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But you know, DOCTOR CRANKY has another idea, which I wonder what kind of an interest would be stirred up if, for example, Doctor Cranky had announced that there would be a FREE IWATA MICRON C-PLUS given to the person who would show the most excitement, or say, built the funniest Doctor Cranky's Lab-RAT-ory type of vehicle, etc . . .

I'm sure someone would chime in and say that they would never want a free 400 dollar airbrush because what's the use . . . right?

I would imagine most of you would believe that a MICRON C-PLUS has the potential of changing the way you build models? I hope so.

But then again, maybe not . . . B)


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Iwata is nice , microns are nice ,,,I have 5 AB's. but I still keep going back to my workhorse badger 155 or T&C omni 5000.

but I wouldn't turn another down !.. I smell a giveaway ?

your very sly Dr.C...hehehhe

Edited by scalenut
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I have to agree with Robert, & I'm certainly not being cranky. To me there's nothing "fun" about all this silly hype, & I have better things to do than watch a bunch of useless video clips that not only offer nothing of value or substance, they offer nothing at all, only one of which I did waste my time watching, but that's four minutes of my life I'll never get back.

I suppose when the "big announcement" is finally made, we'll have to watch yet another inane & senseless video to find out what it is, instead of it being posted to read on the forum, which would be quicker & less annoying. Ah well, I guess if someone craves attention, this is as good a way of getting it as any.

Some may find this "suspenseful" or even "fun", but as for myself, this pretty much sums it up:


Wake me when the "big moment" is passed, so far it hasn't been worth the effort nor of any real interest.


Hmmm... Now I remember why I put mark on ignore...B)

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Hi all. Here's my two cents worth. Please stop the "urinating contest"! ( I said urinating, yeh, yeh...yeh, yeh. ) Like has been said, if your not into the hype, go to a different thread. This hobby and others I'm involved in need more Dr. Cranky's. If a number of folks that are not model builders per chance on his videos and think this all looks like fun, then maybe there will be a few more model builders. That can't hurt. At any rate, I love Dr. Cranky's videos. They make me laugh. I also learn new techniques and see builds that I know I'll never do, but appreciate the craftsmanship! This 60 1/2 year old kid just wants to have fun! We all need to lighten up and smell the styrene! Aaron Dupont

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Hi all. Here's my two cents worth. Please stop the "urinating contest"! ( I said urinating, yeh, yeh...yeh, yeh. ) Like has been said, if your not into the hype, go to a different thread. This hobby and others I'm involved in need more Dr. Cranky's. If a number of folks that are not model builders per chance on his videos and think this all looks like fun, then maybe there will be a few more model builders. That can't hurt. At any rate, I love Dr. Cranky's videos. They make me laugh. I also learn new techniques and see builds that I know I'll never do, but appreciate the craftsmanship! This 60 1/2 year old kid just wants to have fun! We all need to lighten up and smell the styrene! Aaron Dupont

Well said, Aaron.

I spoke with Virgil a little while ago and he asked me to keep a close watch on this thread. He told me that the last thing he wants to see is this thread morphing into some sort of "I like Cranky" vs. "I don't like Cranky" back-and-forth exchange. He asked me to lock this thread if that's what happens, as that was definitely not his intention. I hate to lock threads, so I'll assume that won't be necessary.

So let's have fun, and remember that it's up to you guys whether or not you want to be a "Crankyhead."

Participation is completely up to you. B)

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Here, let Doctor Cranky tell you a little story. A few months after I got back into the hobby (years ago now), I remember opening the pages of, I think it was, PLASTIC FANATIC, or some such magazine and I stumbled upon the work of Mr. Bill Borgen with that amazing 40 Ford Clown car he had built, and then I saw more of his work, which is all thematic, and it's all tongue-in-cheek humor, and ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL, and his stories and models made me want to build my own stories and models. The same happened with Pat Covert (Hogdoo Grundy) and Ken Hamilton (Mr. Wildhare)--I am not comparing myself to those amazing builders, but what I am saying is that these builder passed the hobby fever down to me.

This is the way it works. You invite builders to have FUN building model cars and once they are hooked, they are usually hooked for life. And that IS and HAS TO BE a beautiful exchange between strangers (actually these three builders Doctor Cranky considers wonderful friends now), but the point is . . . you have to FEED YOUR HEAD, you have to keep having FUN . . . you have to ENJOY your hobby, otherwise, what is the point?

I respect everyone's opinion on this forum, even if it might not be my cup of tea.

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Another two cents worth. My father passed the building gene to me. He built wood airplanes and then the new fangled plastic kits. I remember him completing a WWII bomber right before I went to bed. In the morning I heard him cussing and stomping. He had set the airplane on top of a table lamp to dry. My mother used to stay up late reading. Well that night she turned on the top 200 watt bulb. It curled the wings of that airplane. It was a site to see! I learned something that night. Don't leave models out where my mother reads. LOL My father bought me my first ANT model car in 1958. A 58 Ford. I don't remember much about it. But I used most every part and decal in the kit. He also passed model railroading to me. I've been hooked on model cars and model railroading ever since! My father was a gifted Dental Technican. He spent more time building dentures crowns etc. But he passed that building gene to me. I'm better for it. No mater how frustrating a build can be at times, I still have fun. If it becomes a struggle, I go to another project. When I return with fresh eyes, the build is better for it. Plus, I've probably learned something. Continue doing videos Dr. I can tell you love sharing by your voice! I love that you show us "A" way to do things. Not "THE" way. We all have our own techniques that we are comfortable with. We all have our opinions too. Ours is not to always agree, but we should respect. Thanks for allowing me a place to relive a great memory of my father. And to Share my opinion with you all. Even though I've never met any of you all, I consider you all my friends. Thank-you, Aaron Dupont

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That's a wonderful story, Aaron. My father worked the factories in Los Angeles and he never had time for any kind of hobby, but he did pass down his 1965 Dodge Dart, and then I sold it. BIG MISTAKE, it was a wonderful car. You live and you learn.

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But you know, DOCTOR CRANKY has another idea, which I wonder what kind of an interest would be stirred up if, for example, Doctor Cranky had announced that there would be a FREE IWATA MICRON C-PLUS given to the person who would show the most excitement, or say, built the funniest Doctor Cranky's Lab-RAT-ory type of vehicle, etc . . .

I'm sure someone would chime in and say that they would never want a free 400 dollar airbrush because what's the use . . . right?

I would imagine most of you would believe that a MICRON C-PLUS has the potential of changing the way you build models? I hope so.

But then again, maybe not . . . ;)

i got so excited i wet my seat.......from across the room, then i built this to commemorate just how excited i was





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That is really cool Dr Cranky. AK Interactive is really big in the armor crowd. It's a great associtation for you to have and it will introduce us to a whole new line of products for weathering our vehicles. As much as we like this place maybe you could check out Scale Model addict. They like videos over there. Phat Pete tottering off to bed now. ;)

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You keep doing your own thing, Doc! Sad how things turn into a "Waaa! Waaa!" fest around here. You preach to your choir, and we'll keep the motor runnin' in the Waaambulance.... just in case. ;):lol::lol:

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