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Double (and Triple) Posting

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Recently we seem to have a new trend starting up, where people are posting the same exact WIP thread in two or three different places on the forum.

Let's knock it off. Posting your WIP in one place will suffice... :unsure: It's up to you where to post it–in the "On the Workbench" section, or in "Big Boyz" or "Drag" if applicable, but not in all of those places!

The reason I saw given for doing that was that someone in the chat room says they "only look at the Drag section," so the builder should also post his WIP there for the "convenience" of the Drag-only member. Sorry, but no. If a member only wants to look at one area of the forum, that's his right, but he's going to miss a whole lot of stuff by doing that, and it is NOT everyone else's job to make "Mr. Drag-Only's" forum visits more convenient for him!

From now on multiple posts of the same WIP will be deleted.

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Maybe you need to reorganize the forums. Notice in the list below, the WIP forums are more delineated, and the UUnder Glass forums are more generalized:


  • Rules and Announcements
    Introduce Yourself
    General Chit-Chat
    Works In Progress
    • Drag Racing
      Other Racing
      American Street Cars
      Foreign Street Cars
      Trucks (All Civilian)
      Other Cars (Movie Cars, etc)
      Military (Land Vehicles)
      Under Glass
      • Race Cars (includes "Drag Racng", NASCAR", and "Other Racing")
        Street Cars (includes American Street Cars, "Foreign Street Cars", "Tuners", and "Other Cars (Movie Cars, etc)")
        Trucks (includes "Trucks (all civilian)")
        Military (includes "Military (Land Vehicles)")
        Dioramas (duh)

    Other Topics

    Community Builds

    New Releases

    Aftermarket (resin, tires, other components)



    Model Car Clubs

    1:1 Reference Photos

    Automotive Artwork

    I think all you have to do is provide a more specific forum for the different types of models, and people will generally "do the right thing".

    Of course, if the gallery were implemented, you probably wouldn't even need an "under glass" forum section.

Edited by jsimmons
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A while ago we were talking about reworking the forums, eliminating some categories, combining some, creating a few new ones. Everyone and their dog chimed in with their own personal preferred layout (and of course everyone wanted it done differently), but nothing ever came of it... so I assume we're sticking with the breakdowns as they are.

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Maybe if there weren't soo many categories,people wouldn't be inclined to post their builds in more than one place. ;) I don't see why we need different categories for pickups,drag cars,Nascar,big scale etc. anyway. Under glass should open to any finished model. On the workbench should be open to any project. There's a lot of categories that could be combined and/or deleted entirely. I build a lot of pickups,but I don't see a need for a seperate category for them. I build drag cars also. Again,no need for a seperate category. I think posting all types of builds in the Under Glass and workbench sections would expose more people like myself and many others to different types of builds and maybe get others interested in the same type of build.

God forbid if someone built a drag pickup. They wouldn't know where to put it! Let's see,should I put it in Under Glass? No,some people don't like to have to look at a pickup. :rolleyes: Should I put in the Drag section? No,some of them might not like pickups either. Maybe I should put it the pickup section? No,some of them might not like Drag builds. I guess I should just put in "Other". Na,they may not like an automotive subject in there. Forget it! I just won't post it at all! :) See the dilemna?

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Maybe if there weren't soo many categories,people wouldn't be inclined to post their builds in more than one place. ;) I don't see why we need different categories for pickups,drag cars,Nascar,big scale etc. anyway. Under glass should open to any finished model. On the workbench should be open to any project. There's a lot of categories that could be combined and/or deleted entirely. I build a lot of pickups,but I don't see a need for a seperate category for them. I build drag cars also. Again,no need for a seperate category. I think posting all types of builds in the Under Glass and workbench sections would expose more people like myself and many others to different types of builds and maybe get others interested in the same type of build.

God forbid if someone built a drag pickup. They wouldn't know where to put it! Let's see,should I put it in Under Glass? No,some people don't like to have to look at a pickup. :rolleyes: Should I put in the Drag section? No,some of them might not like pickups either. Maybe I should put it the pickup section? No,some of them might not like Drag builds. I guess I should just put in "Other". Na,they may not like an automotive subject in there. Forget it! I just won't post it at all! :) See the dilemna?

Exactly my thought`s.......but hey, I just like to build models.......I think I am the one who started this hole mess......I apologize .......my thought was to share my work that I was really proud of.......... and to help as many folk`s as possible........so I posted in diffirent spots......and to my surprise .......I got a lot of great response.........but, I must have ruffled to many feathers........I guess if you want to stay on this forum .......you must obey the rules........or nobody will ever build models .......they will be to busy worried about authority.......sorry it wont happen again........I`ll take a step backwards.

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Everyone and their dog chimed in with their own personal preferred layout...

My dog didn't chime in with any ideas, mainly because I don't have a dog!!! :);):rolleyes:

Seriously though, I do see the point Harry is trying to get across, I don't know how many times I've seen "Watch me build my XYZ" first posted in "On the workbench", then five minutes later "My XYZ build" shows up in "Drag Racing Models", then heaven forbid it might have a resin body, five minutes later "My XYZ build" shows up again in "Resin", then help us if it isn't a large scale, it shows up five minutes later as "Watch me build my XYZ" in "Big Boys" too!!!

I've seen the same thing happen with people doing their own resin parts, too. They'll post something in the "General" section letting you know about their new "company", then post the same thing in "Resin", then just to make sure you know, they'll post it in the "Links, Advertisers, and Web Sites" section too!

One exception to this though should be for the community builds, because I know in the one I'm putting on, many of the builders participating have their own WIP thread (and only one I hope :lol: ) going on the build, but they will also keep the community build updated in the build thread as well.

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John, don't worry... you didn't break any rule, because technically there is no rule against multiple posting. I just prefer that everyone posts only ONE WIP of the same project, just to keep thinks a little "neater" here. If everyone starts posting identical WIPS in several places, we'd have a lot of duplication and wasted bandwith.

If there are people here who only look at one or two forums and ignore all the rest, hey, that's their loss. We can't be posting multiple copies of the same WIP all over the place just to make sure certain people like Mr. "I look at the Drag section only" see it.

It's up to people like Mr. "I look at the Drag section only" to look around and see what's posted; it's not everyone else's job to make sure he sees our work.

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Harry, on de H. A. M. B , several people go out of their way to RE-post pictures . I agree, it's a nuicence . Still, whattdda ya gonna do , Superglue der fingers togetha ? :) Ed Shaver

Remember, Ed... if it gets out of hand I always have access to the magic "Delete this topic" button... :rolleyes:;)

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Maybe if there weren't soo many categories,people wouldn't be inclined to post their builds in more than one place. :) I don't see why we need different categories for pickups,drag cars,Nascar,big scale etc. anyway. Under glass should open to any finished model. On the workbench should be open to any project.

"Under Glass" IS open to any finished model, "On the Workbench" IS open to any project. The reason we have separate categories for things like Drag, NASCAR, trucks, etc. is for the convenience of you guys–to make it easier for members to find the types of models you're most interested in. Whether a member posts a WIP of a funny car in "Drag" or in the more general "On the Workbench" is up to them... just don't post it in both places,

I do agree that the way the forums are broken down and categorized could stand to be reworked and improved on. But like I posted earlier, we already went around and around on that topic months ago, and Gregg decided to stick with things as they are... so, end of story as far as that goes.

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Guest Johnny

Could be worse! Like another well know site, dare I say it's name??? Na! we all know!:)

Another thing would be quoting a post without removing a group of pictures from it so we don't have them posted half a dozen times through the thread!;)

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If you only knew how many times I've gone in and deleted the "quoted" photos... :lol:

I just wish that some people who want to quote one little part of a post or just ask a question one pic WOULDN'T QUOTE THE ENTIRE POST!!! B)

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Great. Another guestion, is there any simple way to find your own topics? In case you have had some long brake with your build and you have build something else, then you want to find that old topic to get back with updates for it... It is sometimes impossible to find topic when it is somewhere between pages 20 to 120 :lol:

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Great. Another guestion, is there any simple way to find your own topics?

Yes, there is, but this method will only show the last year's topics, anything past that it will not show.

Go to "My Profile", and once you are at your profile page, click "Find My Content" underneath your profile picture. Once you do that, a page will come up with all topics that you have posted in or started. Above the first topic, you should see a box on the right hand side that has "View all topics (your name here) has posted in or started" with an arrow beside it. Click on the arrow and it opens a drop down menu and the second choice is "View all topics (your name here) has started". Highlight that and click the "Update" button next to the box. That will give you each topic you started between now and June 08, 2010. :lol:

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