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"new" car designs

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But even in the 60's and 70's and the 50's as well, the cars shared a lot of the same styling, so its not different then from today

It was worse before...cars of the 30s, 40s, early 50s...very little differentiation between brands other than grilles...there were always a few standouts, but so many cars within year ranges of those decades look all the same to me..

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It was worse before...cars of the 30s, 40s, early 50s...very little differentiation between brands other than grilles...there were always a few standouts, but so many cars within year ranges of those decades look all the same to me..

Same here, they were those few that had their own look

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I hate them. The only new design I like is the Mustangs but those wern't discontinues and brought back.

Thats a good point about the Mustang, it never went away

True...I have done that from about 100 feet away. Those triangle taillights have been heavily overused...

I know, I dont get why they like to use the Triangle taillights

Edited by martinfan5
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The death knoll has been ringing on new automobile style for the last 40 years.


Actually, the death knoll has been ringing on pretty much everything for the last 40 years. Show me one thing that has been invented in that period, that was really and truly needed.

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Actually, the death knoll has been ringing on pretty much everything for the last 40 years. Show me one thing that has been invented in that period, that was really and truly needed.

Bah...I couldn't imagine living with such a negative outlook. Countless things have been invented in the last 40 years that have moved things forward. So many innovations and advancements in technology....personal computers, the World Wide Web, high speed internet, cell phones, HDTV, digital media for music and movies, etc.

There is no way of mistaking the 2011/12 Charger taillights, it is bright at night , I dont think there is anyway to miss it

I really like the Charger and Challenger lights...

Edited by Rob Hall
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Bah...I couldn't imagine living with such a negative outlook. Countless things have been invented in the last 40 years that have moved things forward. So many innovations and advancements in technology....personal computers, the World Wide Web, high speed internet, cell phones, HDTV, digital media for music, movies, etc, etc.

I really like the Charger and Challenger lights...

Same here , but I will tell you this though, on a freeway that does not have lights, its a bit distracting lol . I dont get it either how people hate the fact things in life move forward and things advance.

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I dont get it either how people hate the fact things in life move forward and things advance.

I don't understand it either. It seems like some people just shut down and lose their curiousity and stay fixed at some point in time in their interest and thinking and end forever wallowing in nostalgia. My older brother is like that...seems like a depressing way to live.

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Actually, the death knoll has been ringing on pretty much everything for the last 40 years. Show me one thing that has been invented in that period, that was really and truly needed.

If something in car design hasn't died after 40 years, maybe is not going to. I don't see any "dying" in modern car design. I do see, however, a few people who refuse to accept anything designed in modern times. So maybe its not the design trend that has an issue. Just sayin...

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I don't understand it either. It seems like some people just shut down and lose their curiousity and stay fixed at some point in time in their interest and thinking and end forever wallowing in nostalgia. My older brother is like that...seems like a depressing way to live.

Other than boosting an individual's post count, what does this discussion of automobile styling have to do with with an obviously incorrect observation and rude posting against how most members here feel about the steady decline of American automobiles for the last 40 uears.

It shows an obvious disregard for facts and the experience of others' to flagrantly label them as"shut down" and having no "curiosity". That's childish.

I don't mind being bashed and slammed by the same people over and over because it becomes laughable and redundant.

The whole mindset of ,"If you don't like what I say my friend and I will badger your posts" is what ruins many a site.

When posting information on the internet one must always remember that some are unable to use that information without whining and crying.


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I don't have an issue distinguishing today's cars, each brand has their own styling cues...

Normally I don't either, but I saw a wreck on the way home from work friday that defied that ability. A mid sized FWD sedan was crammed under the back of a KJ Jeep Liberty. When I came up on the wreck, traffic had been detoured around it and by the time I came back around and saw what happened, all I was able to see was a front 3/4 view of both vehicles. Obviously, the KJ was easy to spot being a Jeep and all, but I have no idea what hit it. I knew it wasn's a '07-12 Chrysler or Dodge (roofline is a dead giveaway on those) and I'm pretty sure it wasn't a Ford or Korean sedan judging by the body lines. I figure it had to be either a GM or or some sort of Japanese mid sized sedan.....and of course it was also painted just plain old white like the appliance that it probably is which didn't help one bit....................

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Other than boosting an individual's post count, what does this discussion of automobile styling have to do with with an obviously incorrect observation and rude posting against how most members here feel about the steady decline of American automobiles for the last 40 uears.t.

The whole mindset of ,"If you don't like what I say my friend and I will badger your posts" is what ruins many a site.

When posting information on the internet one must always remember that some are unable to use that information without whining and crying.


What's that old saying about taking the splinter of your own eye before taking the plank out of your fellow man's? Perhaps the one about people in glass houses and their propensity to throw rocks?

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Cars have been going to hell since about 1920! Who needs all this modern garp and enclosed envelope bodies. What is wrong with separate fenders and actual wood running boards. Overhead valves are just a bunch of gimcrackery! A car is not a car unless the radiator is visible and vertical and is sprung minimally with semi-elliptic or full-elliptics. Enclosed bodies and roll-up windows are for sissies! One doesn't deserve the title of Automobilist unless the wind is in your face. All of those chrome boats from the 50s and the "muscle" cars aren't real cars. A Muscle car is a Stutz Bearcat with a T-head engine!

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What I dont get, when Dodge did the Challenger, they made it look like the original one with a modern look to it, but why not the Charger?

One word, Daimler. They controled Chrysler at that time and even though the Charger show car was a hit with the public, they were too concervative in their views and didn't understand th American car buyer. So they produced a plain vanilla version of the car. Today we have in the new '11 Charger, without Daimler's interference, a car much closer to the original show car.

If this isn't enough to convince you, think back to the PT Cruiser, written up by the press as the most inovative car of the last 40 years, the beginnings of modern retro design. Think about of the color choises. Gramdpa and Grandma would be right at home with Daimler's dark and drab, bland choises. It took (American) public pressure to get some of the hotter colors.

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I'm 54 years old so I've seen what I consider the downward spiral of creativity in automotive designs. Although I was a young boy at the time I came to love the designs of people like Harley Earl and Virgil Exner. Nobody takes chance anymore. I used to look forward to new model years coming out, but now it's mediocre at best. I know fuel ratings and safety mandates play into today's designs but to me creativity is not even in the equation any more. The new Camaro, Mustang, and Challenger are popular for a reason. Are they anything special, not really, but compared to everything else people love them.

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Cars have been going to hell since about 1920! Who needs all this modern garp and enclosed envelope bodies. What is wrong with separate fenders and actual wood running boards. Overhead valves are just a bunch of gimcrackery! A car is not a car unless the radiator is visible and vertical and is sprung minimally with semi-elliptic or full-elliptics. Enclosed bodies and roll-up windows are for sissies! One doesn't deserve the title of Automobilist unless the wind is in your face. All of those chrome boats from the 50s and the "muscle" cars aren't real cars. A Muscle car is a Stutz Bearcat with a T-head engine!

Exactly! Real cars have hand cranks! Real cars require multiple steps to get up into! Real cars have squeeze bulb horns! Baw... who needs all these newfangled things like heaters and solid glass all around! Next thing you know, they'll complain about the brass lanterns out front!

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Seriously, though. The problem with the Charger is that it has way too many doors on it. As a two door it would at least be a better concept. I think the Challenger sucks - it is a shortened reskinned 300. It is too tall. The Camaro is pretty well done but I think it is a little too exagerated. The latest Mustang is spot-on! I think Ford has the best styling of the domestics as of late all-around.

I think the real problem with car design is that in any era there are great designs, mediocre designs and really bad designs. We remember the good and forget the bad. Early 50s Chrysler products are bland boring designs. The 58-60 Lincolns are frighteningly bad! Very few cars prior to the 30s were even styled at all! For every great looking car of any era there are three clunkers. We just forgot about them but we see today's mistakes because they are still on the road. We upchuck every time we see a Pontiac Aztek or Buick Rendezvous! The Ford Fusion/ Mercury Milan is really well styled for a mainline car. The newest Malibu is not bad either. The latest gen Corvette is georgeous - who remembers the awful late 70s Vettes!

This will make more than a few people upset. I think the best styled, coolest cars on the road are the newest Hyundais and Kias. There. I said it. I would love to have a Kia Optima Turbo or Hyundai Genesis. Okay Villagers! put down your flaming torches!

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