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The Nurburgring in big trouble.

A couple of political morons sold the track on build a theme park to drive in more revenue. They skewed the numbers and promised finacing and now with the facility half built they are looking at a 400-million euro debt, which may spell the end of the famed Green Hell (Nurburgring)

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The Ring is quite probably the deadliest race course on the planet. Maybe this fact could be capitalized on the way folks in the U.K. capitalize on Jack The Ripper and other aspects of their history... Tourism.

Tram tours could be taken around the course and all the famous crash sites could be pointed out to tourists as the names and markings on the track surface are translated and explained... "It was here, in 1963 that famed Italian driver (insert name here) lost control of his custom built Mazarati causing it to leave the course at an estimated 108 mph, costing him his life."

Yeah, I know it's kind of grim, but it's perhaps the thing that has generated the most fame for this race course.

And besides... Jack The Ripper?


David G.

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The Ring is quite probably the deadliest race course on the planet. Maybe this fact could be capitalized on the way folks in the U.K. capitalize on Jack The Ripper and other aspects of their history... Tourism.

Tram tours could be taken around the course and all the famous crash sites could be pointed out to tourists as the names and markings on the track surface are translated and explained... "It was here, in 1963 that famed Italian driver (insert name here) lost control of his custom built Mazarati causing it to leave the course at an estimated 108 mph, costing him his life."

Yeah, I know it's kind of grim, but it's perhaps the thing that has generated the most fame for this race course.

And besides... Jack The Ripper?


David G.

Well it is only the 5th most deadly track just ahead of Indianapolis.

It is the longest in the world, with over 100 coners. It takes more than 100 laps to memorize (the first step at any track) and 250 laps to min to start getting good and fast at.

Edited by CAL
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The Ring is quite probably the deadliest race course on the planet. Maybe this fact could be capitalized on the way folks in the U.K. capitalize on Jack The Ripper and other aspects of their history... Tourism.

the U.K.? the Nurburgring is in Nurburg, Germany.

maybe i'm missing what you are trying to say.

I didn't say the track was in the U.K., I said the folks who capitalize on Jack The Ripper are in the U.K. :huh:

I've played Forza Motor Sports I and II, I know where "The Ring" is, even if I never completed a clean lap on it! ^_^


David G.

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This is not good news, being that the 'Ring has been my favorite hands down since reading accounts of it in Road&Track in the 60's. I flipped out ( in a good way! ) when I discovered it was in Gran Turismo 4. I sure hope they dont figure out its more profitable to till it under and put up housing and shopping centers like has been done here in California.

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Nürburgring is my all time favorite track in the world. Nürburgring is the deadliest race track in the world to date but you have to account for non-racing deaths also. Every year between 6 to 12 "drivers" die on the track. Everyday the track is open to the public for laps. For those of you that watch Top Gear when Jeremy took that Diesel car there and tried to set that under 10 minute time. The motorcyclist that crashed, and Jeremy made the can I have your spleen joke about, actually died in the hospital. One of the odd things is that when you account for all the laps run on the track it is one of the safest race tracks in the world.

A bit of trivia for you guys on a normal weekend day at Nürburgring more laps are done than in an entire year at Daytona (both oval and road course including testing and amateur events).

Edited by ra7c7er
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  • 5 years later...

Making it safely around is a job well done. I subscribe to  the YouTube channels that cover Touristenfahrten and see way to many being unsafe and ending up with damaged cars.

I've read where you are liable for any damage you cause to the barriers plus the down time if the track has to closed for the repairs. 


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