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Using this paint

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The paint would be thinned w/water. The mineral spirits will work for thinning and cleaning of real "enamel" paints. The "safer thinner" is one that I'm not too familiar with but probably would not try it. Why not just use WalMarts house brand or Krylon spray cans? They can be decanted for airbrush, and cleaned-up with mineral spirits

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Why not just use paint actually made for model applications? Or at least rattle can something. Looks like it would be less money and less grief in the long run.

I'm trying to figure out what you were thinking when you grabbed a can of house paint with the intent of using it on a model. The same WalMart where you bought that can probably had racks of Krylon spray cans that would've been easier to use (along with an appropriate primer.) While Krylon paints aren't necessarily made for styrene, we've had a few builders on here use them successfully.

Most WalMarts seem to have gotten away from carrying automotive touch-up colors, but auto parts stores (NAPA, Auto Zone etc) usually carry Duplicolor or Plasti-cote paints. (Lots of modelers think Plasti-cote's T-235 primer is the best ever) These paints are lacquers and will require proper application techniques, but when done correctly, they often result in spectacular models.

Take that can and your thinners back and start over.

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LoL Ya i returned all this stuff. On a side note has any of you tryed apple barrell acrylic paints?

There have been a handful of builders on here who have used them, although IIRC, mostly for painting interiors. If you're going to be airbrushing these (or most other acrylics) you'll need to learn what to use to reduce them as well as what to use to keep the acrylic from building up inside your airbrush. Type "apple barrel" into the search box toward the upper right of the page.

Are you anywhere near a Hobby Lobby or a Michaels?

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Ive used Apple Barrel. Best results were using Windex to thin. Believe me, I tried every darn thing. For me, I found that upping the pressure for my A/B to 35 lbs, thinning the paint what seemed like WAY too much, and laying down multiple ( think 10 very thin coats ) gave me a quite smooth finish, with none of the buildup enamel or even lacquer has. I think its experimenting, and finding what you like. The MOST important thing is to have the paint and your thinning medium EXTREMELY mixed, way more than waht you might do with enamel/lacquer.

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