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The first and only time I've driven in the snow (top of Mt. Lemon in AZ), I skidded and crashed my Mustang, and that was it for me. Even walking in the snow is pretty terrifying for me. I like to look at it fall, but from a distance! Yeah, distance of a couple thousand miles! :lol:

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Like the man said, it's NORMAL for us. The jerks who can't drive in DRY weather are the FIRST to go. Snow does tend to weed the good drivers from the better drivers! Just SLOW DOWN, leave a bit earlier and drive at a safe speed. No problem. Lived in Michigan all my life, and winter is GREAT building time! :lol::D:);)

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the last winter i spent in Virginia i lost almost a month and a half from work because of sleet packing down on fallen snow... we couldn't very well dig out an entire salvage yard of 200+ acres every few days, and it kept freezing solid every night. the worst day of it was everybody who made it to work THAT day shoveling mush away from the office building so it wouldn't flood..... i'd rather try to push back the ocean.

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The first and only time I've driven in the snow (top of Mt. Lemon in AZ), I skidded and crashed my Mustang, and that was it for me. Even walking in the snow is pretty terrifying for me. I like to look at it fall, but from a distance! Yeah, distance of a couple thousand miles! :lol:

What were you doing up there ?

Reminds me of a story that i once heard from my pops! :lol: :lol: :lol: (if anyone would like to hear it then let me know and ill type for a while :D )

We're waiting . . .

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Geez...we had storm Alfred that dumped over a foot in many places here in Connecticut back 2 days before Halloween! 800,000 residents without power for over a week!

And James: You speak the truth! When I was a State Trooper, we always dreaded the first snow because of that reason...everyone apparently forgot how to drive in the snow. We always got hit hard on the first snow with fender benders!

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We're waiting . . .

OK Well where do i start?....i think i was 12 or so at the time :blink: ... my father was going on about the "idiots" that don't know how to drive when the snow starts falling, we where on North Dry Run RD (at that time it was a gravel road) and when the snow starts falling he couldnt believe the number of brake lights that came on in a single heart beat :lol: while they were breaking ...me , dad, brother, and i dont know if mother was with us ...but we had an old 85 chev blazer k5 ( with a real TRUCK transmission in it...ie 4 spd , 305 chev motor...that thing i think we tried to KILL it several times ...and it just kept going! :lol: )..but getting back on track we ended up going right on the wrong side of the road but we passed them all while we highly believe they were thinking...WTF IS HE DOING!... and basically went right on by...and went about our business... :lol: :lol: :lol:

MORAL OF THE STORY...when your on hilly country.. DON'T SLAM ON BRAKES ...YOU WONT MAKE IT UP THE HILL!..SLOW DOWN...but keep momentum up to get up the hill!...

think of a pile up bumper to bumper for 2 miles! :rolleyes:

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when i was 15 or so, Dad had a '60 F100 that we used solely for emergency duty... well; we got let out of school early because it was snowing an inch an hour and Dad had heard this was going to last for at least three days straight... so he, Mom, and i piled into the truck and made the trip up to the grocery (ain't it always the way) for the necessities just in case. we were choogling along around 40mph through 4-6 inches of slushy crud and a semi came over the hill covering both lanes of the two-lane.... Dad never let off the gas and took the truck off the road and halfway up the bank until we passed the semi and he got her back on the blacktop..... i learned a LOT about snow driving that day.

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Like the man said, it's NORMAL for us. The jerks who can't drive in DRY weather are the FIRST to go. Snow does tend to weed the good drivers from the better drivers! Just SLOW DOWN, leave a bit earlier and drive at a safe speed. No problem. Lived in Michigan all my life, and winter is GREAT building time! :lol::D:);)

X2. Winter is when the 'honeydo's' go on the back burner and I get some quality (and quantity) building time. As for driving, be sane, stay off the brakes, watch out for the other loonies and you'll be fine. Winter driving teaches skills that help year round.

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