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Fox Chassis (Ford) community build anyone?


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Finish time frame HAS BEEN EXTENDED from Jan 01-2011 to Jul 01-2011.

Well, it's already gone, but is it still possible to join in, since some builders have their Foxes still in Progress? I have two Fox bodied Mustangs coming right now... ;)

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Niko, this has been an open-ended build CBP since june of 2011...........you are more than welcome to join in. The original CBP target date was what you have quoted, but was done away with in and by request from several members and by myself.

Bring the FOXes, they have a home here.

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Great, count me in with

-'79 Ford Mustang Outlaw.

-'80 Ford Mustang C/Street

Yes, they both are Drag Racers, and they are glue bomb restores. These will take time, but when it's an open ended build, it doesn't matter. Great CBP, I'll be posting WIP pictures bit later today.

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Alright, here we go. Some pictures. First, I'm building these two Mustangs same time, so in one update, there might be pictures from both Mustangs, but I'll try to say clearly, is it C/Street-Mustang or Outlaw-Mustang.

Here we have the basis for these projects. Two glue bombs. That orange one is MCLaren Mustang and it will be the C/Street Mustang. I have chassis and interior for that, so the basis is pretty good. Let's get started with this one, I'll tell about that blue Outlaw Mustang later...


The C/Street Mustang is pretty rough in some places, but it can be quite easily built nice and shiny Race Car. I mean that the bodywork doesn't take years... :D Here are some pictures about the Mustang just after buying it.





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And here's one picture of the chassis:


And here we have this glue bomb after taking it apart. Interior and chassis were impossible to get in two different parts, now they are and they will be one and the same part, that doesn't matter too much, I think.


I had to open hole for the grille to the front. Also I added little styrene part to fill that missing part on the front spoiler, or what is it called... :rolleyes:


Ok, then lets start building the engine for C/Street Mustang. Street is Heads Up racing, and C/Street is for small blocks, D/street for Big Blocks. And this will be with 302 Small Block. That engine needs Pro Charger, so I scratchbuilt one. The Pro Charger is built from some plastic tubing, and some solder around it. Then I built that belt pulley. It's styrene tubing, but I "lathed" little groove for the belt. I painted some silver on it, and assembled. Pretty good, but it doesn't look as good in the pictures...



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Here is yet one picture about that Pro Charger, and picture of that engine before going to the paint stripping...



And this picture shows, where I am right now. I had the engine without paint and then I smoothed that mold line from the transmission. That little mold line on the engine will be covered up later, so don't worry about it.


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Then let's move on to the Outlaw Mustang. Outlaw is Category for too radical Street Cars, and Outlaw has "safety index". That's 7.50 seconds. But cars were supposed to run 8,0 or 7,9 usually.

My basis for this project is really rough body, But it has really... Well, odd history. In 1983-1985 Finnish builder saw this first time, and it was white with red and white chassis and black interior. It has also been bright red, blue and black. It has been also with "TargaTop", convertible and Pickup... So many different versions. Some time, some of those many builders of this car, gave lots of damage to the body. There are many cranks and other marks, that the body has been glued to one piece from few hundreds of pieces. :D And there is at least one bullet hole.

So the body has history, that's why I'll be restoring it. Here are pictures of the basis.



First I glued the body, it was almost in two pieces from that spot:


Rear bumber was just taped on...


Alright, here we go for some modifications to the top.


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And here I have filled the bullet hole with styrene. Lots of bondo needs to be attached, but there are some more places for styrene before putting any bondo...


That's all for now, I'll post updates when I have something to update. :lol:

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Wow Niko......... I've restored a few glue bombs....... but never anything as bad as these!

I've been watching your progress over the year(s) and I'm really impressed with what you've achieved. These are the ultimate challenge to your skills and I'll be watching with interest.

Well done.

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Thanks Tony! These are pretty rough, you're right. But luckily, I have no hurry so I can build these slowly and that bodywork will take long time. But I haven't done anything like this before, so it's really interesting to build models from these...

Little update also. I removed some styrene from the hood. Now I mean that C/Street Mustang. I will build Cowl Induction scoop there, when I can test fit the engine so I can see how high or low it needs to be. I glued cylinder heads, valve covers, intake manifold, carburetor and oil pan to the engine. That timing chain cover and water pump- part is installed too. (Sorry for the bad pictures, engine looks very odd in them.)

The chassis is now back from MR Muscle. I glued that front part of the frame on its place and after bit of styrene, it fits ok. Needs to build one crossmember, maybe from scratch or then if I find one, I might use that as a basis.






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And Outlaw Mustang got some progress too. I filled the holes from the rear with styrene. Now I can start building the front spoiler (or what it is called, I don't know). When I can get that done, then it might be time to put some bondo on it.




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Wow Niko, those were obliterated. To say they are glue bombs is an understatement. They look like they were targets on the bombing range!

I guess we here have it easier, as I don't think I would have even tried to save either of them. The Orange kit is a Revell 'Turbo Cobra' kit (also issued one time here as a 'Turbo Capri RS'. It has been re-issued so many times by Revell that you almost trip over it at any given 'Box Store' (when they carried models) and E-Bay is littered with them. I have 4 in my closet in various stages of build, plus one Capri version (those are a LOT harder to find).It also was issues as the McLaren M81 Turbo.

The Black car looks to be an MPC issue from 1982. It has been re-issued in a few different stripe/decal configurations, and it too is still plentiful on Ebay and some of our model shows. Of the two, the MPC kit was the better of the two. I have at least 10 of the MPC kits in the closet, along with the 1983-84GT and the various SVO releases from MPC. Great bodies, just wonky suspensions/engine bays.

I like what you have started to do with the 'C' car, and wish you the best with the 'D' car as it was pretty far gone! :) Funny, here in the states, the larger the engine/horsepower to weight ratio, the lower the letter (e.g: SS/A is Hemi Darts/Cudas, SS/B is Hemi Belvederes and Coronets......). Looks like it is somewhat backwards (from American eyes anyway!) there.

Keep at the builds, and we'll keep looking in on them.

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... The Orange kit is a Revell 'Turbo Cobra' kit (also issued one time here as a 'Turbo Capri RS'...

Keep at the builds, and we'll keep looking in on them.

Actually the orange plastic makes it a Mclaren Mustang. Same basic kit ,though the turbo Cobra does not include the sail panels, as far as I know.

But yes please keep it going we are very interested to see how it goes.

Edited by Abell82
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WOW!!! Those are way beyond my skill to bring back :blink: ,mad,MAD props for saving these! I have an old glue bomb of a couple myself (one's a Monogram Pace Car,I know it's Mono rather than MPC due to being 1:24-not sure on the other's origins),I'll definately keep watching these,and try and learn a tid-bit or four about restorations,maybe mine ain't so bad afterall. Can't wait to see more! :D

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Jason, you are correct on it being the McLaren issue. The give-away is in one of the early pics of it on its' side. You can see where the 'vents' in the hood were for the Turbo4 heat extractors. I didn't see them until you said something about the Orange plastic (mine are cast in Red, and the turbo Capri is cast in Silver/Grey). The kit is entirely wrong for the real McLaren M81s/EnduroGTs though, and is best built as a 'What-if' Mustang/Capri hybrid!

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Isn't the Turbo Cobra kit (the one recently reissued as a 'Motorworks' release and molded in red) a tweaked McLaren? I've heard that it was, but I've also heard it was based on a Capri.

It's essentially the same kit. but the Turbo Cobra comes with some funky louver covers for the side windows, and no sail panels. The McLaren comes with the sail panels and no louvers. The front bumpers are different. The Mustang Street Machine is the same kit as the McLaren, but includes a Capri rear taillight panel, and SVO style sailpanels.This is probably what you are thinking of.

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I have to say one of my favorite things about this thread (besides all the cool projects) is all the information about the particular kits!

Me too! 1:1's I knew lots (relatively speaking) about,individual kits? Not-so-much,but IO've learned lots about 'em here :)

You could say us FOX guys have a disease, Chuck. We are almost as bad as the 57 Chevy guys in that we really know our full-size cars AND all of the scale variants of them!

Fox-4 guys too,at least on the 1:1 varients,learning lots about the scale veriosns though...actually,I think it's Mustang-wide,not just the Fox\Fox-4 guys :D

Edited by Olskoolrodder
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