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What do you guys think about having a battle scars and wounds thread?

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I know this is borderline gross, but I have always been intrigued about modeling related injuries and how they happened. Such examples are the new hobby knife rolling off the bench and instinct is to close your legs to catch it (hey we work on models, this is a natural response).

Would it be considered a gross read to have a thread talking about this and/or pics? Or would this actually be an interesting read?

It could help the people on the forum to be more safety conscious, so that might be a benefit to having a thread like this.

Of course back stories are also great.

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My only "injuries" were piercing my fingertips with a drill bit in my pin vise while drilling thru a part. I, thankfully, have never cut myself with my XActo knife (not yet anyway).

I did however whatch as my friend Tom went to catch HIS XActo knife as it rolled off his workbench... He caought it just as the blade entered his thigh...!!!

I now have one of those eraser tips that you put on pencils in school, to prevent my XActo knife from rolling around.

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I don't have photos, but while cleaning up some mold lines and removing some pins that weren't lined up right, I put a brand new X-Acto blade right into my right thumb. The blood that soon poured out was pretty nasty. After applying pressure and soaking through a bunch of band-aids, I decided that I needed to get this wound sealed up. I poured some 90% isopropyl alcohol into a shot glass and just dipped my thumb in it. The pain was horrific, but I knew it would sterilize the wound. I then took some superglue and applied it to the wound. It sealed up instantly and stopped bleeding. A few weeks later, and the glue finally rubbed off. No scars, no infections, but a very bad memory. Not a fun incident, and a lesson in making sure the blade ALWAYS is being pushed AWAY from your body when trimming things.

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The old model club I belonged to one night had a safety seminar for new builders. I gave a talk about X-Acto knives, and how to be careful. Long story short at the next months meeting I showed up with left index bandaged with 4 stitches. New blade in the knife.

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Guest Johnny

My Brother-in-law has a model bulding battle scar from his little brothers accident!

He dropped a part off a table he was building on and when he leaned over to pick it up he caught the end of the exacto knife handle with his head sent it flying up and across the room where it stuck in his brother's right thigh while he was sleeping on the bed!

If his sister had not been there to see it happen no one would have ever believed it! :lol:

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