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What's holding up your painting ?

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I was wondering this same question since I don't think I have the best solution right now.

I use a bent wire hangar to hold the body, this works very well in my opinion. For everything else I use poster tac, it's a putty used for hanging posters on the walls, on cardboard. I try to use as little as possible and place it on a spot that shouldn't be seen when everything is put together.

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The square with 4 wires sticking out is my body holder and was made with foam and 2 coathangers. Each one is bent in a squared off U shape with the ends pushed through from the bottom. I then clipped them off at an acceptable length and bent the ends at a 45 degree angle facing outwards so the tips contact the inside of the body. The sharp ends dig into the body a little holding it on place, but after having two bodies come loose while painting I started using a little masking tape to hold the ends to the body. The foam is wrapped with 3 inch masking tape and re-wrapped when it starts to get too much overspray buildup on it. I have been using this one for about 10 years now and plan to build a better one sometime in the near future. The long rectangles are the same foam wrapped in tape so I can stick toothpicks or pieces of sprue with alligator clips moounted to them.


Body holder doing it's job


A smaller one that I use for howheels, 1/43, and smaller bodies like this.


I also use a lot of doubled over masking tape, and superglue pieces of sprue to parts then clamp them with the alligator clips

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What's holding up my painting? The 40 degree rainy weather! :( My model room is an unsealed old metal and 4X4 shed that doesn't keep out the damp very well. May as well paint outside!!! Last year I put in a heater, a window and started insulating and sheeting the walls. I should have started on the roof to fix the ventilation problem. I plan to do some more work on it this year to remedy the problem.

Back on topic: I use doubled over tape on old paint can lids or bottles, toothpicks stuck in cardboard, etc.


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I use an empty beer bottle with some water added to weigh it down. I stick the body over it, with the mouth of the bottle sticking up through the windshield, sunroof, or stick a roadster body over it. I also use an unopened soda can if it fits. I use lots of folded over blue tape for spraying small parts.

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