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Aston Martin DBS


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The decals worked perfectly! I think that part of the issue I had was the paint on the intake manifold. It was painted flat white and probably the areas for the metal letter transfers should have been gloss white. That would have given the letters a smoother surface to stick to.

The Story

Mr. Allen and Jason arrived at the Department and proceeded to the Director's office. They briefed the Director and showed him the pictures. The other man in the photos is identified as Doronov, a former Russian agent who has turned Jason's assistant, Mark, into his asset. The Director instructs Jason to find and stop Mark and Doronov before anymore information is leaked. The Director also asks if Mr. Allen would be interested in helping to stop Doronov. This is the opportunity that the master spy has been waiting for and it is not going to be passed up!

The Build

The chassis is 99% complete. The only things left to add are the exhaust and rear suspension shields and those were just painted and are drying.




More to come.....

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Thank you Kane!

The Story

The master spy sits in a company car waiting for Mark to leave The Department for his meeting with Doronov. He is equipped with a multi-frequency receiver and his Walther P99 with silencer. He follows Mark to the warehouse district and stops down the street far enough as not be seen by Mark when gets out of his car. Mark walks into an alley as the master spy gets out of the company car and quickly hobbles over to the alley. He hears the muffled sound of a gun firing twice as he gets near the loading docks and sees Mark lying on the ground, bleeding. With his Walther in hand, he rounds the corner to see Doronov removing the silencer from his gun and Mr. Allen places two muffled shots into the enemy agent. The master spy places his Walther into Mark's hand since he was unarmed, turns and walks out of the ally and stops at a pay phone to call the police.

The Build

I have discarded the letters that I have originally used and replaced them with the decals that I have made. I wished I had thought of painting this manifold with gloss white, but the instructions said flat white and shame on Tamiya for saying so! A glossy surface would have made for a better surface for the letters.


The dash is completed. As you can see, I am going for the Tiptronic II transmission since Mr. Allen has limited use of his left leg and shifting would have been really painful.


More to come.....

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Clay, the chrome letters are individual letter transfers that are applied to the manifold after it has been painted. The lettering is not molded into the manifold. You have a good idea, but it is not applicable to this.

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Nice detail painting on the dash. I used about 90% of a quart of Duplicolor Paint Shop primer and rest went bad... It's not covering well anymore. Replacing it is on the to do list for today. I was pretty pleased with the Duplicolor overall and I will not hesitate to buy more. The quart size is very economical. I have to spray it pretty thinly to avoid primer strings flying around the spray booth.

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Thanks Luis! There will be plenty more story and even more build progress. Right now I am focused on the body work. The mold lines are quite prominent and require a bit of sanding. I think I have gotten them all and hopefully a coat of primer will show me no mold lines!

to get rid of those pescky mold lines permently, after you sand them down smooth lay down some liquid let it dry then sand it again and they won't come back try it. :D

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to get rid of those pescky mold lines permently, after you sand them down smooth lay down some liquid let it dry then sand it again and they won't come back try it. :D

Or shoot the model in hobby lacquers; I built two DBS kits and primed them w/Tamiya primer, and shot them with decanted Tamiya sprays. The synthetic lacquers like Tamiya and Testors sell don't cause any ghosting...or I have yet to experience any. Though if automotive primer is used and that causes ghosting, it can reappear w/subsequent coats of Tamiya or Testors. The idea is to use hobby primer too, that doesn't begin the whole process of ghosting.

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Thank you guys! I appreciate the replies and at this point, all body work is complete save for the front bumper which is giving me fits! I messed up the paint on the bumper and it is in the Purple Pond taking a bath. I will repaint the bumper later this week and hopefully I can repaint it without the bumper falling to the bottom of my paint booth! That reminds me, time to clean out the paint booth! :D

The Story

The master spy awaits in his car for the Police to show up and when they do arrive, he starts the car and quietly leaves. Mr. Allen returns to the Department and at Jason's request, he writes up a report on his activities. He then returns to his cubical to continue processing field reports. He starts to think about his activities that day and wonders how much longer he can do this kind of work. Thoughts of retirement fill his mind and he concludes that it is time to retire to someplace warm and sunny. Away from the cold of Washington, DC.

The Build

I have finished the interior.



I glued the interior to the chassis. After looking over the instructions again, I broke out the BMF and foiled the side window moldings.


More to come.....

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I intentionally limited the story for the build even though I am still writing the story and will continue adding to the story as I am not done with it yet. I have so much to tell (make up?:) ) and I cannot add it all here for this is a model car web site and not a story telling site. This is why i purposely keep the story short.

The Story

His decision to retire was quick and immediate. The Department gave him a very generous severance and retirement package and he made plans to leave DC. At the airport, he paid with his credit card for one ticket on 3 different airlines each for 3 different locations, went through the check in process at each gate and went back and purchased a fourth ticket and paid cash for it. The fourth ticket was to Miami, Florida, but that was not his final destination. He had an idea of where he wanted to go, and his aching hip couldn't wait to go!

The Build

More progress for today. I foiled the back of the deck lid and then I installed the taillights.


And then I installed the rear diffuser.


I added the side vents.


More to come.....

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Thank you guys!

The Story

The flight to Miami was quiet and uneventful and getting out of the airport was really easy...no luggage! It's very easy to move when you have nothing to take with you. He hails a cab and announces to the driver to take him to an Aston Martin dealer in Coral Gables. Upon arriving at the dealer, he goes inside and starts to look around at the various makes the dealer has to offer including Aston Martin. He spies a DBS sitting in the center of the showroom and goes over to look at it. A salesman comes over to help him and the master spy says, "I am interested in this car." "I'm sorry sir, but this car is not available for purchase," and walks away. He continues to walk around the showroom and walks past an office near the back and he hears,"Is someone helping you?" It is the salesmanager. "Is that Aston DBS for sale?" " Yes, it is." "Great, I want to purchase it and I can pay cash!"

The Build

The headlights are assembled and installed.


The hood vents are installed.


It is starting to look like an Aston Martin! The front bumper is still in the purple pond.


More to come.....

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Close-up, it almost looks real.

Great story line and build.

You should consider taking all these stories and doing some Continental Op-style short stories and novelettes, Mike. With proper exposure, I think you might be on to something for a nice extra income.

Charlie Larkin

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Thanks Charlie! You are not the first nor will you be the last person to suggest publishing my stories to me. Writing these short stories is more for myself than anything else as I am trying to find new and creative ways for my builds. Being my own worst critic, I think these stories would need major reworking for publication. I have a friend who is writing a novel based on a script that he wrote and he is having a bit of a difficult time trying to get it published. He does seem to be making some headway with it and he has my support and encouragement. He is somewhat of an influence for me in writing stories.

BTW, I had to look up Continental Ops, as I had no idea of what you were referring to. This goes all the way back to the 1920's and Dashell Hammett! WOW! :)

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The Story

Mr. Allen hands a bank check over to the salesmanager who inspects the check and announces that it is good. He calls the service department to remove the DBS from the showroom and prep it for delivery. The master spy decides to wait for the car and is shown to the waiting area and is made comfortable with a beverage and plenty of reading material. He sees the first salesman giving him dirty looks and he doesn't care since he has gotten what he wanted. The salesmanager comes into the waiting area and tells him that there is a problem with the DBS and delivery will take an additional hour and a half. The master spy requests a ride to the Hilton Miami and the salesmanager says that he can deliver the DBS to him there. Mr. Allen says that would be an excellent idea.

The Build

The front bumper is finally out of the purple pond.


A through cleaning and prep and a good coat of primer.


One coat of Tamiya Silver Leaf and the bumper is looking good. Let's hope my luck holds!


More to come.....

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