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What has Toyota done to hurt NASCAR?

Without Toyota you would be down to Ford vs Chevy with 2 Dodges in the field.

They let a foreign car into an American racing series. And I absolutely can't stand foreign cars, IMO.

Now, if that would have happened 40 years ago, I would have been even more mad because the cars actually used real bodies, not carbon fiber bodies with stickers.

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They let a foreign car into an American racing series. And I absolutely can't stand foreign cars, IMO.

Now, if that would have happened 40 years ago, I would have been even more mad because the cars actually used real bodies, not carbon fiber bodies with stickers.

Foreign cars? There isn't a single all american car company. Dodge is owned by italians, both ford and GM have as much of a presence in Europe as they do in america. Welcome to the global economy. We produce cars overseas and they "Foreign" companies build cars here, and the money goes everywhere.

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They let a foreign car into an American racing series. And I absolutely can't stand foreign cars, IMO.

Now, if that would have happened 40 years ago, I would have been even more mad because the cars actually used real bodies, not carbon fiber bodies with stickers.

That doesn't answer my question, what has Toyota done to hurt NASCAR.

Toyotas are built in the USA, providing plenty of jobs here for Americans, do you have a problem with that?

Cup cars are made out of metal, not carbon fiber.

Edited by Psychographic
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I'm not a NASCAR fan, but from what I see, it's not about the cars, it's about the stars. The cars don't seem to matter anymore, it's about the drama of the drivers. It's a little like WWE at 200 mph.

David G.

x2, that's basically what it's starting to boil down to. Heck, it's already a redneck sport, they might as well go all out and turn it into a sport with the fake drama and rivals...would certainly make it more interesting! :lol:

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LOL.....At all this bickering from you guy's.... Change is nothing new to NASCAR.....In fact it's been making changes to ,,Car's,,Rules,,Safety(driver,crew,spectator),,Track size & Shape,,# of Lap's,,Pit speed,,Gender & Race,,and so on ,,,,Since it first became an orgination in the late Fourties.......Since I was born and raised in the South,,,,Where it all started,,, I've heard both sides of all the complaint's/ praises for over fourty year's now.....NASCAR is a Bussiness,, And the product they are selling is RACING,,,,,AND yes, I hear all of you saying Racing is a sport,Which it is,,,But Stock Car Racing is sanctioned by NASCAR,,,, And NASCAR will continue to make the changes it feel's necessary to it's product, to make money.....Big Money...That's why it's still around after Sixty + year's,, and still going.......I Personally have both liked and disliked many of it's Decision's for change through-out the year's,,,But have come to the concolusion that,As long as NASCAR's Top People,(The France family and major stock-holder's) Are satisfied with the way the Bussiness is opperating and continues to bring in the revenue for them, It will never change.....Track and Team Owner's have little, to no say over any of NASCAR'S Decision's or changes......And neither does You or Me.........


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As far as "foreign" cars in NASCAR goes...

none of the cars that run in NASCAR are actually what they are labeled as. A "Toyota" running in NASCAR has about as much of a connection to an actual Toyota as a refrigerator does.

It's all about sponsorship... corporate exposure... and $$$.

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Everyone complaining about "foreign" cars in Nascar should go back to my post on page one and reread it.

You DO have a valid point...I'll say that.

BUT, the only reason the name Toyota is in there is because they payed NASCAR an unthinkable amount of money to have their cars in there.

Like I said, all NASCARs are the same, it's the stickers and paint and whatnot that's different.

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LOL.....At all this bickering from you guy's.... Change is nothing new to NASCAR.....In fact it's been making changes to ,,Car's,,Rules,,Safety(driver,crew,spectator),,Track size & Shape,,# of Lap's,,Pit speed,,Gender & Race,,and so on ,,,,Since it first became an orgination in the late Fourties.......Since I was born and raised in the South,,,,Where it all started,,, I've heard both sides of all the complaint's/ praises for over fourty year's now.....NASCAR is a Bussiness,, And the product they are selling is RACING,,,,,AND yes, I hear all of you saying Racing is a sport,Which it is,,,But Stock Car Racing is sanctioned by NASCAR,,,, And NASCAR will continue to make the changes it feel's necessary to it's product, to make money.....Big Money...That's why it's still around after Sixty + year's,, and still going.......I Personally have both liked and disliked many of it's Decision's for change through-out the year's,,,But have come to the concolusion that,As long as NASCAR's Top People,(The France family and major stock-holder's) Are satisfied with the way the Bussiness is opperating and continues to bring in the revenue for them, It will never change.....Track and Team Owner's have little, to no say over any of NASCAR'S Decision's or changes......And neither does You or Me.........


It doesn't matter what any of US (Fan's or not) say or think,,, It's All Controlled and run by NASCAR.....They're going to do what they have to do to make a profit and stay in bussiness.........Plain and simple, like it or not.... -_-

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It doesn't matter what any of US (Fan's or not) say or think,,, It's All Controlled and run by NASCAR.....They're going to do what they have to do to make a profit and stay in bussiness.........Plain and simple, like it or not.... -_-

True, but that doesn't mean we can't have an opinion on the subject or that we can't talk about it.

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Say the cars are antiques all you want. They still take your breath away when they come by. And I got to ride shotgun around Richmond International Raceway this summer and it felt fast - real fast. And we were turning laps 4 seconds off pole speed.

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.....who here has built a model of a football player??

Kinda surprised no one has mentioned it yet, but back in the 60's Aurora did a series of "Great Moments in Sports" scenes. The ones I remember featured Johnny Unitas, Jim Brown, Jerry West, Babe Ruth, Jack Dempsey, and Willie Mays. Between my buddies and myself, I think we may have built just about all of them.


Not much of a football (or NASCAR) fan these days, but I can say I've built a model of a football player!

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Hey,,, Mr. P........Yes everyone does have the right to an Opinion, and the right to Express it......Never said that they didn't.......Everyone was expressing their's so fast, I just thought that no one caught Mine..... :D

And as far as my Mother telling me Not to Quote Myself......No She Didn't....In fact, She said to keep doing it till, I"VE Made My POINT ......... :P .......And it's not like I haven't seen you not do it, anyway!!!!! :rolleyes:


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I'm not a NASCAR fan, but from what I see, it's not about the cars, it's about the stars. The cars don't seem to matter anymore, it's about the drama of the drivers. It's a little like WWE at 200 mph.

David G.

It doesn't have to be about that if you don't want it to be. All sports market heavily their stars and the personal drama. I don't watch for the fist fights or arguments or crashes. Those are reasons why non fans occassionally watch. I watch it because I love auto racing.

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NASCAR has become more for the driver then cars when the COT came in, and NASCAR is trying to go back to what it was before, it will never be like it was, but who knows it may get close.

For the record, there are a lot of things I dont like, I cant stand the chase, I cant the COT, I cant stand the way king France has turn NASCAR into a joke, but I still love NASCAR but I dont feel the need to bash it every chance I get.

Here is what the 2013 Ford Fusison will look, It looks a lot better IMHO





I will always find NASACR more exciting the stick and ball sports, atleast NASCAR drivers a little more fan friendly .

Edited by martinfan5
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Rob, you said you went to PIR last year, I was at the Feburay race, I was in between 1&2, in the middle, where did you sit?. It wont be the malibu, NASCAR said no to it, and what Chevy is saying the car they are going to use in not in production at the moment, thats the rumors that are going around. So time will tell.

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