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1/16 Scale Army Vega Funny Car - Finished 10/14/2018


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Chris, Let me know if you can't get the Donovan from CR or Slixx, you might give Model Express a try, Dennis carries CR parts, he could have the engine. But as I said if you can't get it anywhere, let me know, I don't have any plans for it at this time, it's just sitting in my room crying to be used (LOL!)

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Hi Chris, Nice to see you doing some more to this one. I enjoy every update on this one, big or small. I've said it before, this one will be great, thanks for sharing. I know how you feel on the work deal, I've had no time to do anything in almost 2 weeks now, I'm ready to get some stuff done though. Good luck and enjoy this build!

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Chris, Let me know if you can't get the Donovan from CR or Slixx, you might give Model Express a try, Dennis carries CR parts, he could have the engine. But as I said if you can't get it anywhere, let me know, I don't have any plans for it at this time, it's just sitting in my room crying to be used (LOL!)

Richard..... Thanks Man, I appreciate it. I called and talked to Dennis at Model Express tonight and he is actually out of them as well. But I was able to talk to Rodger at Competition Resins and he said he was re-working a couple of parts on the Donovan Engine and will have some ready in about 2 or 3 weeks.

Hi Chris, Nice to see you doing some more to this one. I enjoy every update on this one, big or small. I've said it before, this one will be great, thanks for sharing. I know how you feel on the work deal, I've had no time to do anything in almost 2 weeks now, I'm ready to get some stuff done though. Good luck and enjoy this build!

Jeff.... thanks bud, glad you enjoy following this build. really wish I had much more time than I do right now to accomplish more on it. But right now its when I get some time I work on it. I am hoping to have some more done this week on it. guess the biggest part is when I am itching to work on it and I can't or I have plans to totally do some work and when i get home from work I am beat and just want to relax and veg out... ;)

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Chris, great update since I last checked in. ;)

The brakes and motor work look superb mate. Marvelous how much difference a few "real" bolts can make to a build. ;)

Hey, I may have missed this too..but what was your source of the p/etch discs ?? They look to be nicely scaled for a 1/16th build...:D Nice work drilling ALL those holes too....I got tied looking at the pics. ;)

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Chris, great update since I last checked in. :(

The brakes and motor work look superb mate. Marvelous how much difference a few "real" bolts can make to a build. :lol:

Hey, I may have missed this too..but what was your source of the p/etch discs ?? They look to be nicely scaled for a 1/16th build...;) Nice work drilling ALL those holes too....I got tied looking at the pics. B)

Hey Greg... Thanks Mate! It felt like it took forever drilling all of those holes....lol I had a guy here send me a message saying he saw some on ebay. The sellers user ID is scaledetails and they were actually disks from some Ferrari photo-etch detail sets, they had them in 1/16 and 1/18th scale. Here is links to a couple of their listings on ebay....

Detail kit with photo-etch disks: http://cgi.ebay.com/Ferrari-1-16-F40-Testarossa-Transkit-Tamiya-Fujimi-NR-/390317492516?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item5ae0bc4924

I had also picked up a photo etch seatbeld harness from them too.

1/18th scale seat belt harness kit: http://cgi.ebay.com/AMG-1-18-Seatbelt-Harness-Kit-F40-TR-Burago-Ferrari-360-/350466145369?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item519968fc59

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O-K, I'm waiting patiently to see more of this car. The engine you are working on looks pretty good. Keep it Up!

Thanks Richard. I figured I would continue building this engine and when I get the Donovan motor in a couple weeks I will build it up as well and figure which I want to go with. I am thinking that I will end up using this block I am currently working on, in a Fiat Altered build which I was planning on doing next after this funny car B)

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I have the CR 1/16th scale Fuel Altered body (have had it for awhile now), plans on it are to shorten one of Revells F/C chassis's to fit & put a Ford 427 "Cammer" in it, I've got the chassis, body & the engine just have to make time to build it, Pro-Mods are taking all my time right now!

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Very cool. Cant wait to see that build. I picked up the same body earlier this year and looking forward to buildig it. I even picked up the mike sullivan decals from slixx but not sure if i will use or do some other paint job.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey Bob.... I haven't been able to do much the past few weeks due to work and having family visiting. I am keeping fingers crossed that I will get to do some work tonight and tomorrow. So stay tuned and I will be posting more pics. I am so ready for the 4th of july weekend and my plan is to work on my models all weekend..... :D I have that itch and its killing me that I haven't been able to work on anything lately.

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I was finally able to sit down tonight and work on this project for a while. Felt good to be back building and working on this. I was able to finish drilling holes in the blower for all of my bolts and then I ended up working on the rear end and fuel tank. Here are some pics. Thanks for looking.


Started tonight by muding up the rear end and fuel tank with Bondo:







Then it was onto drilling the rest of the holes for the Scale Hardware on the blower:











Then I worked on sanding the bondo and adding more and sanding more. Now it's ready for an initial coat of primer. I will be cutting the kit bolt heads off and drilling holes to add Scale Hardware bolts to the front housing of the rear end:







Next was the fuel tank. Took and sanding the first coat of Bondo, then added another one on a few spots that needed a little more filler. This is also ready for it's initial coat of primer. Once dry I will be drilling holes for the A/N Fittings from RB Motion that will be going on this build:






Then I worked on setting the fuel tank in the Chassis and started to make a template from a 3x5 card for the fuel tank tie down. Cut and files the cross member which I will be adding a tab to connect a fuel hole down strap Once I get the correct shape out of the 3x5 card and am happy with it, I will be using an empty Beer can that I cut up and will transfer the shape to it and use that thin aluminum for my hold down strap:







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I was out of town for the weekend and was able to tinker on the rear end for a little bit tonight after I got home. Here are some more progress Pics..... Thanks for looking.


After getting the Rear ends initial primer coat on it was time to cut the kit bolts off the rear end:







Drilled the holes for the new bolts:






Adding detail to the rear end for a filler cap:







Checking out what it looks like with the cap in place:






Put the bolts in place to see how it looks mocked up:






Taking a look at the rear end with the bolts and filler cap in place:



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Good to see you back to work, The tunk and rear end looks great, been at Scalehardware i see. Keep the pics. coming.

Good to see you back to work, The tunk and rear end looks great, been at Scalehardware i see. Keep the pics. coming.

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Thanks Richard!

Thanks Derrick, It feels good to be back at work on this. Yeah I have done a little investment with Scalehardware products the past few months....lol.. Sad thing is that I may need to order some more hardware. few items they were out of when I was purchasing. so I picked up a few alternates.... doesn't hurt right :lol:

Thanks John, I am really excited about going all out on this build. Just wish I could make progress faster but then again I don't want to rush anything, but work gets in the way some times.... B) I am excited about this 3 day weekend I will be having over the 4th. will pretty much be spending time on this and little my 1/16th scale FED, gotta color sand and rub the body out on that one. John your builds are an inspiration to me.

I am planning on doing some more work tonight when I get home from work. So hopefully I will have some more updated pics later on tonight.

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