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I recently recieved a large scale (not quite sure of scale ,maybe 1/8?) Jaguar XKE model molded in red. It was my dads that he put together with my grandfather sometime in the mid 60's.

It's pretty cool, with working suspension, opening doors, and the windows even roll up and down! It needs to be restored really bad as it is now is pieces and has been in my grandparents attic for probably 40 years.

I am not sure what I want to do with it. Big scale is not really my thing. Thinking of maybe selling it or trading it, but have no idea what it is even worth?

I have not researched it much as I just kind of put it to the side as soon as I got it in August.

I gues I am looking for opinions from a expert on this as to what I should do with it? It looks to be complete, but now in pieces. I originally thought about restoring it and maybe giving it bcak to my dad for fathers day, but again, big scale (and Jaguars! lol!) are not my thing.

opinions extremely welcome!

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Even though you may not be interested in large sale or Jags.,think what it might mean to your Father, seeing something he built with the help of his Father, brought back to life. Sometimes a person needs to jump outside of their own comfort level and do the right thing. It might just make his day. It's what I, the MADD FABRICATOR, would do in the same situation.

Even better yet, why not ask him to help you with the restoration process, if his health allows him too.


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Selling isn't the best option. If the parts are not broken, but build. It might be worth up to 25-30 dollars if lucky.

But, carefully disassemble the model and rebuild it, is a complete other ball-game. It is a very nice kit to work with and you have really the idea of working on a small car. It is thát nice.

If you need help with parts or a manual, let me know. I have half a dozen of these Jaguars.

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I have been thinking about what to do with this. My dad didnt really seem to care if I rescued it or let it go in the garbage when I rescued it. We had just cleaned out my grandparents attic after my grandma passed away. Just cleaning out all the clutter that didn't need to surround my grandpa anymore.

I was leaning towards selling or trading it at first. Thats why I started this thread. But after reading some replies and giving it more thought, I have decided to rebuild it in honor of my Grandma for me, my dad, and my Grandpa. I will call it "Marian"s Sleigh" My grandma never really drove much ,but she was a avid Santa Claus collector, hence the "Sleigh" instead of ride or car.

Hopefully after Erik sends me some instructions and I really look at it to make sure she is complete, I will get started on her rebuild.

Not sure how close to a actual Jaguar I will build it, as I don't really know these cars in 1:1, but it will be a combination of what the real car would look like but fiiting for a "sleigh" for my grandma! Color will be some sort of Metallic Red, thats for sure!

It will be spring probably before I really dive into this as I have some other projects I would like to finish first so hopefully I can concentrate on getting this done for Father's Day.

All comments and ideas welcome!

Thanks again to everyone who posted and pushed me into really thinking about this and helping me decide what to do!


Edited by wraith
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In complete, unbuilt condition, this kit can go for up to $100 and sometimes even more. It is extremely complicated. If you want to build it, you should really find a complete kit, readily available, and use what you have for back-up parts. I would never attempt a restoration without a lot of experience and back-up parts. I have four of the kits and two parts cars.

Edited by sjordan2
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You may also find this tutorial from Erik to be helpful. It fixes the biggest gripe about this and other E-Type kits, namely the seam line above the rocker panel areas.


Thanks Skip, I forgot to mention it. :). Yes, the tutorial would help to fix the biggest bug on the kit.

I also sent you the manual by e-mail, I meant to do it sooner, but had a busy weekend and yesterday it was 'Sinterklaas'-evening. ( that is where your Santa Claus is coming from ;-)

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Thanks for the manual Erik! Don't worry about getting it out sooner. I totally understand busy weekends!

I can now look over the model and see exactly how complete she is. I also looked at that tutorial and you did a awesome job with it!

I am starting to get excited about my proposed "Marian"s Sleigh" project for it!

It now all depends on how complete she is.

AS far as being a complicated kit, I am VERY CONFIDENT that I can restore this Jaguar!

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I'd be absolutely TICKLED PINK if I ever found a kit that my Dad & I assembled when I was young... I don't believe any exist anymore. BUT, if one did ever surface, I'd treat it to the 'Royal Restoration' for sure, wether it be armour, wings or rubber.... Cherish what you have 'cause others would kill for that type of opportunity.

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My father bought me one when I was 10. That was 45 years ago. This was not a cheap toy at $9.39 + tax back then. We were not exactly wealthy back then so it was a lot to ask. I remember taking a trip on the bus with my dad on a cold overcast morning after I had been ill. We were getting the Jaguar!!! Yaaay!! Getting the paint and glue too. Yaaaay! Imagine this kit built by a 10 year old with lots of glue and smeared paint. But I was very proud of it and displayed it prominently.

Over the years, the front wheels broke off at the frame and other parts fell off. It was relegated to the garage storage room. Many years after that, my dad and I came upon it when cleaning out the garage. He said "just throw it in the trash." I said no. It took a lot of nagging to get this car. Dad was very touched.

My father passed away and I still had the Jaguar that I did not have the heart to discard. I bought a donor kit on eBay and put it back together. Only so much I can do, but it is all back in one piece. Trashed engine is sitting on my kitchen counter at the moment. Other trashed parts are in a shoebox. I don't think I'm a hoarder :D

I have another complete kit that I would like to build after I finish my current project. Sky is the limit as far as how intricate this kit can be built. I've seen some outstanding builds either on this site or SMC.

Highly sentimental to me.



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  • 1 month later...

Good to hear that you decided to rebuild it. Its not an easy kit to find, unless you really want to spend big bucks. I'm sure as you start rebuilding it you will really start to enjoy it. I have the same kit, I bought it already started but for its time it was a very detailed kit and super huge once finished.

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  • 7 years later...

Impressive kit. Built one many years ago.

But.......there was another 1/8 scale E Type of Japanese origin.  One of these passed through my workshop, and it was a different kit altogether from the Monogram one. Cannot remember if it was Bandai, Otaki, Nichimo or some other makers kit?

Edited by Bugatti Fan
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15 minutes ago, Bugatti Fan said:

Impressive kit. Built one many years ago.

But.......there was another 1/8 scale E Type of Japanese origin.  One of these passed through my workshop, and it was a different kit altogether from the Monogram one. Cannot remember if it was Bandai, Otaki, Nichimo or some other makers kit?

I had that one you're talking about once upon a time and I can't remember who made it either. VERY, very hard to find and very expensive if you come across one on the 'Bay. And yes, it was quite different from the Monogram kit, but I do remember it had the NICEST set of wire wheels I've seen yet in that scale!

Right now I've got the yellow one I bought years ago with the engine started. The body would need a LOT of block sanding though as it's woefully wavy and full of divots. IMO, THE one to get is the DeAgostini 1/8 '63 Jag E-Type coupe.

Now that one will set you waaaay back price wise, but at least you can get a sub for it and spread it out over a couple years. I'd get one, but space for all the boxes is a limiting thing right now with the house I have now. Gotta finish the 1/8 '67 Shelby first to make room for that one!  :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

I found this thread because I am searching on the 1/8 scale Monogram E-Type kit, to try and restore mine.  I built it probably 30 years ago, and do not have a display case for it, hence it has had a few pieces fall off and come unglued.  Most critically, the front suspension with the working steering and shock absorbers has come apart, and one of the hollow shock bodies that holds the springs is missing.  I would like to piece this back together correctly, but the only way I can think to do it, is to obtain a shock body somewhere to replace that piece.   If anyone on here has some parts cars that might have those pieces, I would very much like to buy the parts I need.  The radio antenna is also broken off.  I noticed a couple of people mentioned having parts cars, but the thread was mostly from 10 years ago, so maybe it's not possible.  I thought I would ask just in case.  These forums have helped me through a lot of things over the years.  Thanks very much to anyone reading this!  Andy in Neptune Beach, Florida.

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