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1/16 Scale Army Vega Funny Car - Finished 10/14/2018


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Looking great as usual Chris, but you got me confused !

Looking at the real one above, it looks like the shifter plunger connects to the chrome steering part, at the front, via the bar with holes in ?? Compare the mock up with your engine fitted and the plunger looks to be below that bar.... So will it still fit like this or is it the camera angle ?? ( does this make sense ??? )

Im not picking holes mate, its just the plunger looks too far forward ???

Keep up the great work....... Lowlife ! !

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Mike... Thank you.

Clayton... Thank you. I can't wait to have this tranny done hoping to get paint on it in the next few days.... maybe Thursday. I want to see it in color and together ....lol

Ira... Thank you Sir. I still have plans to build a Deals Wheels fun build like you are always building. I love them.

Tyrone... Thanks Brother! I am trying that's for sure...lol

Martin... Thank you. The shifter plunger bracket isn't attached to the chome cross bar. I think that I messed up when I originally did the chassis I have the steering mount bracket a little farther back than it should be. It technically should be sitting a little closer to the mid plate. At the time I did it I didn't have any thoughts with where the shifter plunger was going to sit and too late for me to redo the chassis now....LOL :lol::lol:

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So fellas... yesterday I spent some time trying to come up with some color combinations for the transmission blanket, most of what did was unsuccessful but wanted to show a few pics anyway. I actually have some other colors on order that I am hoping will be a little closer to what I was trying to come up with. I took some Vallejo colors and was tinting them with white and black to try to achieve the color I was looking for. Anyway Here are some of my failed attempts....lol

So here are some test samples that I was trying with some different mixing ratios. Actually my first few attempts I wasn't keeping track so I though I should write some of it down once I got the right combo:


Here I was placing some of the straps on a piece to see how it looked.... Still wasn't the right shade:


Here is multiple other attempts at colors... LOL:


So now I am waiting for some paint to show up. I found two colors that looked really close to the pic that I had to order and its supposed to be here Thursday but hoping they will get here sooner.

Edited by Mooneyzs
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with this thread over 200 pages now,and rapidly approaching 4 years since it began ?

,,just by chance have you been keeping track or have any idea of the hours you have in this . ?

Just curious because it looks amazing and can only imagine what its gonna look like once completed.

Edited by gtx6970
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Bob... I normally color my medical tape with sharpies but since the colors werent standard shaprie colors. I didnt know if I could achive the colors by going over with different sharpie colora. As to why i decided to use some aceylic paints to mix colors similar to it and try to match it.

Bill... I havr been keeping track of thr time on a chart that inhave made in excel. The last time I checked I was over 1200 hours into this build. I need to update my spreadsheet because I keep track on 3x5 cars and then input them to my excel file. And to be honest I probably have a couple months worth to put in. I will update it when I get home and give you a more accurate number later.

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Brad... My plan as of right now is to paint the parts on thrusday. I need to get to the bench tonight and make a 2nd Plate that goes onto the bell housing and then add a hole for the reverser lever and at the same time fill two holes that TDR had on the reverser. I guess my question on the fabric paper is how it would wrap around the tranny if it would be rigid or sorta form to the mid section like the medical tape does.

Ken... I will have to add more green to it. I did add a few different shades of green in a few of the samples but it was more like Olive Drab green. Its so hard to tell from the only pic I have of it if its a green. or if it has a hint of grey or a blue shade going on. But I will try to match it the best I can. I should show the colors that I am waiting to get here. I will see what I can do to show you guys.

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I'm sure you'll get it right. It's gonna be trial and error. Doing the color tests on the tape that you'll use is the right thing. You could do the color mixing on a white plastic lid, then apply the paint to the med tape only to find that it looks slightly different on the fabric.

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with this thread over 200 pages now,and rapidly approaching 4 years since it began ?

,,just by chance have you been keeping track or have any idea of the hours you have in this . ?

Just curious because it looks amazing and can only imagine what its gonna look like once completed.

Bill... So I went and added a bunch of time into my excel spread sheet that I didn't put in for a while and as of tonight I have worked on this this build for a total of 446 days over the 4 years and currently have 1337.5 hours in this build so far.

Dave... Thank you sir... you know me there will be more trial and error with the color on the tape. I just hope that I can get the color down in a few tries when I get the couple colors I ordered. I forgot to take some pics of the color chart against the pic of the tranny blanket. I will try to remember to show everyone.

Brad.... I didn't realize that the printable fabric came on a card stock with a backing that is removed... Hmmm... maybe that might be a good solution if I can't get the color to match...lol

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Ok Guys I got a little work done its not much but I got the 2nd plate done for the bell housing. I think I made a total of 4 before I got it right...lol I kept messing up on the hole pattern and not getting them drilled in a straight line. Anyway here are a couple of shots of it:



Here is the Trick Titanium Bell Housing I was using as reference material:


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Dave... thank you. I am happy with how irs looking but it will be much better when its finally painted...lol

Bob... thank you. I want to get in a big roll and make some good progress on this hoping i will get to tomorrow and through. the weekend.

Brad... thank you. You know Ibam shooting for DSC but i honetly dont think i will be able to get it done by then. I need to get some measurements for you on the decals for the bell housing Now that I have the 2nd cover plate done and spacing set on it. I still owe ya a few more too.... lol oil pressure gage and mallory ignition box.

Bob... thank you very much sir. I am super happy with it so far and once I get it painted. I dont think there will be much more work left other than getting it assembled.

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Joe... The show is sure getting closer... which means I need to bust my but some more so I can have a lot done to it by then. Don't think I will have it completed 100% but will have it done as much as I can.

Mark... Thank you for the words of encouragement. I really do appreciate it since I have been having a lot of moments where I am just burnt out on this build. But I am continuing to press on with it...lol

Scott... Thank you. I am really happy with it so far just want to have the tranny done and assembled now... :D

Dave... Thank you. Hey I was finally able to make out to the hanger and it was a really nice job that your company did there.

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