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2006 Dodge Magnum SRT-8-----Update 7/7/07


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Here is the next car in my lineup of builds...................an '06 Dodge Magnum SRT-8 by Revell. This color looks to be Inferno Red Crystal Pearl, so that's the color that mine'll be. I won't add the "window shades" as that to me makes a cars styling look "busy"------so I'll leave that detail off.

This pic was taken off a past eBay auction as this particular car provided a lot of nice reference photos for the build.



Hmmm................the body is not as well made as it could have been-------where you see the black markings is where there are (to me) noticeable sink marks. These will have to be sanded and or filled.

The entire body to my view needs a good block sanding to get rid of the roughness that it seems to have. This is especially the case around the door seams which have a "trough" around them.



I'm going to reengineer the rear opening here somewhat to make room for scratchbuilt struts for the opening hatch. Likewise there needs to be room for the hinges themselves per the 1:1.


The plastic hinge here will be cut off and replaced with more prototypical hinges per the 1:1. I really don't care for plastic hinges in any model except when nothing else will do------I don't like how this one makes the panel open and swing above the body whereas the 1:1 panel's leading edge turns inside the body.


I'm eventually going to cut this molded in mesh out and replace it with stainless honeycomb screen that I picked up at my local train shop.


I couldn't resist it..................I mocked up the wheels and tires already! :D I think Revell goofed in the kits tires as the profile is a bit too tall for a SRT-8. It appears they modeled the tires for the regular RT version which has the taller profile tires unless you opt for the "Performance Group" which you get the thin profile tires.

The tires I'm using here came from the rears of the C6 Corvette kit-------hats off to Ismael Gonzalez for giving me the extra tires I needed!


Sooooo......stay tuned for more as I'm off this week------I'm gonna start on filling in the sinks and such. After the bodywork is done I'll start on the engine and chassis. I'm going to reverse things somewhat as the body painting will be one of the last things I do. I want to make sure that everything fits properly with no drama! :mrgreen:

Thanks for lookin'!

Edited by MrObsessive
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A pic I swiped off eBay gave me a general look at how the rear tailgate area should look. I also have a dealer brochure which helps a lot for this area.


Here's a pic I took at a local car show a while back at how the hinge looks for the tailgate. Actually, this hinge is off a Dodge Caliber....because there were no Dodge Magnum Wagons at the new car show surprisingly enough! They both use the same style hinge as the leading edge of the tailgate turns inside the roof.

Since this is a model I'm building and not the real deal, I need to come up with something more simplified so I don't lose more hair at the top of my head! :D


I grinded away at the leading edge of the opening to make room for the tailgate to turn inwards........I then made a new support for it.


I then made hinge retainers made from .050 round Plastruct Styrene Rod. This doesn't have to be perfect because it will be hidden somewhat by the inner tailgate panel in the end. I just need something to hold the brass rod in place for the tailgate to operate correctly. I also don't want the details to be overly obvious as I'm trying to keep some scale fidelity here. :lol: BTW, to glue the hinge retainers, I used Ambroid Pro Weld.


Once the hinge retainers were set in place, I marked off where I wanted to drill the holes in the support. Some trial and error was needed here as I can never get the holes drilled just right the first time. I had to approximate where the opening of the hinge retainers would be since the panel is in the way.


Okay! Looks like we're getting somewhere! You can see the L-shaped brass rod holding the retainers and going through the support. When I get to final assembly, I'll epoxy the pins into the support and cut off the excess flush inside.


Here's how the tailgate should open per the 1:1................It's opening and closing so far without any binding or scraping so it's all good!


The panel is fitting flush so far with the bodywork. I test fit the inner tailgate panel and it fits without raising the outside panel above the bodywork.


Next on the agenda is to make working struts like the 1:1 using brass tubing and steel rod. Some soldering will be involved here as the end to hold up the panel will need a retainer soldered on it.

Stay tuned! :lol:

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Bill, I look forward to your incredible touch on this kit.

You spit out detail like it's natural. I'd have to sit and contemplate when and how.

I can't thank you enough for sharing your progress. I learn with every one of your builds.


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I was able to get some more done on the Magnum...........that'll probably change as vacation ends Sunday night and it's back to work :roll:

Anyway, here's what's been cookin'...............

It was time to make the struts for the tailgate....................I have a bunch of brass tubing from K&S which has an I.D. of only 3/64" this is great for making in scale struts, or tie rods for chassis, etc.....

Here I want to crimp the one end flat, so I got out my vise and squeeeeeeeezed the brass tubing flat on one end, just big enough for me to drill a hole in later. :lol:


A better view of the vice I use.......


I then took a #76 drill bit and drilled a tiny hole in the flattened end............ this was made just big enough for a tiny HO scale brass bolt from Galtran.com to pass through. Unfortunately, these are no longer available through Galtran...............so I'm cherishing the stock that I have left. :lol:


Here's a pic of the HO bolts passing through the holes I drilled. The nickel is a reference to just how tiny these are!


Okay...................using .020 music wire to telescope through the body of the brass strut, I now have a working strut like the 1:1. The black connector on the tailgate end of the strut was made from the vinyl insulation of some scrap wire I have laying around.

I cut a tiny piece of it off, flattened half of it, and drilled a hole with the same #76 drill bit. The black connnector is attached to the music wire with super glue so it ain't goin' nowhere! :) (Is that a piece of cat hair hanging on the side!? :shock:)


A view of the tailgate down with the strut collapsed..................


Another view.................once the bottom part of the strut's pins are epoxied on the body they'll be more parallel to the tailgate and not seem so "crooked". So far after a bunch of test movements, the top of the tailgate works freely and still sits flush with the roofline with no binding. Also, I'll eventually paint the body of the struts first with metal etching primer, and then paint them black.


Next on the agenda is possibly scratchbulding the hood hinges and its struts. I have to thank Lyle Willits for letting me take underhood pics of his sharp Magnum at the meeting today! I got some really good close up shots of the hinges and the struts.

Stay tuned! :)

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dont tell me youre gonna open the 4 doors too :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

I thought about that as I've never attempted opening up all 4 doors on a model..............but I think I'll let that go------on this one. :wink:

I got another tough project to finish after this one ('55 Ford) so I'll need to keep my sanity! :lol:

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Hey man, you have to start on that 55' man, I think it's going to be an interesting project. It's funny, just recently everybody was saying that they would like to see more models from you in shorter spans and now we want to see another detailed work from you, who can understand the human mind??????????? :roll: :roll:

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Bill. What kind of gas are you going to use in the tailgate struts.

It is looking nice so far. But when you get more done - - - - -

It will look better of course. We all know what kind of workmanship to expect from you. Only the best.


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Bill. What kind of gas are you going to use in the tailgate struts.

It is looking nice so far. But when you get more done - - - - -

It will look better of course. We all know what kind of workmanship to expect from you. Only the best.


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Bill. What kind of gas are you going to use in the tailgate struts.

It is looking nice so far. But when you get more done - - - - -

It will look better of course. We all know what kind of workmanship to expect from you. Only the best.


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Bill. What kind of gas are you going to use in the tailgate struts.

:lol: 1/25 scale gas of course! :)

Right now I'm working on the hood struts and hinges which are a little more of a challenge since there's not as much space.

Hopefully this weekend I can post pics and compose something reasonable to say about it to boot! :)

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I decided to get a little more daring and cut out the molded grille opening. Just a little more clean up around the edges............and it'll be set for painting later.


I'm gonna replace the molded in screen with this stuff. I picked the brass screen at a local hobby shop named Tommy Gilbert's-----a VERY well stocked train shop! A lot of train details translate into model cars.


Like the tailgate, I made struts and hinges for the hood. Yes, that's an actual nickel to give a perspective on how tiny those bolts are! :P


I stopped the bodywork for awhile and decided to turn my attention to the engine...........It was then I noticed this---------------------AAAAAAAAARRRGGGHH!!!!!! I HATE HALF @**ED MOLDED PARTS!! B):huh:

How difficult is it to mold something whole?? These look great on one side.......did the engineer get amnesia and forget the other side??

Did I mention I hate half @**ed molded parts???



Anyway, I used Alclad to paint what's supposed to be aluminum-----this stuff's great for realism!



More to come.............. ;)

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