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Scratch Building an Aussie Ford Falcon **New update,15/1/18**


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Happy New year all.

I've finally got the first coat of paint on the body but before that there was still a little more work that needed to be done here's how it went.
Lets start with the interior roof.
I made the sun visors, light and grab handles.
It's been a long time since I showed you a how-to for anything so here's a quickie for making many of the same type of flat part.
Cut the styrene pieces to slightly larger than the final size.
Using small drops of super glue, glue the pieces to each other.
Carve, grind and sand the block to the required shape.
Separate the parts with a sharp blade then clean them up as required.
I did the sun visors in the same way.

The next challenge was to get the window glass to sit closer to the outside of the window frame. The only way to do this was to alter the thickness of the pillars around the inside of the frames. I also decided to add a filler piece inside to create a channel for the clear styrene sheet to sit in.
Ditto for the rear windows.

To be continued....

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The clear styrene window pieces shaped and ready to go. I decided to have both rear passenger windows fully wound up, the front passenger window wound down 2/3rds and the drivers window fully wound down.


Even after 4 years things still turn bad. I had to strip and re-spray the primer on the body after it went soft when I had to handle the body frequently during the work on the interior. All went well until an unexpected gust of wind (on a calm day) sent the body on a 3ft downwards trip to the cement path causing damage to the rear trim around the tail lights.

To be continued.........

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Here's how I fixed that. I stuck some Tamiya tape underneath the tail light cut out and mixed up some talc and superglue and slapped it on to the damaged area.
When the glue set I removed the tape,
and shaped the area to suit.
Good as gold
I hit the body with Tamiya TS-46 light sand for the base coat.
Mixed up some beige using Tamiya TS-7 Racing white tinted with TS-16 Yellow and AS-22 Dark earth to make a pale caramel colour. Done only by eye without taking any notes about how much of each that I used.
The first coat was sprayed today.


This are some samples of what the real Bahama beige looks like.


So with the first colour coat on the body I will work to get it nice and smooth and hopefully the next update will include a fully painted body.



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I am in complete awe of your mad skills here!! This is the

first chance I had to catch this thread, and let me tell ya,

I almost peed myself with excitement. I felt like a poodle who

just saw their owner again after a week.

Then I ran into my hobby room and pretended like I could

do something like that.

But seriously, inspiration is where, and how one finds it.

For me it means that maybe I just set the bar on the floor to

a different height. Maybe just a bit higher because I know I

will love what I get from it. And I do so love modeling!!

If you read all that I rambled out, thank you!

Keep up the great work, I will be on the edge

of my seat for sure.

David S.

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  • 6 months later...

This build is incredible - any updates?

No updates at the moment. It's winter here in Australia and it's a bit too cold where I am to paint anything and I've not been motivated to do the remaining building and modifying that I had to do. The cold weather is killing my motivation for anything model related at the moment. I'll get back on it soon enough- hopefully.


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  • 5 months later...

I was just thinking about this build a few weeks back.


Was wondering of any updates

Sorry no updates yet. The whole project seems to have gone into a permanent stall. I did try to do some paint and texture work on the curbside chassis but after that failed to work out well it killed any motivation that I had. It seems that any time that I try to get momentum up something happens and I'm back to square one.  At the moment I'm modifying some 1:43 cars to try and re-ignite my love for models and building that I seem to have lost over the last couple of years. So if anyone finds my Mojo please return it to me as soon as possible:).




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  • 1 month later...

Hi Shawn

I am much more than imprest, this is nearly religious for me ?

I have seen that you disagree that your amaizing car looks like a european granada, but in my eyes 

it is verry close, the only thing I can see is the bumpers and grill, I would for sure order at least two of them even with the steering on right hand side? I really hope you are going to do some more cast of it and offcourse sell some,

this would be as close as possible the optimal model for me, I am a really ford nerd, I have the sierra cossie sedan who is made by spotmodel, who I look forward to start with, and offcousre some tamiya sierras cossie and xr4i

you have done a hell of a job here


Norwegian plastoholic


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  • 2 months later...

Hi Shawn, I'm inspired by your marathon build. Your skills should be legendary by now.

Have you thought of compiling your posts into a DOC or PDF and e-publishing?  I've compiled your posts for my own use into a Word doc that is some 260 pages of text and your pics.

I need your permission to keep this, and if you'd like a copy I can send it to you.

Regards, Ian

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  • 4 months later...

I hope this kicks off again, it's one of the most impressive scratch builds I've ever seen.

   Yes, I agree!!  I have been checking back on

a regular basis to this post.

   The good part with that is, I find new things

that I missed every single time.

   I really hope you make copies available from

those nicely done molds you have there.  It is

my guess that many people would not mind

paying shipping from Aussie Land to get one!!!


 Your new fan,

     David S.

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