn is BROWN!!! Not a snowflake to be seen for weeks. It is cold though, it was about 8 last night, which makes it even worse because it drives the frost deep down into the ground, so the roads are like rolling speed bumps with all the frost heaves this year.

Your yard looks like mine should, and mine like yours should. Heck, I've only had to snowblow once this year, the rest of the snow was only a few inches at a time, so I just didn't bother!!

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I'll guess that Gregg is the only one who missed out?

Yup ! His car is still black. Yours is probably still white from the salt ? We are supposed to get another 6 in. by Monday. I've used the 4 wheel drive more in the past week then I have the last 4 years !At least the temps have gone up , that helps to get it off the roads quicker.When they send out the trucks , of coarse ! :D

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I feel your pain Bill. We have had forty inches in six days. I've shoveled everyday since Saturday. Did get a few snow days at work only to go back today to SHOVEL snow off of roofs! My kids haven't been to school since Tuesday, and this Monday is Presidents day so they end up with a week long snow vacation.

I also had the pleasure of my Expedition coming out from underneath me into a fence. Very minimal damage luckily,we were heading to a sledding area and as I parked a little too close to a fence the rear end of my truck slide as we sat still, then ofcourse the frontend wanted to join and we were up against the fence.Somehow we got it off the fence with a small crease from the fence post and a few scratches.

The good news is next month I'm heading to the CaribbeanB)

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I remember the storm of 1967. I lived in Gary, Indiana at the time. We lived four blocks from a shopping center and they just plowed the some cars up into the piles of snow to open it up. That was not a very good time for anyone. We have had storm here where I live now back in 1978 that equaled that one in 1967. I have a drive way that is 1/8 mile long that I have to clear out now every time it snows. We have had at least a foot of snow the last few days. I hate Global Warming.

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Two things.

1.) You call it Snowpocalypse, etc. Here in Minnesota, Wisc, Dakotas, etc we call it Tuesday! Just man up and start shoveling! ;):P

2.) Scientists now call it Climate CHANGE for a reason. The climates are changing rapidly. Cold areas are warming , warm areas are getting snow dumped on them some areas are suffering terrible droughts, some terrible downpours. All are wreaking havoc amongst the populations living there!

Warming air puts more moisture in the air and when it hits cold air it dumps lots of snow! HMMMM! You guys are all experiencing one aspect of global "warming".

You can make all the snide comments you like about Al Gore but he is right.

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Here is a photo from the Armistice Day Blizzard in Minnesota in 1940. Many lives were lost in this one. It was considered the worst in known Minnesota history. The bridge in the photo is still there. It's a pedestrian bridge linking 2 halves of a country club golf course on the westen edge of Minneapolis!!


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Sorry Andy, we're not buying that warming poo. Sure climate changes, has been for aeons. Just ask a dinosaur. Whether it is man influenced now is open for debate. It's already been discovered that global warming researchers "cooked" the data to keep the grant money rolling in.

Edited by lordairgtar
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Sorry Andy, we're not buying that warming poo. Sure climate changes, has been for aeons. Just ask a dinosaur. Whether it is man influenced now is open for debate. It's already been discovered that global warming researchers "cooked" the data to keep the grant money rolling in.

Science is constantly evolving based on new evidence and perhaps we will discover that climate change is happening for some other reason. The best knowledge and the vast majority of scientific thought is in agreement at this point in time. Please find some citations that are in disagreemnt from any scientist not employed by petroleum companies. I am not aware of any.

The "cooked" evidence was one small research project and they were just slanting their conclusions and not their data. It is beyond downright silly to think that thousands of climate scientists around the world are engaged in a vast conspiracy just to get their research projects funded!

Sorry to have to disagree with all of you who don't believe that something is happening. Of course, time will tell.

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75 and sunny here in Phoenix today. Boring. Talked w/ my Mom in E. Ohio...they've had it pretty bad there the last couple of weeks, lots of snow, a couple power outages.

My sister is working in SC currently and couldn't fly home to Phoenix last night, was snowing at the airport in Columbia. Sounds like it's unusual to get snow there.

The biggest storm I remember as a kid is the blizzard of Jan. '78, was in E. Ohio at the time.

I experienced a lot of huge snows from '97-08 when I was living in Colorado.

Edited by Rob Hall
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We had an awesome snowstorm in Atlanta. A bit over 4" of snow, looked like a winter wonderland, made driving a mess for about 20 hours. But this morning as soon as the sun did it's thing, the roads went from completely snow/ice covered to practically dry by sunset. That's the way to do it :)

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Well, the main drag through town where I live is completely snow free as far as the road is concerned. However, now they're telling us that the "budget" for clearing any more snow has now dried up---------that means folks who live on the smaller streets and alleyways, may not get their streets cleared at all! :)

So much for the town coffers being "at the ready" for handling this stuff!

As I mentioned in another post, I get the feeling that this ain't the last of it----------we still have the the rest of this month and all of March to deal with! B)

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What Bob said. It was like a winter wonderland around Atlanta. I am not one of those afraid to get out there and drive nor go to the store for milk and bread. Besides, I would rather have a hot bowl of soup or chili and a PB sandwich over cold milk. Here are a couple of pics from Atlanta, northside, near the I75/I285 intersection. By no means comparable to what Bill and the NE got but nice to see. And to think, I considered moving to NY a while back. Glad I didn't get that job!




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At the first blizzard, I measured 31" in front of my house. About 5 years ago, my brother-in-law talked me into going to Sears to buy a snow blower, which was on sale. It is a big, heavy rascal (31" swath with a 9 h.p. motor). Well, I used it three times in those years until the December snow. Needless to say, it has come in pretty handy. I am sick of this snow. Come on spring.

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